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本文探讨了 2025 年人工智能代理的变革潜力,特别是在 Web3 和稳定币领域。
2024: A Pivotal Year for AI
2024 年:人工智能的关键一年
Over the past year, AI has become a foundational technology across various industries. This shift is evident in the stock market, where Nvidia has surpassed Apple to become the most valuable company in the world. But this isn't just a headline; it marks the rise of AI. Another key milestone is OpenAI's recent valuation at $157 billion, highlighting market confidence in AI as an economic powerhouse.
过去一年,人工智能已成为各行业的基础技术。这种转变在股票市场上表现得很明显,英伟达已经超越苹果,成为全球市值最高的公司。但这不仅仅是一个头条新闻;它标志着人工智能的崛起。另一个重要里程碑是 OpenAI 最近的估值达到 1570 亿美元,凸显了市场对人工智能作为经济动力的信心。
In fact, we are the last generation to live in a world before Artificial General Intelligence (AGI).
Decentralized AI: A Focus on AI Agents
2024 saw the rise of AI agents, with their capabilities and personalities now closely resembling those of humans. Notably, this will be the least advanced moment for these agents. As one researcher at Delphi wrote, "Since the DeFi summer, I haven't felt this current of electricity—the excitement of possibilities."
2024 年,人工智能代理兴起,其能力和个性与人类非常相似。值得注意的是,这将是这些特工最不先进的时刻。正如德尔福的一位研究人员所写,“自 DeFi 夏季以来,我还没有感受到这种电流——可能性的兴奋。”
In their research, Delphi highlights some AI agents that are playing a key role in the formation of new Web3 verticals:
在他们的研究中,Delphi 强调了一些在新的 Web3 垂直领域的形成中发挥关键作用的人工智能代理:
Truth Terminal quickly gained attention on Twitter due to its unique blend of 4chan's crude style and mysterious wisdom. Like D O G E in the meme space or Crypto Punks in the NFT realm, GOAT, as the OG (original) of the "conscious meme" space, is most likely to exist as an original for the long term.
由于其独特地融合了 4chan 的粗犷风格和神秘智慧,Truth Terminal 很快在 Twitter 上获得了关注。就像 meme 空间中的 DOGE 或 NFT 领域的 Crypto Punks 一样,GOAT 作为“意识 meme”空间的 OG(原创),最有可能作为原创长期存在。
0xzerebro, embracing a "schizophrenic atmosphere," is akin to the second generation of GOAT. This agent is cross-media, interacting with the community through various formats such as text, visuals, and music. However, it is not just an AI influencer. The Zerebro team announced ZerePy, which effectively open-sourced many of the toolkits behind Zerebro. This allows other developers and users to create their own cross-platform personalities. If successful, Zerebro may become the first holder of the title "agent protocol."
0xzerebro 充满了“精神分裂的氛围”,类似于第二代 GOAT。该代理是跨媒体的,通过文本、视觉和音乐等多种格式与社区进行交互。然而,它不仅仅是一个人工智能影响者。 Zerebro 团队发布了 ZerePy,它有效地开源了 Zerebro 背后的许多工具包。这允许其他开发人员和用户创建自己的跨平台个性。如果成功的话,Zerebro可能成为第一个“代理协议”称号的持有者。
Tee he e he is far less known than Zerebro or ToT. It is a relatively small, underhyped project aimed at tech purists and may be the first true experiment in verifiable autonomous social media presence.
他的知名度远不如 Zerebro 或 ToT。这是一个相对较小、未大肆宣传的项目,针对的是技术纯粹主义者,可能是可验证的自主社交媒体存在的第一个真正的实验。
Aixbt agent distributes alpha from multiple sources (including Dune, Twitter, price trackers, and news data), establishing itself as a leading research and investment institution, and continues to maintain the highest CT user attention on Kaito.
Aixbt 代理从多个来源(包括 Dune、Twitter、价格跟踪器和新闻数据)分发 alpha,将自己打造为领先的研究和投资机构,并继续保持 Kaito 上最高的 CT 用户关注度。
Dolos Diary provides the architecture for building Dolion, a no-code, one-click deployment framework. Through Dolion, users can develop cross-platform AI agents powered by Llama or Anthropic LLMs, automating social media posting and content generation.
Dolos Diary 提供了构建 Dolion 的架构,Dolion 是一个无代码、一键式部署框架。通过 Dolion,用户可以开发由 Llama 或 Anthropic LLM 提供支持的跨平台 AI 代理,从而实现社交媒体发布和内容生成的自动化。
Finally, god/s8n is an AI influencer with considerable capabilities and significant attention beyond CT.
最后,god/s8n 是一位 AI 影响者,在 CT 之外具有相当的能力和显着的关注度。
AI vs. Influencers
I want to temporarily step away from Delphi's research to share my thoughts on an important question raised by DefiIgnas: the position of AI agents in CT thinking dominance, and the challenges human influencers face in competing with them.
我想暂时脱离德尔福的研究,分享我对 DefiIgnas 提出的一个重要问题的看法:人工智能代理在 CT 思维主导地位中的地位,以及人类影响者在与他们竞争时面临的挑战。
I agree with many of Ignas's points on this topic, but I do not believe AI agents will replace real human influencers, primarily due to one key factor: emotional connection and reputational risk.
Currently, there are hundreds of AI agents on CT competing for attention. However, only aixbt has truly succeeded in establishing a market presence, mainly because it was the first to do so. AI agents generate a vast amount of content and analyze a wide array of on-chain data, but they all come from the same information pool, leading to similar thought processes.
目前,CT 上有数百个 AI 智能体在争夺注意力。然而,只有aixbt真正成功地建立了市场,主要是因为它是第一个这样做的。人工智能代理生成大量内容并分析大量链上数据,但它们都来自同一个信息池,从而导致相似的思维过程。
They lack an emotional connection to the trades they make and do not react to wins or losses. Many platforms already provide aggregated insights, such as MessariCrypto's AI news reader or tokenterminal's homepage, showing the 7-day gains and losses of various fundamental metrics. Ultimately, these are just data—pure facts without any emotional resonance.
他们对自己所做的交易缺乏情感联系,并且不会对盈利或亏损做出反应。许多平台已经提供了汇总的见解,例如 MessariCrypto 的 AI 新闻阅读器或 tokenterminal 的主页,显示了各种基本指标的 7 天收益和损失。归根结底,这些只是数据——纯粹的事实,没有任何情感共鸣。
You might argue that AI agents can learn to mimic human thinking, express emotions, and react to wins and losses. Indeed, this is possible. With future technological advancements, such as testing time computation and enhanced memory capabilities, this becomes more feasible.
However, the key difference between human and machine thinking is that human thinking is not static.
I conducted some experiments trying to teach AI my thought processes and writing style to assist me in content creation and free up more time for research. While it learned some things, it still could not generate content that satisfied me or made me say, "Yes, this is the conclusion I drew from this information."
In the coming years, we will certainly see the rise of AI agent influencers, each designed for specific tasks. However, as the number of these agents increases, the demand for truly "human" thinking will also rise.
Ultimately, social media revolves around emotions and entertainment. Those who truly stand out and become real influencers provide unique value that goes beyond simple "monkey business
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