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Unstoppable Domains (UD) 和 POG Digital 正在合作推出「.pog」頂級 Web3 網域 (TLD),這是一個面向 POG 粉絲的品牌數位身分擴充。這款 TLD 允許 POG 愛好者表達他們的支持並在各個區塊鏈上創建統一的身份。未來,UD 和 POG 計劃在即將到來的 ICANN 發行中申請「.pog」通用頂級網域 (gTLD),這有可能為 POG 愛好者和更廣泛的 Web3 社群提供可廣泛訪問的數位身分系統。
Unstoppable Domains and POG Digital Launch ".pog" Web3 Domain, Marking a Milestone in Digital Identity and Brand Engagement
Unstoppable Domains 和 POG Digital 推出「.pog」Web3 域名,標誌著數位身分和品牌參與的里程碑
New York City, NY - April 3, 2024 - Unstoppable Domains (UD), a leading Web3 domains and digital identity provider, has partnered with POG Digital, a premier phygital collectibles project, to unveil the launch of the ".pog" top-level Web3 domain (TLD). This collaborative initiative empowers POG enthusiasts to express their unwavering support for the project by establishing digital identities with brand-centric addresses.
紐約州紐約市 - 2024 年 4 月 3 日 - 領先的 Web3 網域和數位身分提供者 Unstoppable Domains (UD) 與頂級數位收藏品專案 POG Digital 合作,推出「.pog」頂級- Web3 級網域(TLD)。這項合作計畫使 POG 愛好者能夠透過以品牌為中心的地址建立數位身分來表達他們對該計畫的堅定支持。
The introduction of the ".pog" TLD marks a significant milestone in the evolution of digital identity and community engagement. It serves as a testament to the growing adoption of Web3 technologies and their transformative impact on the way individuals interact with brands and one another.
“.pog”TLD 的推出標誌著數位身分和社區參與發展的一個重要里程碑。它證明了 Web3 技術的日益普及及其對個人與品牌以及彼此互動方式的變革性影響。
Unifying Identity and Asset Management
The ".pog" domain offers players and collectors a unified platform to manage their assets seamlessly across the five blockchains currently supported by POG. Additionally, users can effortlessly receive assets and cryptocurrencies on Solana, Ethereum, Bitcoin, Theta, Polygon, and Pogchain from a single digital identity. This eliminates the complexities and security risks associated with managing multiple blockchain addresses.
「.pog」網域為玩家和收藏家提供了一個統一的平台,可以跨 POG 目前支援的五個區塊鏈無縫管理他們的資產。此外,用戶可以透過單一數位身分輕鬆接收 Solana、以太坊、比特幣、Theta、Polygon 和 Pogchain 上的資產和加密貨幣。這消除了與管理多個區塊鏈位址相關的複雜性和安全風險。
Creating a Sense of Community
"With the new .pog Web3 domain, we are extending our commitment to providing cost-effective means for brands to expand their digital presence, foster a sense of community among their fans, and enhance engagement with their customers," remarked Sandy Carter, COO of Unstoppable Domains. "Simultaneously, fans gain the ability to showcase their appreciation by establishing POG-themed digital identities with these TLDs, simplifying their efforts to connect with like-minded enthusiasts and seamlessly navigate the Web3 ecosystem."
「透過新的.pog Web3 域名,我們正在進一步履行我們的承諾,為品牌提供經濟高效的方式來擴大其數位影響力、在粉絲中培養社區意識並增強與客戶的互動,」首席營運長桑迪·卡特(Sandy Carter) 說不可阻擋的領域。 “同時,粉絲們可以透過使用這些 TLD 建立 POG 主題的數位身份來表達他們的欣賞,從而簡化他們與志同道合的愛好者聯繫並無縫瀏覽 Web3 生態系統的工作。”
POG: Connecting POG NFTs and Gaming
POG:連接 POG NFT 和遊戲
POG Digital's mission is to cultivate an interoperable platform for POG NFTs and gaming that bridges the gap between collectors, gamers, game designers, and third-party IP owners, encompassing entertainment brands, sports and esports leagues, visual artists, celebrities, and influencers. With over 150 million physical and digital POG owners in more than 40 countries, this innovative brand is empowering its community members to become ambassadors on social media and Web3 platforms through the latest branded domain extension.
POG Digital 的使命是為POG NFT 和遊戲打造一個可互通的平台,彌合收藏家、遊戲玩家、遊戲設計師和第三方IP 所有者之間的差距,涵蓋娛樂品牌、體育和電子競技聯盟、視覺藝術家、名人和影響者。這個創新品牌在 40 多個國家/地區擁有超過 1.5 億實體和數位 POG 擁有者,透過最新的品牌網域擴展,使其社群成員能夠成為社群媒體和 Web3 平台上的大使。
Digital Profiles and Blockchain Functionality
Similar to other UD-issued addresses, the ".pog" Web3 domains manifest as non-fungible tokens (NFTs) minted on Polygon, granting users complete control over their digital identities. Notably, beyond serving as website addresses, .pog and other Web3 domains function as comprehensive digital identifiers, enabling users to establish unique digital profiles.
