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This post is a guest contribution by George Siosi Samuels, managing director at Faiā. See how Faiā is committed to staying at the forefront of technological advancements here.
這篇文章是 Faiā 董事總經理 George Siosi Samuels 的客座文章。了解 Faiā 如何致力於走在技術進步的最前線。
As digital infrastructure becomes increasingly critical, driven by the rise of AI and interconnected systems, enterprises and governments face a dual imperative: safeguarding their data against sophisticated cyber threats while ensuring compliance with complex data sovereignty regulations. Data breaches, ransomware, and phishing schemes are not just operational risks—they threaten the very fabric of stakeholder trust, with governments facing the added burden of national security and citizen confidence. The stakes have never been higher.
Data sovereignty—ensuring that sensitive data stays within a nation’s borders—has become a focal point for organizations worldwide. Yet, as these entities strive to protect data integrity while fostering innovation, traditional solutions often fall short. The answer lies not just in technology, but in a holistic approach that marries decentralized systems with a culture-centric mindset.
The dual challenge of cybersecurity and data sovereignty
For enterprises in regulated industries such as finance, healthcare, and critical infrastructure, the task of maintaining robust cybersecurity while navigating stringent data sovereignty laws is a delicate balancing act. Governments, on the other hand, must not only protect national data but also create environments that foster technological innovation and economic growth.
A central concern for both sectors is keeping data secure and compliant across borders without compromising accessibility and performance. Here, decentralized technologies like blockchain and distributed ledger systems (DLT) are emerging as viable solutions. Blockchain’s core attributes—transparency, immutability, and decentralized control—make it well-suited to mitigate cybersecurity risks while adhering to local and international regulations. For instance, PwC reports that enterprises increasingly adopt blockchain to protect data privacy, streamline compliance processes, and secure cross-border transactions. However, not all blockchains are created equal.
One of the critical factors when considering a blockchain solution is scalability. Many popular blockchains still struggle with throughput limitations, high transaction costs, and congestion issues that hinder their application at an enterprise or government scale. This is where scalable solutions, like BSV, offer a competitive advantage. BSV’s focus on high throughput, low transaction costs, and efficient data handling makes it a suitable option for organizations that need robust, scalable infrastructure to support global operations. With its ability to handle thousands of transactions per second, BSV offers the kind of scalability that allows enterprises to confidently integrate blockchain into their broader digital ecosystems without facing bottlenecks or exorbitant fees.
考慮區塊鏈解決方案時的關鍵因素之一是可擴展性。許多流行的區塊鏈仍然面臨吞吐量限制、高交易成本和擁塞問題,這些問題阻礙了它們在企業或政府規模上的應用。這就是 BSV 等可擴展解決方案提供競爭優勢的地方。 BSV 專注於高吞吐量、低交易成本和高效的資料處理,這使其成為需要強大、可擴展的基礎設施來支援全球營運的組織的合適選擇。 BSV 能夠每秒處理數千筆交易,其可擴展性使企業能夠自信地將區塊鏈整合到更廣泛的數位生態系統中,而不會面臨瓶頸或高昂的費用。
Building secure digital communities
A critical step towards addressing cybersecurity and data sovereignty is the creation of secure, trust-based digital communities. Traditional security measures are no longer adequate against modern threats such as AI-generated scams and deepfake impersonations. Blockchain offers a more resilient foundation, enabling organizations to build secure networks where data integrity and privacy are integral to the system.
One of our colleagues at Faiā, who led Fraud & Scam Detection at a major Australian financial institution, saw firsthand how AI-driven scams were evolving to target vulnerable communities. Socially isolated individuals, those with limited financial literacy, and people from migrant backgrounds were frequently targeted by sophisticated scams involving automated, fraudulent calls, deepfake impersonations, and social engineering on platforms like Instagram and Facebook (NASDAQ: META). Scammers often misuse the trusted branding of major companies to deceive people into investing in fake products.
我們在 Faiā 的一位同事負責澳洲一家大型金融機構的詐欺和詐騙偵測工作,他親眼目睹了人工智慧驅動的詐騙如何演變為針對弱勢社群的攻擊。社會孤立的個人、金融知識有限的人和有移民背景的人經常成為複雜騙局的目標,這些騙局涉及自動化、欺詐性電話、深度偽造以及Instagram 和Facebook(納斯達克股票代碼:META)等平台上的社會工程。詐騙者經常濫用大公司值得信賴的品牌來欺騙人們投資仿冒品。
In such scenarios, decentralized, scalable, and reliable blockchain networks like BSV could have significantly reduced the risk. By leveraging self-sovereign digital identities and decentralized verification processes, blockchain systems empower individuals to securely verify their identity without relying on potentially compromised third-party services. Deloitte notes that blockchain’s tamper-proof infrastructure can support self-sovereign identities, thereby reducing identity theft and fraudulent activities. Scalable platforms such as BSV not only ensure that these verification systems can operate smoothly under high demand but also do so cost-effectively, making them accessible for broader deployment. This is especially beneficial for vulnerable communities—like the elderly or those with lower financial literacy—by adding an extra layer of protection against AI-driven scams.
在這種情況下,像 BSV 這樣的去中心化、可擴展且可靠的區塊鏈網路可以顯著降低風險。透過利用自主數位身份和去中心化驗證流程,區塊鏈系統使個人能夠安全地驗證其身份,而無需依賴可能受到損害的第三方服務。德勤指出,區塊鏈的防篡改基礎設施可以支持自我主權身份,從而減少身份盜竊和詐欺活動。 BSV 等可擴展平台不僅可確保這些驗證系統能夠在高需求下平穩運行,而且還具有成本效益,使其可以進行更廣泛的部署。透過增加針對人工智慧驅動的詐騙的額外保護層,這對於老年人或金融知識較低的弱勢群體尤其有利。
Aligning culture with cybersecurity
While technology provides a strong defense, it is only as effective as the culture that supports it. According to KPMG, a major challenge is ensuring that cybersecurity protocols are integrated into the organizational culture so every department contributes to the overall security strategy. During her time at the bank, our Faiā colleague recognized that robust technical defenses must be reinforced by a company-wide cultural shift. She led initiatives that focused on internal education and cross-departmental communication, ensuring that every team member—from frontline staff to leadership—understood the risks and their role in safeguarding data.
雖然技術提供了強有力的防禦,但它的有效性取決於支持它的文化。畢馬威表示,一個主要挑戰是確保網路安全協議融入組織文化,以便每個部門都為整體安全策略做出貢獻。在銀行任職期間,我們的 Faiā 同事認識到,必須透過全公司的文化轉變來加強強大的技術防禦。她領導了注重內部教育和跨部門溝通的舉措,確保每個團隊成員(從第一線員工到領導層)都了解風險及其在保護資料方面的作用。
This approach fostered a culture of collective responsibility, where employees were empowered to recognize and respond to potential threats proactively. Enterprises can learn from this experience by embedding security into their organizational culture, making it a shared responsibility rather than a siloed function.
At Faiā, we emphasize the importance of this
在 Faia,我們強調這一點的重要性
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