你們可能都知道,我的個性就在名字裡😉。我喜歡保持開放的心態,同時立足於現實。話雖如此,我想就布蘭登·比格斯(Brandon Biggs)最近幾天在 YouTube 頻道上發表的“偉大的財富轉移”展開討論。

People who follow Brandon Biggs from The Last Days YouTube channel may be aware of his predictions regarding "the great wealth transfer." Biggs has reportedly predicted a monumental financial collapse next year, leading to the collapse of the dollar, an event that several economic indicators have been foreshadowing with worsening financial crises since 2023.
關注 The Last Days YouTube 頻道 Brandon Biggs 的人可能知道他關於「偉大的財富轉移」的預測。據報道,比格斯預測明年將出現巨大的金融崩潰,導緻美元崩潰,多項經濟指標都預示著這一事件自 2023 年以來金融危機的惡化。
According to Biggs, he saw a dollar bill transforming into crypto code. He predicted Ethereum to 10k, while XRP would shoot up to $5 really fast and eventually be valued at 10k per coin over a four-year period (4 oak tree prophecy). He also predicted an incoming plague that would wipe out hundreds of millions. Additionally, he predicted the SEC dropping the case.
據比格斯說,他看到一張美元鈔票變成了加密代碼。他預測以太坊將達到 10,000 美元,而 XRP 很快就會飆升至 5 美元,並最終在四年內達到 10,000 美元(4 棵橡樹預言)。他還預測一場即將到來的瘟疫將消滅數億人。此外,他預計 SEC 將放棄此案。
While Biggs is not the first to predict XRP eventually being valued at 10k per coin, several logical people have stated that it needs to be priced that high to move large volumes of money. However, it always sounded too good to be true. It would require a fundamental change, with crypto becoming the future of finance to facilitate that. After all, who would have ever thought Bitcoin would be priced so high?
雖然 Biggs 並不是第一個預測 XRP 最終價值為每枚 1 萬美元的人,但一些邏輯人士表示,它需要定價這麼高才能轉移大量資金。然而,這聽起來總是好得令人難以置信。這需要根本性的改變,而加密貨幣將成為金融的未來,以促進這項改變。畢竟,誰會想到比特幣的價格會如此高?
People's thoughts on this matter are varied, with some believing in Biggs's predictions and others dismissing them. Notably, Biggs predicted that XRP would hit 45-46 cents before the rise, which is precisely what happened.
人們對此事的看法各不相同,有些人相信比格斯的預測,有些人則駁斥它們。值得注意的是,比格斯預測 XRP 在上漲前將達到 45-46 美分,事實也確實如此。