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本週早些時候,Guns N'Roses透露,他們與鼓手Frank Ferrer分手。儘管樂隊的聲明宣佈出口是“友好的”,但費雷爾在Instagram上分享了一份聲明,在出發時表達了“失望”。
Guns N' Roses have announced the departure of drummer Frank Ferrer, the band's longest tenured member.
Guns N'Roses宣布了樂隊最長的終身成員弗蘭克·費雷爾(Frank Ferrer)離開。
Earlier this week, the band revealed that they're parting ways with Ferrer, and will be joined by a new drummer, Isaac Carpenter, for their upcoming tour.
本週早些時候,樂隊透露,他們正在與費雷爾(Ferrer)分開,並將與新的鼓手艾薩克·卡彭特(Isaac Carpenter)一起參加即將舉行的巡迴演出。
> "Frank Ferrer is leaving Guns N' Roses," the band's statement reads. "The exit is amicable and the band wishes Frank all the best in his future endeavors.
>“弗蘭克·費雷爾(Frank Ferrer)留下了槍支,”樂隊的陳述寫道。 “出口是友好的,樂隊希望弗蘭克在未來的努力中一切順利。
> "Taking over the drum duties is Isaac Carpenter, who has been a member of AWOLNATION since 2014. He will be joining Axl, Slash, Duff, Dizzy and DJ Ash Fury on the upcoming 'Because What You Want and What You Get Are Two Completely Different Things' tour, which will see Guns N' Roses play in Saudi Arabia for the first time ever. The tour kicks off May 1 in South Korea before heading to the Middle East, Europe and the UK."
>“接管鼓的職責是艾薩克·卡彭特(Isaac Carpenter),他自2014年以來一直是Awolnation的成員。他將加入Axl,Slash,Duff,Dizzy和DJ Ash Fury在即將到來的“因為您想要的東西,您想要的是兩個完全不同的事物”,這是兩個完全不同的事物的巡迴演出,這將使槍支在Saudi Arabia中競爭,這是在Saudi Arabia的首次巡迴演出。英國。”
Ferrer, who joined GNR in 2004, shared a statement of his own, expressing his "disappointment" in the departure.
"The outpouring of love I have felt from the incredible fans of Guns N' Roses and my peers over the past 24 hours has been tremendous," he wrote. "I will have immense gratitude and love always for Axl and the band while at the same time, disappointment that this chapter came to an end. It has been an incredible 19 years. Guns N' Roses has given me life-changing memories and experiences. A huge thanks to management, the crew, and fans for giving me memories that I will cherish for my lifetime. I hope I see you all again soon!"
他寫道:“在過去的24小時裡,我從槍支玫瑰和同齡人的令人難以置信的愛好者那裡感受到了愛的震撼。” “我將永遠對Axl和樂隊表示巨大的感激和愛,同時,這一章結束了失望。這是一個令人難以置信的19年。Gunsn'Roses為我帶來了改變生活的回憶和經驗。對管理層,船員,船員,粉絲和粉絲們的記憶,我一生都珍惜您的回憶。
See Ferrer's post below.
In other Guns N' Roses news, the band have also announced a new limited-edition vinyl pressing of their 1987 album *Appetite For Destruction*. The 4LP set will be released on March 31 via Geffen Records/Interscope Records.
在其他Guns N'Roses新聞中,樂隊還宣布了他們1987年專輯 *對破壞的胃口 *的新限量版乙烯基壓力 *。 4LP集將於3月31日通過Geffen Records/InterScope Records發布。
The new pressing of *Appetite For Destruction* will be available in two formats: a limited-edition "Union Jack" version and a standard black vinyl pressing. Both formats will include the original album on 3LP, plus a fourth LP featuring four tracks from the *EP "Live From The Jungle"* EP.
