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Dogizen:基於 TON 的新 ICO 有望徹底改變 Telegram 遊戲

2024/10/25 19:31

隨著 TON 生態系統的起飛和比特幣價格創下 7 月以來的最高水平,投資者正爭先恐後地在加密貨幣即將爆發之前獲得下一個基於 Toncoin 的大型代幣。

Dogizen:基於 TON 的新 ICO 有望徹底改變 Telegram 遊戲

With Bitcoin price action hitting highs not seen since July, investors are scrambling to secure the next big Toncoin-based token before an imminent crypto breakout. But which token is set to explode next?

隨著比特幣價格走勢創下 7 月以來的新高,投資者正爭先恐後地在加密貨幣即將爆發之前獲得下一個基於 Toncoin 的大型代幣。但接下來哪個代幣會爆炸呢?

According to some investors, the answer could be Dogizen, a gaming platform and Telegram game that has already hit over 1.3 million users, and hundreds of thousands in revenue, in just two months. Now, Dogizen is preparing to launch the world’s first Telegram ICO.

一些投資者認為,答案可能是 Dogizen,這是一個遊戲平台和 Telegram 遊戲,在短短兩個月內就已經擁有超過 130 萬用戶,收入達數十萬。現在,Dogizen 正準備推出世界上第一款 Telegram ICO。

Here’s how Dogizen is preparing to take off with the next wave of crypto growth, and why early investors could see 100x gains.

以下是 Dogizen 如何準備在下一波加密貨幣成長浪潮中起飛,以及為什麼早期投資者可以看到 100 倍的收益。

The Toncoin Explosion: A New Crypto Hotspot

Toncoin 爆炸性成長:新的加密貨幣熱點

Toncoin has undoubtedly been one of 2024’s most notable crypto success stories. Closely tied to the messaging giant Telegram, TON has seen tremendous growth via exposure to Telegram’s enormous user base of over 950 million.

Toncoin 無疑是 2024 年最引人注目的加密貨幣成功案例之一。 TON 與訊息巨頭 Telegram 密切相關,透過接觸 Telegram 超過 9.5 億的龐大用戶群,實現了巨大的成長。

With users now able to send, receive, and store crypto directly in the Telegram app, and access native mini-apps, Telegram has become a powerful entry point for Web3.

由於用戶現在可以直接在 Telegram 應用程式中發送、接收和儲存加密貨幣,並存取本機迷你應用程序,Telegram 已成為 Web3 的強大入口點。

The numbers tell the story: as of 2024, accounts on the TON network have surged from 4.3 million at the start of the year to 107 million. Even the gaming world hasn’t been able to resist the pull of TON, with Tap-to-Earn games like Hamster Kombat and Catizen capturing a combined 390+ million users.

數字說明了一切:截至 2024 年,TON 網路上的帳戶已從年初的 430 萬激增至 1.07 億。即使是遊戲界也無法抗拒 TON 的吸引力,Hamster Kombat 和 Catizen 等點擊賺錢遊戲總共吸引了超過 390 百萬用戶。

TON’s flagship meme coin, DOGS, now trails only TRON-based USDT and ETH in terms of active holders. But the excitement around TON is far from over.

TON 的旗艦模因幣 DOGS 目前在活躍持有者方面僅落後於基於 TRON 的 USDT 和 ETH。但圍繞著 TON 的興奮遠未結束。

In fact, Bitget analysts are betting that TON could even outperform BTC over the next couple of years, with the token already hitting a peak market cap of $25.2 billion in April and valued at around $13 billion in mid-October.

事實上,Bitget 分析師押注 TON 在未來幾年甚至可能超越 BTC,該代幣的市值已在 4 月達到 252 億美元的峰值,到 10 月中旬估值約為 130 億美元。

With mobile-first crypto projects on the rise, TON’s ecosystem of 1,300+ decentralized apps (dApps) is about to be rocked by a new contender.

隨著行動優先加密項目的興起,TON 包含 1,300 多個去中心化應用程式 (dApp) 的生態系統即將受到新競爭者的衝擊。

Dogizen Plans to Lead the Telegram Gaming Revolution

Dogizen 計畫引領 Telegram 遊戲革命

Dogizen is a gaming platform and Telegram game rolled into one. Its game launched as a direct response to calls by Telegram’s founder Pavel Durov for a dog-themed contender to Catizen, and it has already hit over 1.3 million users.