與其他 UD 發行的地址類似,「.pog」Web3 網域表現為在 Polygon 上鑄造的不可替代代幣 (NFT),使用戶能夠完全控制其數位身分。值得注意的是,除了充當網站地址之外,.pog 和其他 Web3 網域還充當綜合數位標識符,使用戶能夠建立獨特的數位檔案。
Robust Blockchain Features
Web3 domains offer their owners robust blockchain functionality, including the ability to send and receive cryptocurrencies, log into integrated dapps on unstoppablemarketplace.com, receive exclusive collectible badges, communicate with other Web3 domain holders in applications like Group Chat, and access a myriad of other features.
Web3 網域為其所有者提供強大的區塊鏈功能,包括發送和接收加密貨幣的能力、登入unstoppablemarketplace.com 上的整合dapp、接收獨家收藏徽章、在群聊等應用程式中與其他Web3 網域持有者進行通信,以及訪問無數其他功能。特徵。
Potential Link to Web2 Counterparts
與 Web2 對應產品的潛在鏈接
In anticipation of ICANN's approval of the .pog gTLD application, users may be able to seamlessly "link" their existing Web3 addresses to their Web2 counterparts. This integration would make their Web3 .pog domains discoverable and searchable on major search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo, DuckDuckGo, and others. It would also allow the .pog domain name to resolve to a website in the DNS.
預計 ICANN 會批准 .pog gTLD 申請,用戶或許能夠將其現有的 Web3 地址無縫「連結」到其 Web2 對應地址。這種整合將使他們的 Web3 .pog 網域可以在 Google、Bing、Yahoo、DuckDuckGo 等主要搜尋引擎上發現和搜尋。它還允許 .pog 網域解析為 DNS 中的網站。
Consequently, Web3 domains would be fully integrated into the DNS, rendering them easily discoverable by billions of mainstream users. Simultaneously, their Web2 equivalents would inherit an array of blockchain-native features.
因此,Web3 網域將完全整合到 DNS 中,使數十億主流用戶可以輕鬆發現它們。同時,他們的 Web2 等價物將繼承一系列區塊鏈原生功能。
Expanding gTLD Accessibility
擴大 gTLD 的可訪問性
The partnership with POG is a testament to UD's unwavering commitment to securing gTLDs during ICANN's forthcoming application window, providing numerous brands and cities with an affordable avenue to explore naming systems ahead of the next ICANN round.
與 POG 的合作證明了 UD 對在 ICANN 即將到來的申請窗口期間保護 gTLD 的堅定承諾,為眾多品牌和城市提供了一個經濟實惠的途徑,以便在 ICANN 下一輪之前探索命名系統。
This endeavor is set to enhance the accessibility, security, and user-friendliness of digital ecosystems, reflecting a shared dedication to strengthening digital identities across the Internet.
About Unstoppable Domains
Founded in 2018, Unstoppable Domains is a Web3 domain name provider and digital identity platform dedicated to guiding the world's transition to Web3. UD provides Web3 domains minted on the blockchain, granting users absolute ownership and control over their digital identities, eliminating renewal fees. With Unstoppable Domains, individuals can replace lengthy alphanumeric crypto wallet addresses with human-readable names, enabling them to transact and interact with over 720 apps, wallets, exchanges, and marketplaces. Forbes recognized the company as one of America's Best Startup Employers in 2022.
Unstoppable Domains 成立於 2018 年,是一家 Web3 網域供應商和數位身分平台,致力於引導世界向 Web3 過渡。 UD 提供在區塊鏈上鑄造的 Web3 網域,授予用戶對其數位身分的絕對所有權和控制權,從而消除續訂費用。借助 Unstoppable Domains,個人可以用人類可讀的名稱替換冗長的字母數字加密錢包地址,使他們能夠與 720 多個應用程式、錢包、交易所和市場進行交易和互動。 《富比士》將該公司評為 2022 年美國最佳創業雇主之一。
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About POG Digital
關於 POG 數字
POG Digital is a pioneering POG NFT and gaming platform that aims to establish an interoperable ecosystem connecting collectors, gamers, game designers, and third-party IP owners. With a global community of over 150 million physical and digital POG owners, POG Digital empowers its members to become ambassadors in the Web3 space.
POG Digital 是領先的 POG NFT 和遊戲平台,旨在建立一個連接收藏家、遊戲玩家、遊戲設計師和第三方 IP 所有者的可互通的生態系統。 POG Digital 擁有超過 1.5 億個實體和數位 POG 所有者的全球社區,使其成員能夠成為 Web3 領域的大使。
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