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r,Odaily 星球日报
With the conclusion of the "US court ruling that the US Treasury Department's sanctions on Tornado Cash smart contracts are illegal", its token TORN once rose more than 10 times to reach $43, and the privacy track has once again attracted high attention.
随着“美国法院裁定美国财政部对Tornado Cash智能合约的制裁非法”的结论,其代币TORN一度上涨10余倍,达到43美元,隐私赛道再次引发高度关注。
Taking advantage of this momentum, anoncast, the anonymous speech application under the Base ecosystem Farcaster protocol that had previously caused market FOMO, has also returned to the spotlight.
Initially, the project's token ANON was bought by Ethereum co-founder Vitalik and Base protocol head Jesse Pollak. Later, Vitalik highly praised it for "having a great opportunity to showcase the best of free speech while avoiding the quagmire of spam and low-quality content." Yesterday, the app and the official X platform account had another farce of "ANONFUN vs anonfun token capitalization dispute."
最初,该项目的代币 ANON 被以太坊联合创始人 Vitalik 和 Base 协议负责人 Jesse Pollak 购买。随后,Vitalik 高度赞扬其“有一个很好的机会展示最好的自由言论,同时避免陷入垃圾邮件和低质量内容的泥潭”。昨天,该应用与X平台官方账号又发生了一场“ANOFUN vs anonfun 代币大小之争”的闹剧。
Can anoncast become a "new star in the privacy track" in the future? Can the market value of ANON token reach a new high of 100 million US dollars? Can anoncast and Clanker create new sparks? Where will anoncast go in the future?
anoncast未来能否成为“隐私赛道新星”? ANON代币市值能否再创新高1亿美元? anoncast和Clanker能否擦出新的火花? anoncast未来将走向何方?
Odaily Planet Daily will discuss the above issues one by one in this article for readers' reference. (Note: The following content does not constitute investment advice, please choose investment targets with caution)
Odaily星球日报将在本文中一一探讨以上问题,供读者参考。 (注:以下内容不构成投资建议,请谨慎选择投资标的)
ANON’s counterpart token: TORN, the leader in the privacy track
On November 27, court documents from the U.S. Fifth Circuit Court showed that a U.S. court ruled that sanctions on Tornado Cash smart contracts were illegal.
11月27日,美国第五巡回法院的法庭文件显示,美国一家法院裁定对Tornado Cash智能合约的制裁非法。
When the news came out, the industry was in an uproar.
After all, Tornado Cash was previously sanctioned by the U.S. Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), which caused a lot of controversy. Tornado Cash founder and core developer Alexey Pertsev and Tornado Cash developer Roman Storm were also approved or criminally prosecuted by the authorities in the Netherlands and the United States in May and September of this year, respectively. The project token TORN also fell from a high of around $436 to around $2. Now, the privacy track has ushered in a turnaround.
毕竟,Tornado Cash此前曾受到美国财政部外国资产控制办公室(OFAC)的制裁,引发了不少争议。 Tornado Cash 创始人兼核心开发者 Alexey Pertsev 和 Tornado Cash 开发者 Roman Storm 也分别于今年 5 月和美国当局批准或刑事起诉。项目代币TORN也从436美元左右的高位下跌至2美元左右。如今,隐私赛道迎来了转机。
Later, the news was confirmed by Paul Grewal, Chief Legal Officer of Coinbase, who wrote:
随后,该消息得到了 Coinbase 首席法务官 Paul Grewal 的证实,他写道:
Privacy wins. Today, the U.S. Fifth Circuit ruled that the U.S. Treasury Department’s sanctions against the Tornado Cash smart contract were unlawful. This is a historic victory for cryptocurrency and all those who care about defending freedom.
隐私获胜。今天,美国第五巡回法院裁定,美国财政部对Tornado Cash智能合约的制裁非法。对于加密货币和所有关心捍卫自由的人来说,这是历史性的胜利。
Now these smart contracts must be removed from the sanctions list, and Americans will once again be allowed to use this privacy-preserving protocol. In other words, the government’s overreach can no longer continue. No one wants criminals using crypto protocols, but Congress did not authorize a complete blockade of open source technology because a small percentage of users are bad actors. These sanctions expand the Treasury Department’s authority beyond recognition, and the Fifth Circuit agreed.
Specifically, the court ruled that while the Treasury Department has the authority to take action against ‘property,’ the open-source, immutable smart contracts at the heart of Tornado Cash cannot be owned by just anyone and therefore are not ‘property’ subject to sanctions.
具体来说,法院裁定,虽然财政部有权对“财产”采取行动,但 Tornado Cash 核心的开源、不可变的智能合约不能由任何人拥有,因此不属于“财产”的管辖范围。制裁。
Simply put, the Tornado Cash incident helped the cryptocurrency industry achieve a temporary victory on the grounds of "technology innocence".
No wonder Balaji Srinivasan, former CTO of Coinbase and a well-known cryptocurrency entrepreneur, cheered: "Privacy wins. Smart contracts win. Tornado Cash wins. And OFAC loses."
难怪 Coinbase 前首席技术官、著名加密货币企业家巴拉吉·斯里尼瓦桑 (Balaji Srinivasan) 欢呼雀跃:“隐私获胜。智能合约获胜。Tornado Cash 获胜。OFAC 失败。”
As a member of the Ethereum ecosystem, Base ecosystem's privacy application anoncast will naturally have its own place.
First of all, from the perspective of ecological position, anoncast is one of the "three great sovereign personal toolkits". Previously, Vitalik discussed anoncast together with the popular product Polymarket, the crypto prediction market, this year, saying that both of them practiced the goal of "cryptocurrency is to achieve concrete changes in the world and make the world more free, open and collaborative"; anoncast officials also previously issued a statement saying that they are listed as "sovereign personal tool components" together with Polymarket and Railgun, the former ensuring freedom of speech for anonymous individuals; the latter two are public opinion prediction and privacy protocols respectively.
首先,从生态地位来看,anoncast是“三大主权个人工具包”之一。此前,Vitalik 与今年热门产品 Polymarket 一起讨论了 Anoncast,称双方都践行了“加密货币是为了实现世界的具体改变,让世界更加自由、开放和协作”的目标。 ; anoncast官员此前也发表声明称,它们与Polymarket和Railgun一起被列为“主权个人工具组件”,前者确保匿名个人的言论自由;后两者分别是舆情预测和隐私协议。
Secondly, from the perspective of token market value, ANON's market potential is still in the early discovery stage. According to Coingecko data, TORN's market value was close to $150 million at one time, based on its total supply of 10 million and actual circulation of less than 4 million. The price of a single token was as high as $436. In contrast, according to GMGN data, ANON's total supply is 1 billion, and its current market value is only $28 million, with a single token price of only $0.028. According to the corresponding token supply: market
其次,从代币市值来看,ANON的市场潜力仍处于早期发现阶段。 Coingecko数据显示,以总供应量1000万枚、实际流通量不足400万枚计算,TORN市值一度接近1.5亿美元。单个代币的价格高达 436 美元。相比之下,根据 GMGN 数据,ANON 的总供应量为 10 亿枚,目前市值仅为 2800 万美元,单枚代币价格仅为 0.028 美元。根据对应的代币供应量:市场
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