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一位稀有的硬幣專家敦促公眾留意特定的50p硬幣,由於造成的錯誤,該硬幣的價值可能大大超過其面值。經過 。
A rare coin expert has urged the public to keep a lookout for a particular 50p coin that could be worth more than its face value due to a minting error.
The coin in question is the Sir Isaac Newton 50p piece, which was minted and issued in 2017 to celebrate the 375th anniversary of the mathematician and physicist’s birth.
The coin's reverse design is based on elements of Proposition 11 from Book One of Newton’s Principia Mathematica. It shows the mathematician sitting in an attitude of contemplation, with an open book on his lap and a table covered with mathematical instruments.
Earlier this year, the Kew Gardens 50p coin was confirmed as the rarest 50p coin in circulation, with coin experts explaining that it is sold in a special edition. However, it is possible that another coin could be worth more due to minting errors.
今年早些時候,Kew Gardens 50p硬幣被確認為流通中最稀有的50p硬幣,硬幣專家解釋說,它是在特別版中出售的。但是,由於造幣錯誤,另一枚硬幣可能值得更多。
Now, TikTok user UKCoinHunt has shared a video explaining how to identify the mistake, which is found on some Sir Isaac Newton 50p pieces.
現在,Tiktok用戶Ukcoinhunt分享了一個視頻,解釋瞭如何識別錯誤的視頻,這是在某些Isaac Newton爵士50p片中找到的。
The coin expert explained that the coins were released in 2017, and that the error is a die clash error, which appears as scratches on the coin.
硬幣專家解釋說,硬幣是在2017年發布的,並且該錯誤是Die Clash錯誤,它似乎是硬幣上的划痕。
Upon closer inspection, two parallel lines can be seen to the left of the late Queen Elizabeth II's bust.
According to the expert, the error is difficult to show on camera but it is a "pretty common error" and people who collect coins will know what it is.
He estimated that the coin could be worth around £10. And if you have received any of these coins on special order in bulk in the past, it's possible that more than one could contain the die clash issue.
他估計,硬幣的價值約為10英鎊。而且,如果您過去批量收到了這些硬幣中的任何一枚硬幣,則可能有多個可能包含Die Clash問題。
"If you zoom in on the obverse, you can see there's a small defect on the coin. It's a small little mark. It's a die clash error.
"Now if we look on the standard coin, you can see there's no mark there. But on the error coin, there's two small parallel lines to the left of the Queen's neck. It's a very, very small error and it's going to be difficult to pick up on camera but it's a pretty common error.
"People who collect coins will know what this error is and it's a light error. It's not very deep and it's a small error. But it's still an error nonetheless.
"This coin in circulated condition is worth 50p, but in good condition it goes for about £5 and in excellent condition it can go for anything up to about £10. It depends on how good a condition the coin is in.
"If you have any of these coins in special order bulk, they got ordered in bulk and they come in a small tube. If you have any of these coins and they come in bulk, there might be more than one with this die clash error."One viewer commented: "I have two of them." Another confessed: "Can't see nothing different." Whilst a third person added: "Have to check my few."Coins released in 2017 were part of a series highlighting the outstanding contributions of British scientists, engineers, mathematicians and inventors throughout history.
“如果您有特殊訂單的任何這些硬幣,它們就會批量訂購,然後將它們放在一個小管子上。如果您有這些硬幣中的任何一個並且散裝它們,那麼可能有一個以上的死亡衝突錯誤。”一位觀眾評論說:“我有兩個。”另一個承認:“看不到任何不同。”雖然第三個人補充說:“必須檢查我的幾個。” 2017年發行的硬幣是一系列的一部分,該系列重點介紹了整個歷史上英國科學家,工程師,數學家和發明家的傑出貢獻。
When the coin was released eight years ago, the Royal Mint provided some historical context.
"When Sir Isaac Newton came to The Royal Mint, Britain's finances were approaching crisis. Up to one in ten circulating coins were believed to be forged.
"His vision of matchless quality led him to root out and prosecute notorious counterfeiters, improve assaying techniques (the way coin quality is checked) and refine weights and measures to standards never seen before.
"In 1699 Newton became Master of the Mint. After overseeing the new coinage for the accession of Queen Anne in 1702 he went on to supervise the process of bringing Scottish coinage into line with English coinage, following the Union of England and Scotland in 1707.
“ 1699年,牛頓成為造幣廠的大師。在監督了1702年安妮女王的新硬幣之後,他繼續監督了1707年英格蘭和斯科特蘭聯盟,將蘇格蘭造幣與英國造幣保持一致。
"Thanks to Newton's vision Royal Mint coins remain unrivalled in their accuracy and purity to this day. This 50p coin is struck to Brilliant Uncirculated standard. It marks the 375th anniversary of Newton's birth."
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