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FaZe Banks 談到了 FaZe 家族最近的裁員問題,將負面反應描述為源自於「權力追趕老鼠」。他宣布該組織的名單已被裁減,包括 Blaze、Booya、Cbass、Cizzorz、Faxuty 和 Flea 在內的幾名成員不再是團隊的成員。班克斯透露,他原計劃將員工人數減少到10 人,並在2024 年初的品牌重塑過程中已經裁減了110 多名成員。了」。
Amidst the recent layoffs at the FaZe clan, its founder, Richard "Banks", penned a post on X characterizing the move as a "reboot." Banks also mentioned a recently released video by Lucas "Blaze", who expressed gratitude for Richard's decision to include him in the organization. Among the members impacted by the recent FaZe restructuring are Blaze, Booya, Cbass, Cizzorz, Faxuty, Flea, and others.
在最近 FaZe 家族的裁員中,其創始人理查德“班克斯”在 X 上發表了一篇帖子,將此舉描述為“重啟”。班克斯還提到了盧卡斯“Blaze”最近發布的一段視頻,視頻中他對理查德決定讓他加入該組織表示感謝。受近期 FaZe 重組影響的成員包括 Blaze、Booya、Cbass、Cizzorz、Faxuty、Flea 等。
In response to negative reactions to the layoffs, Banks fiercely denounced, "Fk em all. Couldn’t of said it better myself. What does it say about how Blaze reacted vs. how some of these random little clout chasing rats are reacting. We didn’t even recruit you, some fking weirdo did. SEE YA B**CH, this a reboot."
為了回應對裁員的負面反應,班克斯激烈地譴責道:「去死吧。我自己說得再好不過了。Blaze 的反應與這些隨機的小勢力追逐老鼠的反應相比,這說明了什麼。
Banks subsequently shared a complete list of remaining clan members on X. These significant changes follow the merger of the FaZe clan with GameSquare, resulting in the former becoming a wholly-owned and independent subsidiary of the latter. Banks initially planned to reduce the total employee count to 10, having already cut over 110 members as part of the brand overhaul initiated in April 2024.
Banks 隨後在 X 上分享了剩餘部落成員的完整名單。作為 2024 年 4 月啟動的品牌改革的一部分,銀行最初計劃將員工總數減少至 10 人,目前已裁員 110 多名。
With these changes, Banks assumed the role of CEO, subsequently outlining plans for the clan's rebranding and restructuring. Alongside the list of retained members, Banks included a simple message: "Everyone else is out. That is the roster."
In the wake of their departures, several removed creators have responded to the news. They expressed gratitude to Richard for the opportunities afforded by their affiliation with the clan while expressing anticipation for the next chapter in their careers.
Following his release, former FaZe member Lucas "Blaze" disclosed in a YouTube video that he had anticipated his removal two months prior to its occurrence. Coincidentally, on the same day, he received news that his chocolate brand, "Charged," had secured an exclusive six-month retail partnership with retail giant Walmart.
獲釋後,FaZe 前成員 Lucas "Blaze" 在 YouTube 影片中透露,他在事件發生前兩個月就預計會被除名。無獨有偶,就在同一天,他收到消息稱,他的巧克力品牌「Charged」與零售巨頭沃爾瑪達成了為期六個月的獨家零售合作夥伴關係。
In a subsequent post on X, FaZe Banks shared the full roster of remaining members within the organization. These comprehensive measures were implemented following the merger of the FaZe clan with GameSquare, resulting in the former becoming a wholly-owned and independent subsidiary of the latter.
在隨後發布的 X 貼文中,FaZe Banks 分享了該組織內剩餘成員的完整名單。這些綜合措施是在FaZe家族與GameSquare合併後實施的,導致FaZe家族成為後者的全資獨立子公司。
Banks initially planned to reduce the total number of employees to 10, with over 110 members already having been released as part of the rebranding process initiated in April 2024.