*對破壞的食慾的新壓力將以兩種格式提供:限量版的“ Union Jack”版本和標準的黑色乙烯基按壓。兩種格式都將包括3LP上的原始專輯,以及第四張LP,其中包含 * EP“ Live from the Jungle” * EP中的四首曲目。
The "Union Jack" version of the vinyl is limited to 10,000 copies and will be housed in a slipcase with a silkscreened image of the iconic album artwork. The pressing is also expected to come with a 16-page booklet featuring lyrics and photos from the band's archives.
Pre-orders for the vinyl are available now.
*Appetite For Destruction* is one of the best-selling albums of all time, and it's widely regarded as one of the greatest metal albums ever made. The album spawned several hit singles, including "Welcome to the Jungle," "Paradise City" and "Sweet Child o' Mine."
The album's enduring popularity is a testament to the band's musical talent and songwriting ability. It's an album that continues to resonate with listeners of all generations.
"We wanted to do something special for the fans and give them a unique and collectible version of Appetite For Destruction," said Axl Rose. "We're also excited to be releasing EP 'Live From The Jungle' for the first time ever on vinyl."
阿克斯·羅斯(Axl Rose)說:“我們想為粉絲們做一些特別的事情,並為他們提供獨特且可收藏的版本的破壞胃口。” “我們也很高興能在乙烯基上首次發布EP'Live'Live'。”
Guns N' Roses are currently on tour in support of their latest album, *Chinese Democracy*. The band will be performing several new songs from the album, as well as classic hits from their early career.
Guns n'Roses目前正在巡迴演出,以支持其最新專輯 *中國民主 *。樂隊將演奏專輯中的幾首新歌,以及他們早期職業生涯的經典歌曲。
The tour is set to kick off on May 1 in South Korea. It will then continue on to the Middle East, Europe and the UK.
The band's full tour dates are as follows:
May 1 - Seoul, Korea - KSPO Dome
5月1日 - 韓國首爾-KSPO圓頂
May 3 - Tokyo, Japan - Tokyo Dome
5月3日 - 日本東京 - 東京圓頂
May 5 - Osaka, Japan - Kyocera Dome
5月5日 - 日本大阪-Kyocera Dome
May 8 - Riyadh, Saudi Arabia - King Fahd International Stadium
5月8日 - 沙特阿拉伯利雅得 - 國王國際體育場
May 11 - Abu Dhabi, UAE - Yas Island - RIVA Arena
5月11日 - 阿聯酋阿布扎比-Yas Island -Riva Arena
May 13 - Dammam, Saudi Arabia - Dammam Stadium
May 17 - Istanbul, Turkey - Olympic Stadium
5月17日 - 土耳其伊斯坦布爾 - 奧林匹克體育場
May 20 - Budapest, Hungary - Groupama Arena
5月20日 - 床,趕快 - 集體競技場
May 23 - Sofia, Bulgaria - Vassil Levski National Stadium
5月23日 - 保加利亞索非亞-Vassil Levski國家體育場
May 26 - Athens, Greece - Olympic Stadium
5月26日 - 希臘雅典 - 奧林匹克體育場
May 28 - Belgrade, Serbia - Stark Arena
5月28日 - 貝爾格萊德,塞爾維亞 - 斯塔克競技場
June 1 - Stockholm, Sweden - Tele2 Arena
6月1日 - 斯德哥爾摩,瑞典-Tele2競技場
June 3 - Helsinki, Finland - Olympic Stadium
6月3日 - 芬蘭赫爾辛基 - 奧林匹克體育場
June 6 - Copenhagen, Denmark - SEB Arena
6月6日 - 丹麥哥本哈根-SEB競技場
June 9 - Hamburg, Germany - Volksparkstadion
6月9日 - 德國漢堡 - Volksparkstadion
June 12 - Berlin, Germany - Friedrich-Wilhelm-Stadt
6月12日 - 德國柏林-Friedrich -Wilhelm -Stadt
June 15 - Munich, Germany - Allianz Arena
6月15日 - 德國慕尼黑 - 安聯競技場
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