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GraniteShares 推出新的 2 倍多頭 SMCI 每日 ETF (SMCL)

2024/12/13 21:09

紐約, 2024 年 12 月 13 日 (環球通訊社) -- 今天,專注於高信念 ETF 的 ETF 發行人 GraniteShares 宣佈在 SMCI(超微型計算機)上推出新的空頭槓桿單股 ETF。

GraniteShares 推出新的 2 倍多頭 SMCI 每日 ETF (SMCL)

NEW YORK, Dec. 13, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Today, GraniteShares, an ETF issuer specializing in high conviction ETFs, announced that it has launched a new short & leveraged single-stock ETF on SMCI (Super Micro Computer). GraniteShares 2x Long SMCI Daily ETF (SMCL) will aim to replicate +2X the daily variations of Super Micro Computer (SMCI). The addition of this new ETF will bring the total number of short and leveraged ETFs that GraniteShares offers to 21. The additions come as GraniteShares recently surpassed $10 Billion2 in AUM on the back of strong growth across its ETF platform. GraniteShares first introduced leveraged ETFs on single stocks in the UK in 2019 and was one of the first ETF issuers to launch single-stock ETFs in the U.S. in August 2023. As a pioneer in leveraged single-stock ETFs, GraniteShares today operates one of the largest single stock ETF in the world, GraniteShares 2X Long NVDA Daily ETF (NVDL) 1 and one of the largest overall single stock ETF franchises by AUM. "We are pleased to offer a new leveraged single stock ETF on Super Micro Computer,” said Will Rhind, Founder and CEO of GraniteShares. "We have had a lot of interest in this name and for AI related stocks generally." GraniteShares Live ETF Offering In Table Below: TickerFund NameSMCLGraniteShares 2x Long SMCI Daily ETF For more information, please visit: www.graniteshares.com. Media contact: Gregory FCA for GraniteShares Te'a Gray, 203-815-4514 [email protected] About GraniteShares: GraniteShares is an award-winning global investment firm dedicated to creating and managing ETFs. Headquartered in New York City, GraniteShares provides products on U.S., U.K, German, French & Italian stock exchanges. The firm is a market leader in leveraged single-stock ETFs and provides innovative, cutting-edge investment solutions for the high conviction investor. Graniteshares believes the future of investing lies at the nexus of alternative thinking, low fees, and disruptive product structures-the core of its high conviction investment philosophy. The firm launched its first product in 2017 and is a fast-growing ETF issuer with approximately $82 Billion in assets under management spanning a full array of investment strategies. Investors should consider the investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses carefully before investing. For a prospectus or summary prospectus with this and other information about the Funds, please call (844) 476 8747 or visit www.graniteshares.com. Read the prospectus or summary prospectus carefully before investing. The investment program of the funds is speculative, entails substantial risks and include asset classes and investment techniques not employed by more traditional mutual funds. PRINCIPAL FUND RISKS (see the Prospectus for more information) The Fund is not suitable for all investors. The investment program of the funds is speculative, entails substantial risks and includes asset classes and investment techniques not employed by most other ETFs and mutual funds. Investments in the ETFs are not bank deposits and are not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other government agency. The Fund is designed to be utilized only by knowledgeable investors who understand the potential consequences of seeking daily leveraged (2X) investment results, understand the risks associated with the use of leveraged exposure and are willing to monitor their portfolios frequently. For periods longer than a single day, the Fund will lose money if the Underlying Stock's performance is flat, and it is possible that the Fund will lose money even if the Underlying Stock's performance leveraged over a period longer than a single day. An investor could lose the full principal value of his/her investment within a single day. The Fund seeks daily leveraged investment results and are intended to be used as short-term trading vehicles. This Fund attempts to provide daily investment results that correspond to the respective leveraged of the performance of its underlying stock (a leveraged Fund). Investors should note that the fund pursues daily leveraged investment objectives, which means that the fund is riskier than alternatives that do not use leverage because the fund magnifies the performance of their underlying security. The volatility of the underlying security may affect a Fund's return as much as, or more than, the return of the underlying security. Because of daily rebalancing and the compounding of each day's return over time, the return of the Fund for periods longer than a single day will be the result of each day's returns compounded over the period, which will very likely differ from 200% of the return of the Underlying Stock over the same period. The Fund will lose money if the Underlying Stock's performance is flat over time, and as a result of daily rebalancing, the Underlying Stock volatility and the effects of compounding, it is even possible that the Fund will lose money over time while the

