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《Trinity of the Fabled》搶先體驗版本讓 NFT 持有者看到玩家幽靈、攀登排行榜

2024/10/27 04:03

《Trinity Of The Fabled》的開發者在 Steam 上發布了新的搶先體驗版本,供 NFT 持有者和具有 Discord Alpha 角色的用戶享受

《Trinity of the Fabled》搶先體驗版本讓 NFT 持有者看到玩家幽靈、攀登排行榜

Trinity Of The Fabled Early Access Build Released For NFT Holders, Discord Alpha Members

傳說中的 Trinity 搶先體驗版已為 NFT 持有者、Discord Alpha 成員發布

Trinity Of The Fabled, the dark fantasy action RPG from Altered State Machine, has received a new Early Access build on Steam for those who own NFTs from the game or have the Discord Alpha role. This build introduces several new features, including player ghosts and leaderboards, as well as various improvements and additions.

《Trinity Of The Fabled》是 Altered State Machine 出品的黑暗奇幻動作角色扮演遊戲,已在 Steam 上為那些擁有遊戲中的 NFT 或擁有 Discord Alpha 角色的玩家提供了新的搶先體驗版本。此版本引入了一些新功能,包括玩家幽靈和排行榜,以及各種改進和添加。

Playing the game online will now allow you to see the ghosts of other players who previously went through the area you’re exploring. Additionally, defeating bosses will reward you with points for climbing the leaderboard. There are also new in-game items for $ABYS token holders to unlock, depending on the number of tokens held.

現在,在線玩遊戲可以讓您看到之前走過您正在探索的區域的其他玩家的鬼魂。此外,擊敗老闆將獎勵你攀登排行榜的積分。根據持有的代幣數量,$ABYS 代幣持有者還可以解鎖新的遊戲內物品。

To access this early access build, you’ll need to get the Discord Alpha role on the game’s official server. This role can be obtained either by collecting 2000 Ashes (their exclusive Discord currency) to spend on the role, or by holding one of these 2 NFTs: The Fabled MintPass, or The Fabled MintKey.

要存取此早期存取版本,您需要在遊戲的官方伺服器上獲得 Discord Alpha 角色。該角色可以透過收集 2000 Ashes(他們的專屬 Discord 貨幣)來購買該角色來獲得,也可以透過持有以下 2 個 NFT 之一來獲得:The Fabled MintPass 或 The Fabled MintKey。

Both can be found in the game’s official NFT collection page on OpenSea and bought via the Polygon network, with the floor price of the former being 0.25 ETH, while the cheapest listing for the latter is currently 0.044 ETH.

兩者都可以在 OpenSea 的遊戲官方 NFT 收藏頁面找到,並透過 Polygon 網路購買,前者的底價為 0.25 ETH,而後者目前最便宜的上市價格為 0.044 ETH。

Owning The Fabled MintPass will not only let you play the game early, but it should also get you a Fabled Hero Discord role, giving you exclusive access to news before non-NFT holders while making you eligible for potential future airdrops, including the ability to free mint 2 characters and 2 weapons if you’re included in a snapshot.

擁有 Fabled MintPass 不僅可以讓您提前玩遊戲,還可以讓您獲得 Fabled Hero Discord 角色,讓您在非 NFT 持有者之前獨家獲取新聞,同時使您有資格獲得未來潛在的空投,包括能夠如果您被包含在快照中,則免費獲得2 個角色和2 個武器。

One snapshot seems to have already taken place, and according to a Discord message and announcement from June this year, all the details you need to know will be provided before the second snapshot takes place. No timeframe is currently known, as the team previously expected it to happen in the summer, so unless it’s been secretly done already, it looks like you might still be able to get your free share of characters and weapon NFTs.

第一個快照似乎已經發生了,根據今年 6 月的 Discord 訊息和公告,您需要了解的所有詳細資訊將在第二個快照發生之前提供。目前尚不清楚具體時間,因為團隊之前預計這會在夏天發生,所以除非已經秘密完成,否則看起來你仍然可以免費獲得角色和武器 NFT。

All of the same should apply to holders of The Fabled MintKey, but instead of 2, you get to free mint 1 character and 1 weapon instead.

