Jackalope Theatre Companyis Is驕傲地向美國首映,這是2024年愛丁堡邊緣節的熱門歌曲之一

Jackalope Theatre Company will present the U.S. premiere of one of the hits of the 2024 Edinburgh Fringe Festival, Dummy in Diaspora, February 26 – March 23. Written and performed by Esho Rasho and directed by Karina Patel, the play will be presented at the Broadway Armory Park, 5917 N Broadway St.
Jackalope Theatre Company將於2月26日至3月23日在散居在僑民的2024年愛丁堡邊緣節上的一部熱門歌曲之一,由Esho Rasho撰寫和表演,由Karina Patel執導,並由Karina Patel執導,並將在Broadway Armory Park,5917 N Broadway St.
Dummy in Diaspora is a coming-of-age solo play written and performed by Rasho about a Middle Eastern American boy, Essa, whose parents are refugees. During its most recent run in the 2024 Edinburgh Festival, The Scotsman in its four-star review said Dummy in Diaspora is "brutally honest" and "chilling." Essa confesses the experience of growing up in a country that doesn't have a place for him. He navigates sexuality, the demands of a religion passed onto him from his parents, learning the English language, the fleetingness of youth and a nicotine demon that won't leave him alone.
Esho Rasho (he/him) is a Chicago-based actor and writer. His father is an Assyrian-Iraq refugee and his mother is an Assyrian-Lebanese immigrant. He is a graduate of the BFA in acting program at The Theatre School at DePaul University. His solo play, Dummy in Diaspora, which he wrote and performed, ran at the 2024 Edinburgh Festival Fringe, where it received critical acclaim, earning four stars from The Scotsman, Broadway Baby, ThreeWeeks and Culture Fix UK. It was also given an "EXCELLENT SHOW" rating by Fringe Review and listed in a database of the best shows The Scotsman had seen at the 2024 Edinburgh Festival Fringe. He was a part of the 2024 "Criminal Queerness Playwriting Studio" cohort at The National Queer Theatre in New York and has also trained at The Second City Chicago.
Esho Rasho(他/他)是芝加哥的演員和作家。他的父親是亞述 - 伊拉克難民,母親是亞述 - 黎巴嫩移民。他畢業於DePaul大學戲劇學校的BFA代理計劃。他寫和表演的獨奏戲劇《僑民的假人》在2024年的愛丁堡音樂節邊緣跑來跑去,在那裡獲得了良好的好評,從蘇格蘭人,百老匯嬰兒,三周和文化FIX FIX FIX UK獲得了四顆星。 Fringe Review還將其評為“出色的表演”評級,並在蘇格蘭人在2024年愛丁堡音樂節Fringe上看到的最佳節目數據庫中列出。他是紐約國家酷兒劇院(National Queer Theatre)的2024年“犯罪酷兒戲劇工作室”隊列的一員,還在第二個城市芝加哥接受了培訓。
Karina Patel (she/her) is a devised theatre artist, director and dramaturg originally from London, United Kingdom. She is currently the new works manager at Jackalope Theatre Company and literary associate at Chicago Shakespeare Theater. Patel has developed new and devised work with The Story Theatre, The Understudy Chicago, APIDA Arts, TimeLine Theatre Company, Avalanche Theatre, Token Theatre, 24 Hour Plays and others. She has also served as an assistant director at Steppenwolf Theatre Company, Lookingglass Theatre Company, Court Theatre and the Repertory Theatre of St Louis.
卡琳娜·帕特爾(Karina Patel)(她/她)是最初來自英國倫敦的戲劇藝術家,導演和戲劇。她目前是Jackalope劇院公司的新工作經理,也是芝加哥莎士比亞劇院的文學助理。帕特爾(Patel)與故事劇院(The Story Theatre),芝加哥研究劇院(The Devery Theatre),阿皮達(Apida Arts),時間軸劇院公司,雪崩劇院,代幣劇院,24小時戲劇等開發了新的工作。她還曾在Steppenwolf Theatre Company,Lookglass Theatre Company,Court Theatre和St Louis劇院劇院擔任助理董事。
The performance schedule is Fridays, Saturdays and Mondays at 7:30 p.m. and Sundays at 2 p.m. The accessibility performance with audio description is Sunday, March 16 at 3 p.m. and the live captioning performance is Sunday, March 23 at 3 p.m. The running time is currently 70 minutes with no intermission. Tickets are $15 – 35 with student and Edgewater resident discounts available. Subscription and single tickets are now available at JackalopeTheatre.org or call/text the box office at 773.340.2543.
表演時間表是星期五,星期六和星期一晚上7:30,星期日下午2點,音頻描述的可訪問性性能是3月16日(星期日)下午3點,現場字幕性能是3月23日(星期日)下午3點,目前跑步時間為70分鐘,沒有休息。門票為$ 15 - 35美元,可提供學生和Edgewater居民折扣。現在可以在JackaLopetheatre.org上獲得訂閱和單票,或致電/致電773.340.2543致電/給票房發短信。