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在 Web3 遊戲領域,Shrapnel 執行長 Mark Long 率先提出了一種變革性方法,旨在為玩家重新構想模組功能。 Shrapnel 是一款融入區塊鏈的第一人稱射擊遊戲,讓遊戲玩家能夠“進行類固醇改裝”,讓他們能夠無縫地貢獻自己的作品並透過其貨幣化。 Long 強調了無論平台如何,創造卓越遊戲的重要性,同時強調了 Web3 開發的獨特挑戰,例如細緻的資料庫管理和細緻的程式碼審核。
Web3 Games: A Perspective from the Trenches with Mark Long, CEO of Shrapnel
Web3 遊戲:Shrapnel 執行長 Mark Long 的戰壕視角
In the realm of digital entertainment, Web3 has emerged as a transformative force, promising to revolutionize the way games are developed, played, and monetized. However, despite its potential, the nascent industry has faced criticism for its lack of standout titles. To address this challenge, gaming veterans like Mark Long, CEO of Neon and the mastermind behind the highly anticipated first-person shooter "Shrapnel," are joining the Web3 revolution, bringing their expertise and a vision for the future of interactive entertainment.
在數位娛樂領域,Web3 已成為一股變革力量,有望徹底改變遊戲的開發、玩法和貨幣化方式。然而,儘管潛力巨大,這個新興產業卻因缺乏出色的遊戲而面臨批評。為了應對這項挑戰,Neon 執行長Mark Long 以及備受期待的第一人稱射擊遊戲「Shrapnel」背後的策劃者等遊戲資深人士正在加入Web3 革命,帶來他們的專業知識和對互動娛樂未來的願景。
In a candid interview, Long delves into the intricacies of creating a compelling Web3 game, the unique challenges presented by decentralization, and his vision for a sustainable and engaging gaming experience.
在坦誠的訪談中,Long 深入探討了創造引人注目的 Web3 遊戲的複雜性、去中心化帶來的獨特挑戰,以及他對永續且引人入勝的遊戲體驗的願景。
A Journey into the Heart of Shrapnel: Where Modification Meets Mayhem
As a lifelong enthusiast of first-person shooters, Long's passion for the genre is evident in his approach to Shrapnel. "I'm drawn to the adrenaline rush, the strategic thinking, and the camaraderie that comes with playing these games," he explains. "But what truly captivates me is the ability to modify and customize the experience, to make it my own."
作為第一人稱射擊遊戲的終身愛好者,Long 對這類型遊戲的熱情在他對《Shrapnel》的創作中體現得淋漓盡致。 「我被這些遊戲帶來的腎上腺素激增、策略思維和友誼所吸引,」他解釋道。 “但真正吸引我的是修改和定制體驗的能力,使其成為我自己的體驗。”
This desire for personalization and player empowerment is the driving force behind Shrapnel. "We're creating a game where players have the freedom to unleash their creativity, to create their own maps, characters, weapons, and more," Long says. "We're giving them the same tools that professional game developers use, so they can push the boundaries of what's possible."
這種對個人化和玩家授權的渴望是 Shrapnel 背後的驅動力。 「我們正在創造一款遊戲,讓玩家可以自由地釋放他們的創造力,創建自己的地圖、角色、武器等等,」朗說。 “我們為他們提供專業遊戲開發人員使用的相同工具,這樣他們就可以突破可能的界限。”
Embracing Web3: Empowering Players and Rewarding Ingenuity
擁抱 Web3:賦予玩家權力並獎勵聰明才智
The integration of Web3 technologies into Shrapnel elevates the concept of modding to new heights. "With Web3, we can attribute every contribution a player makes to the game," Long explains. "This means that players can earn rewards for creating and sharing their creations, fostering a sense of ownership and investment in the game's ecosystem."
Web3 技術與 Shrapnel 的整合將模組概念提升到了新的高度。 「透過 Web3,我們可以歸因玩家對遊戲所做的每一項貢獻,」Long 解釋道。 「這意味著玩家可以透過創造和分享自己的作品來獲得獎勵,從而培養對遊戲生態系統的所有權和投資感。”
By leveraging blockchain technology, Shrapnel provides players with unprecedented control over their in-game assets, allowing them to mint, sell, trade, or rent their creations. Players can monetize their contributions to the game, creating a sustainable and symbiotic relationship between developers and players.
透過利用區塊鏈技術,Shrapnel 為玩家提供了對其遊戲內資產前所未有的控制權,使他們能夠鑄造、出售、交易或出租自己的作品。玩家可以將他們對遊戲的貢獻貨幣化,在開發者和玩家之間建立可持續的共生關係。
Overcoming the Obstacles: Navigating the Web3 Development Landscape
克服障礙:瀏覽 Web3 開發環境
While the promise of Web3 gaming is undeniable, Long acknowledges the challenges involved in its development. "Decentralization introduces complexities that traditional game development does not," he notes. "One wrong database tweak could result in players losing valuable assets, so we must be meticulous in our approach."