Banks 最初計劃將員工總數減少至 10 人,作為 2024 年 4 月啟動的品牌重塑流程的一部分,已經裁減了 110 多名員工。
With these changes, Banks assumed the role of CEO, subsequently outlining plans for the clan's rebranding and restructuring. Alongside the list of remaining members, Banks included a simple message: "Everyone else is out. That is the roster."
In the wake of their departures, several removed creators have responded to the news. They expressed gratitude to Richard for the opportunities afforded by their affiliation with the clan while expressing anticipation for the next chapter in their careers.
Following his release, former FaZe member Lucas "Blaze" disclosed in a YouTube video that he had anticipated his removal two months prior to its occurrence. Coincidentally, on the same day, he received news that his chocolate brand, "Charged," had secured an exclusive six-month retail partnership with retail giant Walmart.
獲釋後,FaZe 前成員 Lucas "Blaze" 在 YouTube 影片中透露,他在事件發生前兩個月就預計會被除名。無獨有偶,就在同一天,他收到消息稱,他的巧克力品牌「Charged」與零售巨頭沃爾瑪達成了為期六個月的獨家零售合作夥伴關係。
Amidst the layoffs in the FaZe clan, its founder, Richard "Banks", penned a post on X characterizing the move as a "reboot." Banks also mentioned a recently released video by Lucas "Blaze", who expressed gratitude for Richard's decision to include him in the organization. Among the members impacted by the recent FaZe restructuring are Blaze, Booya, Cbass, Cizzorz, Faxuty, Flea, and others.
在 FaZe 家族裁員期間,其創始人理查德“班克斯”在 X 上發表了一篇帖子,將此舉描述為“重啟”。班克斯還提到了盧卡斯“Blaze”最近發布的一段視頻,視頻中他對理查德決定讓他加入該組織表示感謝。受近期 FaZe 重組影響的成員包括 Blaze、Booya、Cbass、Cizzorz、Faxuty、Flea 等。
In response to negative reactions to the layoffs, Banks fiercely denounced, "Fk em all. Couldn’t of said it better myself. What does it say about how Blaze reacted vs. how some of these random little clout chasing rats are reacting. We didn’t even recruit you, some fking weirdo did. SEE YA B**CH, this a reboot."
為了回應對裁員的負面反應,班克斯激烈地譴責道:「去死吧。我自己說得再好不過了。Blaze 的反應與這些隨機的小勢力追逐老鼠的反應相比,這說明了什麼。
Banks subsequently shared a complete list of remaining clan members on X. These significant changes follow the merger of the FaZe clan with GameSquare, resulting in the former becoming a wholly-owned and independent subsidiary of the latter. Banks initially planned to reduce the total employee count to 10, having already cut over 110 members as part of the brand overhaul initiated in April 2024.
Banks 隨後在 X 上分享了剩餘部落成員的完整名單。作為 2024 年 4 月啟動的品牌改革的一部分,銀行最初計劃將員工總數減少至 10 人,目前已裁員 110 多名。
With these changes, Banks assumed the role of CEO, subsequently outlining plans for the clan's rebranding and restructuring. Alongside the list of retained members, Banks included a simple message: "Everyone else is out. That is the roster."
In the wake of their departures, several removed creators have responded to the news. They expressed gratitude to Richard for the opportunities afforded by their affiliation with the clan while expressing anticipation for the next chapter in their careers.
Following his release, former FaZe member Lucas "Blaze" disclosed in a YouTube video that he had anticipated his removal two months prior to its occurrence. Coincidentally, on the same day, he received news that his chocolate brand, "Charged," had secured an exclusive six-month retail partnership with retail giant Walmart.
獲釋後,FaZe 前成員 Lucas "Blaze" 在 YouTube 影片中透露,他在事件發生前兩個月就預計會被除名。無獨有偶,就在同一天,他收到消息稱,他的巧克力品牌「Charged」與零售巨頭沃爾瑪達成了為期六個月的獨家零售合作夥伴關係。
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