所有這些都適用於 The Fabled MintKey 的持有者,但你可以免費鑄造 1 個角色和 1 個武器,而不是 2 個武器。

If you want to collect the Ashes currency and obtain access that way, then you’ll need to claim Ashes every day, be an active community member for chat rewards, and level up to reach certain milestones awarding more Ashes.


Claiming every day gives you a streak bonus, and you can also bet your earned Ashes in Discord mini-games such as Roulette and Rock, Paper, and Scissors for a chance at getting enough Ashes quicker.

每天領取即可獲得連勝獎勵,而且您還可以在 Discord 迷你遊戲(例如輪盤賭和石頭剪刀布)中投注您賺取的灰燼,以便有機會更快地獲得足夠的灰燼。

Eventually, the Early Access version on Steam will become available for everyone to play for free. There are also plans to bring the web3 game to the Epic Games Store. No public release date has been announced yet, but you might be able to jump into this blockchain-powered fantasy world for free near the end of 2024.

最終,Steam 上的搶先體驗版將可供所有人免費玩。還計劃將 web3 遊戲帶到 Epic Games Store。目前尚未公佈公開發布日期,但您也許可以在 2024 年底前免費進入這個由區塊鏈驅動的幻想世界。

What Is Trinity Of The Fabled?


Trinity Of The Fabled is a free to play dark fantasy action RPG in which you explore the corrupted worlds of the Abyss in search of power, treasures, and secrets. As you traverse interdimensional environments made in Unreal Engine 5, you’ll come across a variety of different characters but also encounter deadly enemies and bosses to face in third-person, soulslike gameplay as one of 3 different races: Fabled warriors, gods, or demons.

Trinity Of The Fabled 是一款免費的黑暗奇幻動作角色扮演遊戲,您可以在其中探索深淵的腐敗世界,尋找力量、寶藏和秘密。當你穿越虛幻引擎5 製作的跨維度環境時,你會遇到各種不同的角色,還會遇到致命的敵人和頭目,在第三人稱、類似靈魂的遊戲中,扮演3 個不同種族之一:傳說中的戰士、神靈或惡魔。

NPCs will feature in-depth AI behavior and branching dialogs, allowing you to create allies and foes. The decisions you make will allow you to recruit allies and bring them on your journey as useful combat companions. Next to varied on-foot exploration and punishing but engaging and rewarding combat, players will also be able to ride their own dragon and experience “unique mounted gameplay in a way never done before” while upgrading their beast with new abilities.

NPC 將具有深入的 AI 行為和分支對話,讓您可以創建盟友和敵人。你所做的決定將允許你招募盟友,並讓他們作為有用的戰鬥夥伴加入你的旅程。除了各種徒步探索和充滿懲罰性但引人入勝且有益的戰鬥之外,玩家還可以騎著自己的龍,體驗“前所未有的獨特騎乘遊戲”,同時用新能力升級他們的野獸。

As you progress through a challenging level, you will earn Ashes, an in-game currency used to buy consumables and similar items. It can be earned by collecting loot but also by slaying enemies and bosses. If you die or complete the level, you lose all collected Ashes.


This blockchain game will utilize a seasonal system in order to constantly progress the narrative by delivering new characters, lore, and new worlds to explore in the Abyss, as well as new NFTs such as weapons and items to earn in a limited amount of time. PvE gameplay is the focus for the initial release, with PvP and co-op to potentially arrive in the future.

這款區塊鏈遊戲將利用季節性系統,透過提供新的​​角色、傳說和深淵探索的新世界,以及在有限的時間內獲得的武器和物品等新的 NFT,不斷推進敘事。 PvE 遊戲玩法是初始版本的重點,PvP 和合作模式可能會在未來推出。

What Play to Earn Features Are There in Trinity Of The Fabled?

《Trinity of the Fabled》中有哪些遊戲賺錢功能?

Those who want to blend the soulslike genre with blockchain gaming will be able to participate in play to earn leaderboards by holding a certain number of $ABYS tokens. These leaderboards are used for The Fabled Arenas, which are events where you complete various challenges and fight

那些想要將魂類遊戲與區塊鏈遊戲結合的人將能夠透過持有一定數量的 $ABYS 代幣參與遊戲來贏得排行榜。這些排行榜用於傳說中的競技場,您可以在這些活動中完成各種挑戰並進行戰鬥



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