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Elroy Cheo 是頗具影響力的 Web3 集體 ARC 的共同創辦人兼架構師,其使命是重新定義數位社群的動態。
Elroy Cheo set out to redefine the dynamics of digital communities with ARC, a Web3 collective. Together with fellow entrepreneur Kiat Lim, son of billionaire businessman Peter Lim, they established ARC as a hub for collaboration within the global Asian diaspora. Members can use a Stellar NFT and a Soulbound Token called Fyrian to access the ARC app, exclusive events and merchandise. Cheo's vision is to build a meritocratic network rooted in shared goals and collective action.
Elroy Cheo 著手與 Web3 集體 ARC 一起重新定義數位社群的動態。他們與企業家億萬富翁 Peter Lim 的兒子 Kiat Lim 一起建立了 ARC,作為全球亞裔僑民之間的合作中心。會員可以使用 Stellar NFT 和名為 Fyrian 的 Soulbound 代幣來存取 ARC 應用程式、獨家活動和商品。 Cheo 的願景是建立一個植根於共同目標和集體行動的精英網絡。
This series is brought to you by Consensus Hong Kong. Come and experience the most influential event in Web3 and Digital Assets, Feb.18-20. Register today and save 15% with the code CoinDesk15.
本系列由Consensus Hong Kong 為您帶來。 2 月 18 日至 20 日,快來體驗 Web3 和數位資產領域最具影響力的活動。立即註冊,使用代碼 CoinDesk15 可節省 15%。
Here, Cheo discusses his vision for ARC, how his background in property development and music has influenced his approach and why Asia is uniquely positioned to lead the next phase of NFT innovation. Cheo will be a speaker at Consensus Hong Kong in February.
在這裡,Cheo 討論了他對 ARC 的願景、他在房地產開發和音樂方面的背景如何影響他的方法,以及為什麼亞洲具有獨特的優勢來引領下一階段的 NFT 創新。 Cheo 將於二月在 Consensus Hong Kong 上發表演講。
The following interview has been edited for clarity and brevity.
CoinDesk: How have your personal experiences shaped your approach to creating and building ARC?
CoinDesk:您的個人經驗如何影響您創建和建立 ARC 的方法?
Elroy Cheo: My journey is a bit unconventional — I started in commodities and property development. Before crypto, my last big project was overseeing a mega-city development in China. When I first arrived, it was just barren land, farmers and fields. We bought the land, built the infrastructure and now it’s a bustling city with a high GDP. That experience stuck with me — seeing how you can bring people together to create something meaningful out of nothing.
Elroy Cheo:我的旅程有點非傳統——我從商品和房地產開發開始。在加密貨幣之前,我的最後一個大專案是監督中國的一個大城市的開發。剛到的時候,這裡只是荒地、農夫和田地。我們買了土地,建造了基礎設施,現在它是一個GDP很高的繁華城市。那次經驗讓我印象深刻──看到如何將人們聚集在一起,從無到有創造出有意義的東西。
In 2016, I got into crypto thanks to my uncle — a 73-year-old software developer. We worked on a blockchain-based music copyright project to tackle siloed databases. Disputes over ownership are so common in the music industry and blockchain felt like the perfect solution to consolidate ownership records. Even today, that project’s still alive, and I’m proud it never relied on a token to survive.
2016 年,我在叔叔(一位 73 歲的軟體開發人員)的幫助下進入了加密貨幣領域。我們致力於一個基於區塊鏈的音樂版權專案來解決孤立的資料庫問題。所有權糾紛在音樂產業非常普遍,而區塊鏈似乎是鞏固所有權記錄的完美解決方案。即使在今天,該項目仍然存在,我很自豪它從未依賴代幣生存。
That foundation as a builder shaped how I view crypto — it’s not just about investing or speculation; it’s about creating value. That led to ARC, a Web3 collective inspired by Balaji Srinivasan’s network state theory. While Srinivasan talks about these communities becoming nation-states (something we’re not doing), we are focused on building a digital-first institution driven by alignment and collective action.
作為一名建設者,這個基礎塑造了我對加密貨幣的看法——它不僅僅是投資或投機;它還涉及投資或投機。這是關於創造價值。這催生了 ARC,一個受 Balaji Srinivasan 網路狀態理論啟發的 Web3 集體。雖然斯里尼瓦桑談論這些社區成為民族國家(我們沒有這樣做),但我們專注於建立一個由聯盟和集體行動驅動的數位優先機構。
CoinDesk: The word “community” gets thrown around a lot in Web3, often losing its meaning. How does ARC create genuine connections and stay grounded in principles?
