皆さんもご存知かと思いますが、私の性格は名前に表れています😉。私は現実に根ざしながらも、オープンな心を保ちたいと思っています。そうは言っても、私は終わりの日の YouTube チャンネルのブランドン・ビッグスが語った「偉大な富の移転」について議論を始めたいと思います。

People who follow Brandon Biggs from The Last Days YouTube channel may be aware of his predictions regarding "the great wealth transfer." Biggs has reportedly predicted a monumental financial collapse next year, leading to the collapse of the dollar, an event that several economic indicators have been foreshadowing with worsening financial crises since 2023.
The Last Days YouTube チャンネルの Brandon Biggs をフォローしている人は、「巨額の富の移転」に関する彼の予言に気づいているかもしれません。伝えられるところによると、ビッグス氏は来年、大規模な金融崩壊が起こり、ドルの崩壊につながると予測している。この出来事は、2023年以降の金融危機の悪化に伴い、いくつかの経済指標が予見している。
According to Biggs, he saw a dollar bill transforming into crypto code. He predicted Ethereum to 10k, while XRP would shoot up to $5 really fast and eventually be valued at 10k per coin over a four-year period (4 oak tree prophecy). He also predicted an incoming plague that would wipe out hundreds of millions. Additionally, he predicted the SEC dropping the case.
While Biggs is not the first to predict XRP eventually being valued at 10k per coin, several logical people have stated that it needs to be priced that high to move large volumes of money. However, it always sounded too good to be true. It would require a fundamental change, with crypto becoming the future of finance to facilitate that. After all, who would have ever thought Bitcoin would be priced so high?
People's thoughts on this matter are varied, with some believing in Biggs's predictions and others dismissing them. Notably, Biggs predicted that XRP would hit 45-46 cents before the rise, which is precisely what happened.