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史蒂文·戈德弗德(Steven Goldfeder)是Offchain Labs的首席執行官兼聯合創始人,Offchain Labs是一家在普林斯頓建立的公司,並在風險投資的支持下,以創造索賠而聞名。
Steven Goldfeder is the CEO and Co-Founder of Offchain Labs, a Princeton-founded startup incubated by Plaid co-founder William "Bill" Lee and backed by venture capitalists. The company is the creator of Arbitrum, a Layer 2 scaling solution for Ethereum.
史蒂文·戈德弗德(Steven Goldfeder)是Offchain Labs的首席執行官兼聯合創始人,Offchain Labs是一家由普林斯頓(Princeton)創建的初創公司,由格子聯合創始人William“ Bill” Lee孵育,並由風險投資家支持。該公司是Nixum的創建者,該公司是以太坊的2層縮放解決方案。
Goldfeder earned his Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics and Computer Science from Yeshiva University and later pursued his Ph.D. in Computer Science at Princeton University, graduating in 2018. At Princeton, he was part of the Security & Privacy Research Group, a CITP Graduate Student Fellow, and a recipient of the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship.
Goldfeder's interest in computer science blossomed early, evident in his diverse range of early jobs. Before joining Princeton, he completed three internships at Google as a software engineer between 2013 and 2015, where he contributed to large-scale systems. In 2016, he undertook a Research Intern role at Microsoft Research, concentrating on security and privacy aspects of blockchain and distributed systems. His early work in cryptography and distributed computing laid the foundation for his later contributions to making blockchain more scalable.
Goldfeder對計算機科學的興趣很早就開花了,這在他各種各樣的早期工作中很明顯。在加入普林斯頓之前,他在2013年至2015年間擔任軟件工程師在Google完成了三項實習,他為大型系統做出了貢獻。 2016年,他在Microsoft Research擔任研究實習生,專注於區塊鍊和分佈式系統的安全性和隱私方面。他在密碼學和分發計算方面的早期工作為使區塊鏈更具可擴展性的貢獻奠定了基礎。
The idea for Offchain Labs was born in September 2018 when Goldfeder, together with Ed Felten and Harry Kalodner, co-founded the company. Their collaboration on Arbitrum as a project at Princeton University in 2018 led to the publication of a research paper. The research focused on how Arbitrum could be used to help Ethereum process a larger volume of transactions. Recognizing the potential for real-world impact, they pivoted from academia to launching Offchain Labs.
Offchain Labs的想法出生於2018年9月,當時Goldfeder與Ed Felten和Harry Kalodner共同創立了公司。他們在2018年在普林斯頓大學(Princeton University)進行索賠的合作導致了一份研究論文的發表。該研究的重點是如何使用仲裁來幫助以太坊處理大量交易。認識到現實世界影響的潛力,他們從學術界樞轉到了開展截骨實驗室。
Their mission was to create a faster and more accessible version of Ethereum, aiming to expand its reach to a wider range of developers and users.
Arbitrum, an "Optimistic Rollup," is designed to alleviate the traffic and high fees encountered on Ethereum by handling transactions off-chain while still leveraging Ethereum’s primary network for security. This approach provides a cost-effective and time-efficient method for developers and users to interact with Ethereum in a more seamless manner.
By October 2023, Arbitrum One, a Layer 2 Ethereum solution developed by Offchain Labs, had surpassed 1 billion transactions since its August 2021 launch. This milestone placed Arbitrum ahead of competitors like OP Mainnet and Base in terms of both total transactions and total value locked (TVL).
到2023年10月,自2021年8月推出以來,Owtchain Labs開發的第2層以太坊解決方案One已超過了10億。就總交易和總價值鎖定(TVL)而言,這個里程碑將仲裁與OP Mainnet和Base這樣的競爭對手提前。
As Arbitrum reached this significant benchmark, it had more transactions than any other Layer 2. It was closely followed by Optimism’s OP Mainnet, which had about 656 million transactions, and Base, which had around 365 million transactions within the same period. In terms of TVL, Arbitrum stood at $1.16 billion, compared to Optimism’s $885 million and Base’s $604 million.
隨著仲裁達到這一重大基準,它的交易比其他任何第2層都要多。隨後是樂觀的OP Mainnet,該商店的交易約為6.56億美元,而基地在同一時期內約有3.65億美元的交易。就TVL而言,仲裁額為11.6億美元,而樂觀的8.85億美元和基地的6.04億美元。
This data underscores Arbitrum’s rapid expansion in the rapidly growing Layer 2 market. Arbitrum One is known for keeping Ethereum’s transactions secure while offering the benefit of lower fees and faster transactions to users.
Its strong ecosystem, which attracts DeFi projects, NFT platforms, and other blockchain applications, has contributed to its rising popularity.
Goldfeder's interest in computer science and technology started early, leading him to pursue a Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics and Computer Science from Yeshiva University. His passion for the field led him to further his studies at Princeton University, where he obtained his Ph.D. in Computer Science in 2018.
Goldfeder對計算機科學技術的興趣開始了,這使他從Yeshiva University獲得了數學和計算機科學學士學位。他對該領域的熱情使他進一步在普林斯頓大學獲得了學業,並獲得了博士學位。 2018年的計算機科學。
During his time at Princeton, he was a member of the Security & Privacy Research Group and a CITP Graduate Student Fellow. For his outstanding academic achievements, he was also awarded the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship.
Goldfeder's early experience in software engineering and cryptography came through various jobs he held. He completed three internships as a Software Engineer at Google from 2013 to 2015, focusing on large-scale systems. In 2016, he joined Microsoft Research as a Research Intern, working on security and privacy aspects of blockchain and distributed systems.
Goldfeder在軟件工程和密碼學方面的早期經驗是通過他擔任的各種工作。從2013年到2015年,他在Google擔任軟件工程師的三項實習,重點關注大型系統。 2016年,他以研究實習生的身份加入微軟研究,研究區塊鍊和分佈式系統的安全和隱私方面。
This early work in cryptography and distributed computing paved the way for his later contributions to making blockchain technology more scalable and efficient.
In September 2018, together with Ed Felten and Harry Kalodner, they founded Offchain Labs. The idea was sparked by their research at Princeton University, where they developed Arbitrum as a project in 2018. The same year, they published a research paper introducing Arbitrum and its role in aiding Ethereum in handling a larger throughput of transactions.
2018年9月,他們與Ed Felten和Harry Kalodner一起創立了Offchain Labs。他們在普林斯頓大學(Princeton University)的研究激發了這個想法,他們在2018年開發了索賠作為一個項目。同年,他們發表了一份研究論文,介紹了仲裁及其在幫助以太坊中的作用,以處理更大的交易吞吐量。
Recognizing the potential for broader impact, they pivoted from academia to launching Offchain Labs in 2018. The startup is focused on accelerating and simplifying the use of Ethereum, aiming to expand its reach to a wider range of developers and users.
他們認識到可能產生更廣泛影響的潛力,他們從學術界轉向2018年的Offchain Labs。該初創公司致力於加速和簡化以太坊的使用,旨在將其覆蓋範圍擴展到更廣泛的開發人員和用戶。
Arbitrum, an "Optimistic
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