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Texas lawmakers are considering a proposal that could see the state investing some of its Economic Stabilization Fund into Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.
House Bill 4258 would allow the Comptroller of Public Accounts to invest up to $250 million of the "Rainy Day Fund" into digital assets. The proposal is in response to a growing national trend of states re-evaluating traditional reserve models and considering the opportunities presented by digital currencies to diversify and potentially maximize the return on public funds.
House Bill 4258將允許公共帳戶審計長將“雨天基金”的2.5億美元投資到數字資產中。該提案是對國家重新評估傳統儲備模型的日益增長的國家趨勢的回應,並考慮了數字貨幣為多元化和最大化公共資金回報率提供多樣化和最大化的機會。
"This bill is a testament to the entrepreneurial spirit of Texas," said state Rep. Robert Ryon, a Republican who chairs the House Appropriations Committee. "We are always looking for new and creative ways to generate revenue and ensure the long-term economic stability of our state."
眾議院撥款委員會主席的共和黨州眾議員羅伯特·賴恩(Robert Ryon)說:“該法案證明了得克薩斯州的企業家精神。” “我們一直在尋找新的和創造性的方法來產生收入,並確保國家的長期經濟穩定。”
The proposal comes after a Senate bill earlier this year failed to set an amount for investing in cryptocurrencies. It also proposes a mandatory five-year holding period for any state-owned Bitcoin, which could help mitigate the risks associated with short-term market fluctuations.
"We are not interested in engaging in any short-term trading or speculation," said state Sen. Bryan Scott, who chairs the Senate Finance Committee. "Our goal is to make long-term, strategic investments that will benefit the people of Texas for generations to come."
參議院財政委員會主席的州參議員布萊恩·斯科特(Bryan Scott)說:“我們對從事任何短期交易或投機不感興趣。” “我們的目標是進行長期,戰略性的投資,以使得克薩斯州的人民有益於後代。”
The bill was met with mixed reactions from economists and financial experts. Some expressed concern over the market volatility and security risks associated with digital asset markets.
"While there is potential for high returns, it is important to recognize the significant risks involved," said Texas A&M University economics professor James P. Zinner. "We must proceed with caution and make sure that we are making sound financial decisions with the taxpayers' money."
得克薩斯州A&M大學經濟學教授詹姆斯·P·辛納(James P. Zinner)說:“儘管有高回報的潛力,但必須認識到涉及的重大風險很重要。” “我們必須謹慎行事,並確保我們正在用納稅人的錢做出明智的財務決策。”
However, other experts highlighted the transformative potential of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies to revolutionize financial systems and create new economic opportunities.
"This is a unique moment in history, and Texas has the chance to seize it," said Gary Vaynerchuk, venture capitalist and winemaker. "We can either continue down the same old path or blaze a trail into the future."
風險投資家和釀酒師加里·韋納丘克(Gary Vaynerchuk)說:“這是歷史上一個獨特的時刻,得克薩斯州有機會抓住它。” “我們可以繼續沿著同一條古老的道路,或者向未來鋪路。”
The proposal will now be passed to the House, where it is expected to face further scrutiny before being included in the state budget for September 2025.
Texas is one of several states that are considering investing some of their public funds into cryptocurrencies. In April, Louisiana lawmakers approved a bill that would allow the state to invest in Bitcoin and other digital assets. The bill was sponsored by state Rep. Raymond Deprez, who said that he was motivated by the need to diversify the state's investment portfolio and generate higher returns.
得克薩斯州是考慮將其一些公共資金投資到加密貨幣的幾個州之一。 4月,路易斯安那州議員批准了一項法案,該法案將允許該州投資比特幣和其他數字資產。該法案是由州眾議員雷蒙德·德雷斯(Raymond Deprez)贊助的,他說他是出於多樣化該州的投資組合併產生更高回報而激發的。
"We have been investing in the same asset classes for decades, and we are not seeing the results that we need to see," Deprez said. "We need to start thinking outside the box and exploring new opportunities."
Deprez說:“幾十年來,我們一直在投資相同的資產類別,我們看不到我們需要看到的結果。” “我們需要開始思考開箱即用並探索新的機會。”
The bill was passed by the House and Senate and now heads to the desk of Gov. John Bel Edwards, who is expected to sign it into law.
該法案已由眾議院和參議院通過,現在前往州長約翰·貝爾·愛德華茲(John Bel Edwards)的辦公桌,後者有望將其簽署為法律。
The move by Louisiana comes amid a broader shift in sentiment toward cryptocurrencies among U.S. lawmakers and institutions. In December, Congress passed a bill that would regulate cryptocurrency markets and create a framework for the issuance of a U.S. digital dollar. The bill was part of a broader spending package that also funded the government and provided relief from the coronavirus pandemic.
路易斯安那州的舉動是在美國立法者和機構中對加密貨幣的情緒更廣泛的轉變。 12月,國會通過了一項法案,該法案將規範加密貨幣市場,並為簽髮美國數字美元創建一個框架。該法案是更廣泛的支出計劃的一部分,該計劃還為政府提供了資金,並提供了冠狀病毒大流行的救濟。
The bill, which was supported by both Democrats and Republicans, would create a new regulatory body to oversee cryptocurrency exchanges, tokens, and stablecoins. It would also require federal agencies to study the feasibility of issuing a U.S. digital dollar and make recommendations to Congress within two years.
Lawmakers said that the goal of the bill was to balance innovation in the private sector with the need for consumer protection and financial stability. They also said that they wanted to ensure that the U.S. remained competitive in the global race to develop new financial technologies.
"We are at a crossroads in the financial history of our nation," said House Financial Services Committee Chair Maxine Waters, a California Democrat. "The path that we choose today will determine whether the U.S. is a leader or a follower in the 21st-century economy."
眾議院金融服務委員會主席Maxine Waters說:“我們處於我們國家財務歷史上的十字路口。” “我們今天選擇的道路將決定美國在21世紀經濟中是領導者還是追隨者。”
The bill was met with mixed reactions from financial experts and economists. Some expressed concern over the speed at which Congress was moving to regulate cryptocurrencies, given the potential risks involved.
"It is important to proceed with caution and make sure that we are considering all of the implications of our actions," said Texas A&M University economics professor James P. Zinner. "We do not want to rush into anything that could have disastrous consequences."
德克薩斯A&M大學經濟學教授詹姆斯·辛納(James P. Zinner)說:“謹慎行事並確保我們正在考慮採取行動的所有含義,這一點很重要。” “我們不想急於遇到災難性後果的任何事情。”
However, other experts said that the U.S. could not afford to lag behind other countries in developing new financial technologies.
"The U.S. is already behind China and the EU in the race to develop a digital dollar," said Gary Vaynerchuk, venture capitalist and winemaker. "We need to move quickly and decisively to ensure that we remain a global financial superpower."
風險投資家兼釀酒師加里·韋納丘克(Gary Vaynerchuk)說:“美國已經在中國和歐盟落後於歐盟。” “我們需要快速,果斷地行動,以確保我們仍然是全球金融超級大國。”
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