由以太坊基金會和聯合創始人Vitalik Buterin支持的一家新的以太坊營銷公司的支持,旨在增強對區塊鏈技術的機構理解。

A new Ethereum-focused marketing firm, Etherealize, has been launched with the aim of enhancing institutional understanding of blockchain technology. The initiative, which commenced on January 22, is seeing heightened enthusiasm from the Ethereum community as it seeks to build a compelling case for the use of Ethereum on Wall Street.
The company's co-founder, Grant Hummer, previously of Chromatic Capital, identified a gap in institutional education following the launch of US spot ETFs and plans to use Etherealize to bring Wall Street, and eventually global markets, onto Ethereum rails. The firm aims to offer a suite of products for institutions to tokenize real-world assets on Ethereum, akin to the efforts of major financial players like BlackRock and Franklin Templeton.
該公司的聯合創始人Grant Hummer以前是Callomatic Capital,在美國ETF啟動併計劃使用Etherealize將華爾街乃至全球市場帶入以太坊鐵路之後,確定了機構教育的差距。該公司旨在為機構提供一套產品,以使以太坊上的現實資產對現實世界的資產,類似於Blackrock和Franklin Templeton等主要財務參與者的努力。
Etherealize, co-founded by financial veterans Vivek Raman and James Fickel, aims to address tokenization beyond stablecoins, targeting areas such as treasury markets, mutual funds, stocks, bonds, commodities, and real estate to improve institutional efficiency and reduce costs through blockchain technology. This move aligns with BlackRock CEO Larry Fink’s advocacy for rapid SEC approval of asset tokenization, reflected in BlackRock’s $394 million tokenized money market fund on Ethereum — a significant step in the growing trend of digital financial products.
由金融退伍軍人維維克·拉曼(Vivek Raman)和詹姆斯·菲克爾(James Fickel)共同創建的空靈,旨在解決超越穩定的令牌化,以衡量國庫市場,共同基金,股票,股票,債券,債券,商品和房地產等方面的目標,以提高機構效率並通過Blockchain技術降低成本。這一舉動與貝萊德首席執行官拉里·芬克(Larry Fink)倡導SEC快速批准資產令牌化的倡導,這反映在貝萊德(BlackRock)的3.94億美元的以太坊貨幣市場基金中,這是數字金融產品不斷增長的趨勢的重要一步。
Despite focusing on Ethereum, BlackRock is exploring multi-chain opportunities, expanding its digital liquidity fund to platforms like Aptos, Arbitrum, and others. Meanwhile, the Ethereum Foundation continues to support the decentralized finance ecosystem, recently earmarking 50,000 Ether for this endeavor and undergoing organizational restructuring for better community transparency.