紐約, 2024 年 12 月 13 日 (環球通訊社) -- 今天,專注於高信念 ETF 的 ETF 發行人 GraniteShares 宣佈在 SMCI(超微型計算機)上推出新的空頭槓桿單股 ETF。 GraniteShares 2x Long SMCI Daily ETF (SMCL) 的目標是複製 Super Micro Computer (SMCI) 每日變動的 2 倍。這只新 ETF 的加入將使 GraniteShares 提供的空頭和槓桿 ETF 總數達到 21 只。 GraniteShares 於 2019 年首次在英國推出單一股票槓桿 ETF,並於 2023 年 8 月成為首批在美國推出單一股票 ETF 的 ETF 發行人之一。 NVDA Daily ETF (NVDL) 1 是全球最大的單一股票ETF,也是按AUM 計算的最大的整體單一股票ETF 特許經營權之一。 GraniteShares 創辦人兼執行長 Will Rhind 表示:「我們很高興在 Super Micro Computer 上推出一款新的槓桿單一股票 ETF。我們對這個名稱以及一般與人工智慧相關的股票非常感興趣。」產品如下表所示: TickerFund 名稱SMCLGraniteShares 2x Long SMCI Daily ETF 欲了解更多信息,請訪問:www.graniteshares.com 媒體聯繫人:GraniteShares 的Gregory FCA Te'a Gray,203-815-4514 [email protected] 關於GraniteShares: GraniteShares。尖端的投資解決方案,相信投資的未來在於另類思維、低費用和顛覆性產品結構的結合——這是其堅定信念投資理念的核心。該公司於 2017 年推出了首款產品,是一家快速成長的 ETF 發行人,管理約 820 億美元的資產,涵蓋一系列投資策略。投資者在投資前應仔細考慮投資目標、風險、費用和開支。如需包含本資訊及相關基金的其他資訊的招股說明書或招股說明書摘要,請致電 (844) 476 8747 或造訪 www.graniteshares.com。投資前請仔細閱讀招股說明書或招股說明書摘要。這些基金的投資計畫是投機性的,會帶來巨大的風險,並且包括傳統共同基金不採用的資產類別和投資技術。主要基金風險(更多資訊請參閱招股說明書) 本基金並非適用於所有投資者。這些基金的投資計畫是投機性的,會帶來巨大的風險,並包括大多數其他 ETF 和共同基金所不採用的資產類別和投資技術。 ETF 的投資不是銀行存款,且不受聯邦存款保險公司或任何其他政府機構的保險或擔保。該基金僅供知識淵博的投資者使用,他們了解尋求每日槓桿 (2 倍) 投資結果的潛在後果,了解與使用槓桿敞口相關的風險,並願意經常監控其投資組合。對於超過單日的期間,如果標的股票表現平淡,本基金將會虧損;即使標的股票的表現在超過單日的期間內槓桿化,本基金也有可能虧損。投資者可能會在一天內損失其投資的全部本金價值。該基金尋求每日槓桿投資結果,旨在用作短期交易工具。本基金試圖提供與其標的股票(槓桿基金)績效各自槓桿相對應的每日投資結果。投資者應注意,該基金追求每日槓桿投資目標,這意味著該基金比不使用槓桿的替代品風險更高,因為該基金放大了其基礎證券的表現。標的證券的波動性對基金報酬的影響可能與標的證券的報酬一樣大,甚至更大。由於每日重新平衡以及每日回報隨時間的複利,基金在超過一天的期間內的回報將是每日回報在該期間內的複利結果,這很可能與 200% 的回報不同同期標的股票。如果標的股票的表現隨著時間的推移表現平淡,基金將會虧損,並且由於每日重新平衡、標的股票的波動以及複利的影響,基金甚至有可能隨著時間的推移而虧損,而基金則可能會虧損。


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