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星期五,馬里蘭州代表阿德里安·鮑阿福(D)和紐約議員克萊德·瓦內爾(Clyde Vanel)(D)向民主黨國會領導人發了一封聯合信,敦促他們在聯邦一級通過全面的加密立法。
2025/03/25 02:32
On Friday, Maryland Delegate Adrian Boafo (D) and New York Assemblyman Clyde Vanel (D) sent a joint letter to Democratic Congressional leaders urging them to pass comprehensive crypto legislation at the federal level.
星期五,馬里蘭州代表阿德里安·鮑阿福(D)和紐約議員克萊德·瓦內爾(Clyde Vanel)(D)向民主黨國會領導人發了一封聯合信,敦促他們在聯邦一級通過全面的加密立法。
In the letter, the elected officials cited New York State as being a leader in crypto regulation and proposed that New York’s BitLicense be used as a model for what federal crypto regulation should look like. The letter’s authors also noted that New York State has placed a two-year moratorium on proof-of-work cryptocurrency mining that uses fossil fuels (seemingly citing this as something else the federal government might consider doing).
It was upon reading these points in the letter that I realized that Democrats are capable of putting forward Bitcoin and crypto policy ideas stupider than what former Vice President Harris proposed in October 2024, which was “a regulatory framework for cryptocurrency and other digital assets [that protects] Black men who invest in and own these assets.”
(Please note that I’m in favor of a regulatory framework that protects the right of Black men to invest in crypto assets. I’m also in favor of one that protects the right of Asian men, Hispanic men, White men, and Indigenous men to do the same. Oh, and I’d like for whatever Bitcoin and crypto policy we craft here in the U.S. to protect the right of women and transgender people of all races to invest in bitcoin and crypto, as well.)
With that said, let me break down why the U.S. federal government’s creating something comparable to New York’s BitLicense and putting a mining moratorium on Bitcoin miners that use any amount of fossil fuels would be a bad idea.
And please forgive me in advance for being emotional at points. This issue is personal to me, as I’m a resident of New York State and have experienced firsthand the damage that politicians and bureaucrats have done to the Bitcoin and crypto industry in the state.
The BitLicense
New York State requires that all virtual currency businesses that operate in the state obtain a BitLicense.
At face value, obtaining a license to operate a business seems harmless enough. But once you learn that it takes months to years to complete all of the paperwork and to jump through all of the hoops required to obtain one and that it costs upward of $100,000 to go through this process, you quickly see why so many established companies in the space — never mind the early-stage start-ups — don’t even start the process.
從表面上看,獲得經營業務的許可似乎無害。但是,一旦您得知要完成所有文書工作並跳過獲得一個需要的所有籃球,並且要經歷這一過程的成本高達100,000美元,那麼您很快就會看到為什麼在該空間中如此眾多成熟的公司 - 不介意早期的初創企業 - 甚至不啟動這一過程。
Because of the BitLicense, New York State residents cannot use reputable platforms like Strike, River, Swan, and Kraken. Nor can they use Lightning on CashApp or the fiat-to-bitcoin exchange on Fold. This is only to name few of the Bitcoin/crypto products and services that we can’t use because of red tape.
But what’s perhaps more of a slap in the face is that when you attempt to use some of these platforms as a New York State resident, you’re presented with messages such as “This exchange doesn’t serve residents of jurisdictions including New York State, Iran, Syria and North Korea.”
If we were to apply the BitLicense on a federal level, we would deeply stifle innovation and entrepreneurship, as not only would we greatly hinder the Bitcoin and crypto companies that have the money and resources to go through the process of obtaining a federal BitLicense, but we’d create a moat around them while creating a scenario in which the start-ups that can’t afford to go through the process either close up shop or simply not serve U.S. citizens.
A federal BitLicense would be a major hindrance to President Trump’s accomplishing his goal of making the United States the Bitcoin superpower and the crypto capital of the world. (Maybe that’s why these Democrats proposed it?)
聯邦比特萊也將是特朗普總統實現他的目標,即使美國成為世界上的超級大國和加密之都。 (也許這就是為什麼這些民主黨人提出的原因?)
The Mining Moratorium
While I know that burning fossil fuels is detrimental to the environment and I believe that human-made climate change is a real thing, I’m also a proponent of people being gainfully employed and industries being able to flourish.
And in upstate New York, there’s been a notable lack of both since factories began closing down in the region after World War II.
What’s replaced gainful employment in factories in many parts of upstate New York are service-sector jobs that barely enable workers to make ends meet.
The urban blight in most cities in upstate New York is so palpable that it’s nauseating.
What we could do to revive upstate New York is invite the Bitcoin mining industry in. Sure, Bitcoin mining companies might burn some fossil fuels to power their operations at first, but as Bitcoin mining incentivizes renewable energy production, they could move away from fossil fuels as their source of energy.
Also, if the likes of Assemblyman Vanel and
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