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A billionaire is risking half of his cryptocurrency fortune to build the first commercial space station. Success could win his startup, Vast Space, a lucrative NASA contract to replace the ageing International Space Station. Failure could cost him $1 billion and leave a large hole in the emerging market for private outposts in low Earth orbit.
At least two other startups are also developing commercial space stations, but they are focusing on smaller modules that could be launched as early as next year. Vast’s plans are far more ambitious: its Haven-1 station, which is set to begin operations in May 2026, will be capable of housing a crew of four to six and will have living and working space measuring about 1,800 square feet—roughly the size of a small house.
至少還有另外兩家初創公司也在開發商業空間站,但它們正在關注最早在明年可以推出的較小模塊。 VAST的計劃更加雄心勃勃:它的Haven-1車站將於2026年5月開始運營,能夠容納四到六個的船員,並將擁有約1,800平方英尺的生活和工作空間,這是一個小房子的大小。
The administration of U.S. President Joe Biden has signaled that it likely will give lucrative contracts to private companies that could assist in building the replacement space station and in providing services such as food and hygiene products. If this company fails to persuade NASA, it will likely have a hard time reaching commercial success and attracting the necessary investments for future projects. In such circumstances, McCaleb will lose nearly $1 billion of his cryptocurrency fortune. He isn’t concerned.
美國總統喬·拜登(Joe Biden)的政府表示,它可能會給私人公司簽訂有利可圖的合同,這些公司可以幫助建立替代空間站並提供諸如食品和衛生產品之類的服務。如果該公司未能說服NASA,那麼它可能很難取得商業成功並吸引未來項目的必要投資。在這種情況下,麥卡萊布將損失近10億美元的加密貨幣財富。他不擔心。
“There are not that many folks who are willing to dedicate the amount of resources and time and risk tolerance that I am,” McCaleb said.
A Long-Time Friend Describes Him as a 'Deliberate Risk-Taker'
Sam Yagan, a long-time friend of McCaleb who serves as an advisor at startups, described him as a “deliberate risk-taker.”
麥卡萊布(McCaleb)的長期朋友薩姆·雅根(Sam Yagan)擔任初創企業的顧問,他稱他為“故意冒險者”。
“He’s maybe slightly eccentric in his willingness to take what you and I would see as a lot of risks. But he’s also somebody who really thinks through the implications of his decisions and commits fully to the ones he makes,” Yagan said.
McCaleb further stressed the importance of his decision and his company’s aim of multi-planetary life and civilization. He said that it is very interesting for people to look past our current life on Earth. In his opinion, this can get us closer to a world where many people live on other planets.
“I view it as an all-or-nothing proposition. We’re either going to become a multiplanetary species, or we’re going to remain here on Earth. To me, it feels like there’s no middle ground. And I think it’s important that we continue moving toward that goal. I want to see people living and working in space, and I think we can get there. It’s not going to be easy, but it’s definitely achievable. We’re making good progress with Vast and I’m excited to see what the future holds.”
SpaceX Support Puts Vast on the Launchpad to Success
For the production of parts and delivery of its space station and crew to orbit, Vast is partnering with SpaceX. For instance, SpaceX will provide the docking station which connects the space station to SpaceX’s Dragon capsule. Additionally, an internet connection for the Vast’s space station will be also provided by SpaceX. The flights for delivery of parts and personnel have been already booked and only require NASA’s approval. Vast’s CEO and president, Max Haot, is a former major employee of SpaceX which further strengthens the SpaceX Vast Partnership.
為了生產零件並交付其空間站和機組人到軌道,Vast與SpaceX合作。例如,SpaceX將提供將空間站連接到SpaceX的Dragon Apsule的對接站。此外,SpaceX還將提供GAST的空間站的互聯網連接。零件和人員交付的航班已經被預訂,只需要NASA的批准。 VAST的首席執行官兼總裁Max Haot是SpaceX的前主要員工,進一步加強了SpaceX廣大夥伴關係。
One of the key aspirations of McCaleb’s Vast is to introduce artificial gravity in future space stations. This feature will probably be created by high-speed rotation of the station. Such features are necessary as the current personnel of the International Space Station suffer from various physical issues. However, the company is still far from such features as Heaven-1 will not have the capabilities that ISS currently has. The ISS can turn dirty water into drinkable water and produce oxygen from carbon dioxide. Heaven-1 is said to be a short-term station and will not have such features.
麥卡萊布廣闊的主要願望之一是在未來的太空站中引入人工重力。此功能可能會通過電台的高速旋轉而創建。這樣的功能是必要的,因為國際空間站的當前人員遭受了各種物理問題的困擾。但是,該公司仍然遠離天堂1的功能,它將沒有ISS當前具有的功能。 ISS可以將髒水變成可飲用的水,並從二氧化碳產生氧氣。據說天堂1是一個短期站,不會具有這樣的特徵。
Jed McCaleb’s Billion-Dollar Journey Through Crypto
傑德·麥卡萊布(Jed McCaleb)的十億美元穿越加密之旅
Jed McCaleb has many well-known companies in his portfolio as he entered the crypto world as the founder of Mt. Gox. However he sold most of his shares in 2011 and exited the company, one year later he created the XRP token. McCaleb XRP co-founder owned 9% of all XRP tokens in the market. However, he sold most of his tokens in 2013 and left Ripple, although he has profited billions of dollars from Ripple. A year later he started the Stellar network and the Stellar token which now has reached $8.7B in market capitalization.
傑德·麥卡萊布(Jed McCaleb)進入加密貨幣世界(Crypto World),成為Gox山的創始人。然而,他在2011年出售了他的大部分股票,並退出了公司,一年後,他創建了XRP令牌。 McCaleb XRP聯合創始人擁有市場上所有XRP代幣的9%。但是,儘管他從Ripple中獲利了數十億美元,但他在2013年出售了大部分代幣,並留下了波紋。一年後,他啟動了Stellar網絡和恆星代幣,現在已經達到了8.7億美元的市值。
Crypto King to Cosmic Dreamer: McCaleb’s New Challenge
As McCaleb’s past shows he has founded many successful companies and has not been involved in any controversies. With such a track record and the SpaceX Vast Partnership, the future of Vast seems to be bright. However, the lack of experience in the field of space technology and fierce competition threaten McCaleb’s company.
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