Dogizen 是一個遊戲平台和 Telegram 遊戲合而為一的平台。遊戲的推出是為了直接響應 Telegram 創始人 Pavel Durov 向 Catizen 推出一款以狗為主題的競爭者的號召,目前該遊戲已經吸引了超過 130 萬用戶。

Now, Dogizen is preparing to launch the world’s first Telegram ICO, putting it in the scope of hundreds of millions of potential investors who can buy and claim DOGIZ tokens without ever leaving the app.

現在,Dogizen 正準備推出世界上第一個 Telegram ICO,讓數億潛在投資者可以在不離開應用程式的情況下購買和領取 DOGIZ 代幣。

This kind of direct exposure to such a large and crypto-savvy audience is unprecedented.


The plan for Dogizen is ambitious: to become the next-gen gaming platform on Telegram. The funds raised will go towards developing the Dogizen Universe, a growing library of in-app games developed using the project’s custom-built software development kits (SDKs).

Dogizen 的計畫雄心勃勃:成為 Telegram 上的下一代遊戲平台。籌集的資金將用於開發 Dogizen Universe,這是一個不斷增長的應用內遊戲庫,使用該專案的客製化軟體開發工具包 (SDK) 開發。

DOGIZ and Dogizen Universe’s Economy

DOGIZ 和 Dogizen Universe 的經濟

DOGIZ will be the currency for these Dogizen Universe mini-games, used interoperably across the Universe. Both players and developers can earn—gamers through playing and developers by publishing their creations.

DOGIZ 將成為這些 Dogizen 宇宙迷你遊戲的貨幣,在整個宇宙中可互通。玩家和開發者都可以賺錢——玩家透過玩遊戲,開發者透過發布他們的作品來賺錢。

Most important for early backers is the revenue-sharing opportunities DOGIZ offers.

對於早期支持者來說,最重要的是 DOGIZ 提供的收入分享機會。

Alongside a small listing fee from game developers, Dogizen uses an ad-based model of sorts. In practice, this will mean integrated advertising experiences—branded minigames will allow players to earn rewards from a given business.

除了向遊戲開發商收取少量的上市費用外,Dogizen 還使用某種基於廣告的模式。實際上,這意味著整合的廣告體驗——品牌迷你遊戲將允許玩家從特定業務中獲得獎勵。

For example, McDonald’s could offer games where you can win a milkshake, Starbucks a free coffee, and so on.


With Dogizen offering a revenue share for holding DOGIZ, the opportunity for a passive income is huge.

由於 Dogizen 為持有 DOGIZ 提供收入分成,被動收入的機會是巨大的。

Considering that previous Telegram games have already hit hundreds of millions of players, a stack of DOGIZ early on could equate to thousands, if not more, in monthly passive income.

考慮到之前的 Telegram 遊戲已經吸引了數億玩家,早期的一堆 DOGIZ 可能相當於每月數千甚至更多的被動收入。

Dogizen Could Be the Next to Ride the TON Wave

Dogizen 可能是下一個駕馭 TON 浪潮的人

Combining all of these factors—the growth of the Toncoin ecosystem, the goal of becoming Telegram’s go-to hub for gaming, and the opportunities for players and developers—Dogizen looks set to be the next breakout star on the TON network.

結合所有這些因素——Toncoin 生態系統的發展、成為 Telegram 首選遊戲中心的目標以及玩家和開發者的機會——Dogizen 看起來將成為 TON 網路上的下一個突破明星。

Several TON-based projects have already been snapped up by big exchanges, with Binance listing Hamster Kombat, Catizen, and even DOGS. Rumors are that Dogizen could be next in line, with talks already underway.

多個基於 TON 的項目已經被大型交易所搶購,幣安上架了 Hamster Kombat、Catizen,甚至 DOGS。有傳言稱 Dogizen 可能是下一個,目前談判已經在進行中。

Should Dogizen continue on its current path, exponentially growing its user base and attracting millions more in investment, it could easily eclipse its rivals by dominating the Telegram gaming scene.

如果 Dogizen 繼續沿著目前的道路發展,用戶群呈指數級增長並吸引數以百萬計的投資,它可以透過主導 Telegram 遊戲場景輕鬆超越競爭對手。

That could put early DOGIZ backers on the path to 100x gains and a lucrative passive income.

這可能會讓 DOGIZ 的早期支持者獲得 100 倍的收益和豐厚的被動收入。

Dogizen is primed to revolutionize Telegram gaming, and this could be the final opportunity to secure tokens at $0.000074.

Dogizen 準備徹底改變 Telegram 遊戲,這可能是以 0.000074 美元的價格獲得代幣的最後機會。

The Dogizen pres




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