04 / 26- 金山硬币:硬币和贵金属的遗产在圣拉斐尔焕发出新的光芒
- 2024-04-26 04:06:03
- Gold Hill Coin 是一家位于加利福尼亚州圣拉斐尔的著名稀有硬币和贵金属商店,其所有权发生了变更。长期所有者老克拉克·史密斯 (Clark Smith, Sr.) 已将火炬传递给他的儿子小克拉克·史密斯 (Clark Smith, Jr.),他将继承家族在该行业的卓越传统。该商店提供种类繁多的硬币和贵金属,其历史可以追溯到远古时代,最近还引进了最先进的 XRF 技术进行精确分析。资深钱币学家 Luis Ramos 加入团队,担任 United States Coins 的合伙人兼总监,带来了金币、银币和铜币方面的专业知识。
- Block 将现金应用程序连接到 Square:商家现在将每日销售额分配给比特币
- 2024-04-26 04:01:50
- Fintech company Block has integrated a feature for Square merchants to allocate daily sales to Bitcoin, with on-demand payouts via CashApp. This move aims to empower small businesses and individuals to participate in the global financial economy. The integration follows Block's announcement of building a Bitcoin mining solution, with exceptional BTC profits in Q4 2023 leading to its expansion into Bitcoin services.