在「tradwife」擁有話題標籤和專注美學之前,Stepford Wives 就是家庭主婦風格的藍圖。

Nicole Kidman is known for her stunning red carpet looks, and her latest appearance at the Venice International Film Festival was no exception. The actor arrived at a photocall for her new project, Babygirl, on August 30, 2024, in a striking '50s-inspired black dress.
妮可·基德曼以其令人驚嘆的紅毯造型而聞名,她最近在威尼斯國際電影節上的亮相也不例外。 2024 年 8 月 30 日,這位演員穿著引人注目的 50 年代風格黑色連身裙出席她的新項目《Babygirl》的拍照活動。
The Bottega Veneta gown featured a prim and proper design, with puff sleeves and a tea-length skirt. It was a perfect tribute to Kidman's former character in The Stepford Wives, a high-powered executive who moves to the suburbs and finds herself in a nightmarish utopia populated by brain-washed housewives.
Bottega Veneta 禮服的設計端莊得體,泡泡袖和茶長裙擺。這是對基德曼在《史蒂芬的妻子們》中扮演的角色的完美致敬,她是一位權力很大的高管,搬到了郊區,發現自己身處一個噩夢般的烏托邦,裡面住滿了被洗腦的家庭主婦。
Kidman styled the dress with white heeled mules, also from Bottega Veneta, and a pair of $5,640 diamond earrings from Roberto Coin. Her hair was pulled back in a bouncy, 1950s-era ponytail, completing the retro look.
基德曼為這條裙子搭配了同樣來自 Bottega Veneta 的白色高跟穆勒鞋,以及一對價值 5,644 美元的 Roberto Coin 鑽石耳環。她的頭髮向後梳成 20 世紀 50 年代風格的有彈性的馬尾辮,完成了復古造型。
In The Stepford Wives, Joanna's transformation is marked by a shift from her pre-brainwash brunette bob to long, blonde hair, typically worn half-up with soft curls. Kidman's red carpet version featured a similar style, with the addition of the ponytail.
Twenty years later, Kidman is still nailing the tradwife look.