Internet Computer 將參加在瑞士聖莫里茲舉行的 CfC 聖莫里茲會議上題為「區塊鏈、人工智慧和量子運算:協同、挑戰和未來機會」的小組討論。

Internet Computer will participate in a panel discussion titled “Blockchain, AI, and quantum computing: synergy, challenges, and future opportunities” at the CfC St. Moritz conference in St. Moritz, Switzerland. The event is scheduled for January 16th at 09:35 UTC.
Internet Computer 將參加在瑞士聖莫里茲舉行的 CfC 聖莫里茲會議上題為「區塊鏈、人工智慧和量子計算:協同、挑戰和未來機遇」的小組討論。該活動定於世界標準時間 1 月 16 日 09:35 舉行。
The Internet Computer is a Layer 1 blockchain that aims to provide infinite scale for Web3 applications. The blockchain is designed to support smart contracts that can run directly on the internet, eliminating the need for intermediaries. The Internet Computer also features a Network Nervous System (NNS), which allows the community to govern and manage the blockchain network.
互聯網計算機是第 1 層區塊鏈,旨在為 Web3 應用程式提供無限的規模。區塊鏈旨在支援可以直接在互聯網上運行的智慧合約,從而消除對中介機構的需求。互聯網電腦還具有網路神經系統(NNS),它允許社區治理和管理區塊鏈網路。
The panel discussion will focus on the convergence of blockchain, AI, and quantum computing, and how these technologies can be used together to create new applications and solve complex problems. Representatives from Internet Computer,, and Strangeworks will participate in the discussion.
小組討論將重點討論區塊鏈、人工智慧和量子運算的融合,以及如何結合使用這些技術來創建新的應用程式並解決複雜的問題。來自 Internet Computer、 和 Strangeworks 的代表將參與討論。
To follow the event, you can tune in to the CfC St. Moritz livestream on January 16th at 09:35 UTC. The event will also be covered on the Internet Computer Info Twitter account.
如需關注活動,您可以收看 1 月 16 日 09:35 UTC 的 CfC St. Moritz 直播。 Internet Computer Info Twitter 帳號也將通報活動。