CoinDesk:「社群」一詞在 Web3 中被頻繁使用,常常失去其意義。 ARC 如何建立真正的連結並堅持原則?
Elroy Cheo: Community isn’t just about numbers or floor prices; it's about relationships. Without bonds between members, you’re building an audience, not a community. We realized that members value four things. First, access to professional networks, which means curated connections with builders and investors. Second, opportunities to make money, such as token allocations to investments. Third, lifestyle experiences, such as meeting someone like soccer star Cristiano Ronaldo, or engaging in exclusive brand partnerships. Finally, growth, whether it’s through finding a job or receiving personal mentorship.
Elroy Cheo:社區不僅僅是數量或底價;還有社區。這是關於人際關係的。如果成員之間沒有聯繫,您所建立的是受眾,而不是社群。我們意識到會員重視四件事。首先,獲得專業網絡,這意味著與建築商和投資者建立有組織的聯繫。其次,賺錢的機會,例如投資的代幣分配。第三,生活方式體驗,例如結識足球明星克里斯蒂亞諾·羅納爾多(Cristiano Ronaldo)等人,或參與獨家品牌合作夥伴關係。最後,成長,無論是透過找工作或接受個人指導。
We also promote a “give value to receive value” ethos. This idea is drawn from the concept in Chinese culture of guanxi and emphasizes mutual support. Members aren’t just here to “ask for alpha.” They support one another.
CoinDesk: What sets Asian Web3 communities apart from their Western counterparts?
CoinDesk:亞洲 Web3 社群與西方同業有何不同?
Elroy Cheo: One big difference is how vocal Western communities are. They dominate crypto Twitter, while Asians tend to be more reserved. Culturally, platforms like Twitter aren’t as widely used here — Chinese users, for instance, are more active in private WeChat or Telegram groups.
Elroy Cheo:一大差異是西方社區的聲音如何。他們在加密推特上佔據主導地位,而亞洲人則往往更加保守。從文化角度來看,Twitter 等平台在這裡的使用並不廣泛——例如,中國用戶在私人微信或 Telegram 群組中更為活躍。
Despite that, Asian liquidity is massive. A small Chinese community can drive $1 billion in DeFi protocol TVL in a day, which is rare in the West. At ARC, we recognize this strength but also encourage members to engage more publicly. Asia is a Web3 powerhouse, and it’s time we capture mindshare, not just liquidity.
儘管如此,亞洲的流動性仍然龐大。一個小型的中國社區一天之內就能帶動 DeFi 協議 TVL 10 億美元,這在西方很少見。在 ARC,我們認識到這一優勢,但也鼓勵成員更公開地參與。亞洲是 Web3 的強國,現在是我們贏得思想份額而不僅僅是流動性的時候了。
CoinDesk: How do you see NFTs evolving, especially with respect to digital identity and utility?
CoinDesk:您如何看待 NFT 的發展,特別是在數位身分和實用性方面?
Elroy Cheo: The shift toward pseudonymity excites me. People are moving from polished profiles on Facebook or LinkedIn to avatars. It’s empowering — kids can hide behind a PFP, yet their skills and knowledge shine through. At ARC, we’re exploring NFTs as status symbols. Imagine walking into a hotel or event, and your NFT gives you instant recognition. Beyond collectibles, NFTs can represent expertise or achievements, like badges on Stack Overflow. It’s about creating digital identities with real-world impact.
Elroy Cheo:轉向假名的轉變讓我很興奮。人們正在從 Facebook 或 LinkedIn 上精美的個人資料轉向虛擬形象。這是一種賦權——孩子們可以躲在 PFP 後面,但他們的技能和知識會閃閃發光。在 ARC,我們正在探索將 NFT 作為身份象徵。想像一下,走進一家旅館或某個活動場所,您的 NFT 就會立即被您認出。除了收藏品之外,NFT 還可以代表專業知識或成就,例如 Stack Overflow 上的徽章。這是關於創建具有現實世界影響的數位身分。
CoinDesk: With ARC’s membership capped at 888, how can the organization’s exclusivity and status-driven model continue to scale?
CoinDesk:ARC 的會員人數上限為 888 名,該組織的排他性和地位驅動模式如何繼續擴大規模?
Elroy Cheo: Exclusivity works when it’s tied to brand value and proper community management. We’
Elroy Cheo:當排他性與品牌價值和適當的社群管理聯繫在一起時,它就會發揮作用。我們'
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