雖然 Web3 遊戲的前景是不可否認的,但 Long 也承認其開發過程中面臨的挑戰。 「去中心化帶來了傳統遊戲開發所沒有的複雜性,」他指出。 “一個錯誤的資料庫調整可能會導致玩家失去寶貴的資產,因此我們必須謹慎對待我們的方法。”
Another hurdle lies in preventing potential exploits that could destabilize the game's economy. "We're constantly scrutinizing our code, ensuring that it meets the highest security standards," Long says. "The additional layers of auditing and testing required for Web3 games slow down the development process, but it's essential to maintain the integrity and fairness of the game."
另一個障礙在於防止可能破壞遊戲經濟穩定的潛在漏洞。 「我們不斷審查我們的程式碼,確保它符合最高的安全標準,」朗說。 “Web3 遊戲所需的額外審核和測試層會減慢開發過程,但對於保持遊戲的完整性和公平性至關重要。”
The Key to Sustainability: Quality Over Speculation
Addressing the concerns surrounding the boom-and-bust cycle of "play-to-earn" models, Long emphasizes the importance of prioritizing game quality over short-term financial incentives. "We're not interested in creating a game where players are solely motivated by profit," he says. "The longevity of any game depends on its ability to provide a fun and engaging experience."
為了解決圍繞「邊玩邊賺錢」模式的繁榮與蕭條週期的擔憂,Long 強調了優先考慮遊戲品質而不是短期財務激勵的重要性。 「我們對創造一款玩家完全受利潤驅動的遊戲不感興趣,」他說。 “任何遊戲的壽命取決於其提供有趣且引人入勝的體驗的能力。”
Long believes that sustainable Web3 game economies rely on creating genuine utility for tokens, not purely speculative value. By encouraging players to use tokens for in-game purchases and rewards, developers can drive demand and stabilize the token's price.
Long 認為,永續的 Web3 遊戲經濟依賴於為代幣創造真正的效用,而不是純粹的投機價值。透過鼓勵玩家使用代幣進行遊戲內購買和獎勵,開發者可以推動需求並穩定代幣的價格。
Consensus 2024: A Gathering of Minds in the Heart of Crypto
2024 年共識:加密貨幣核心思想的匯聚
As one of the industry's most respected conferences, Consensus 2024 serves as a platform for thought leaders and innovators to share their insights on the future of Web3. Long, a regular attendee, praises the event's rigorous curation and scholarly approach. "Consensus is one of the few conferences where I can engage in meaningful discussions about the latest developments and trends in Web3," he says.
作為業界最受尊敬的會議之一,Consensus 2024 為思想領袖和創新者提供了一個分享他們對 Web3 未來的見解的平台。作為常客,朗對此次活動的嚴謹策劃和學術方法表示讚賞。 「Consensus 是我可以就 Web3 的最新發展和趨勢進行有意義的討論的少數會議之一,」他說。
Long's enthusiasm for Consensus extends beyond its educational value. "Last year, we unveiled Shrapnel to the world at Consensus," he recalls. "The response was overwhelming, with attendees eager to get their hands on the game. It was a humbling experience that solidified our belief in the potential of Web3 gaming."
朗對共識的熱情超越了其教育價值。 「去年,我們在 Consensus 大會上向全世界展示了 Shrapnel,」他回憶道。 「反應熱烈,與會者渴望親身體驗這款遊戲。這是一次令人驚嘆的體驗,堅定了我們對 Web3 遊戲潛力的信念。”
A Glimpse into the Future: The Promise of Web3 and the Dawn of Shrapnel
未來一瞥:Web3 的承諾和 Shrapnel 的黎明
As the gaming industry continues to evolve, Long believes that Web3 holds immense potential to transform the way games are created, played, and enjoyed. "Web3 empowers players like never before, giving them a voice and a stake in the development process," he says. "It's a new frontier where creativity and innovation will thrive."
隨著遊戲產業的不斷發展,Long 相信 Web3 擁有改變遊戲創建、玩和享受方式的巨大潛力。 「Web3 以前所未有的方式賦予玩家權力,讓他們在開發過程中擁有發言權和利益,」他說。 “這是一個創造力和創新將蓬勃發展的新領域。”
With Shrapnel set to launch in 2025, Long and his team are at the forefront of this revolution. Their vision is to create a game that not only provides unparalleled entertainment but also empowers players to shape its future. As the industry eagerly awaits the arrival of Shrapnel, the gaming landscape is poised for a major shift, where Web3 technology will unlock a new era of player-driven experiences.
隨著 Shrapnel 將於 2025 年推出,Long 和他的團隊處於這場革命的最前沿。他們的願景是創造一款不僅能提供無與倫比的娛樂性,還能讓玩家塑造未來的遊戲。隨著業界熱切等待 Shrapnel 的到來,遊戲格局即將發生重大轉變,Web3 技術將開啟玩家驅動體驗的新時代。
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