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Flockerz:革命性的投票賺取 Meme 幣 |加密貨幣預售

2024/10/25 22:43

自發起募款活動以來,Flockerz ($FLOCK) 的預售資金在不到一個月的時間內已突破 100 萬美元大關。

Flockerz:革命性的投票賺取 Meme 幣 |加密貨幣預售

Flockerz’s ($FLOCK) presale funds have now surpassed the $1 million mark in less than a month since launching its fundraising campaign.

自發起募款活動以來,Flockerz ($FLOCK) 的預售資金在不到一個月的時間內已突破 100 萬美元大關。

Dubbed the “People’s Meme Coin,” the project is the first to introduce a vote-to-earn (V2E) mechanism, which empowers its community to guide the project’s direction while earning rewards for their input.

該項目被稱為“People's Meme Coin”,是第一個引入投票賺取(V2E)機制的項目,該機制使其社區能夠指導項目的方向,同時獲得其投入的獎勵。

At $0.0058628 per token, this presents a prime entry point for investors to stack their bags for potential gains – echoing the recent moonshot of Moo Deng ($MOODENG), which soared by 144% over the past 24 hours or even beyond.

每個代幣的價格為0.0058628 美元,這為投資者提供了一個主要的切入點,以獲取潛在的收益——這與Moo Deng ($MOODENG) 最近的登月計劃相呼應,該貨幣在過去24小時甚至更長時間內飆升了144%。

As the presale prepares to open its 17th funding round, the price will increase by 7.02% from its initial price, bringing it to $0.0058862 per $FLOCK for early contributors.

隨著預售準備開始第 17 輪融資,價格將比初始價格上漲 7.02%,對於早期貢獻者來說,價格將達到每 $FLOCK 0.0058862 美元。

P2E Becomes V2E As Flockerz Pioneers A New Way To Earn

Flockerz 開創了一種新的賺錢方式,P2E 變成了 V2E

Play-to-earn (P2E) games continue to be a powerful catalyst for crypto adoption, especially in emerging markets like Southeast Asia, Latin America, and Africa.

Play-to-earn (P2E) 遊戲仍然是加密貨幣採用的強大催化劑,尤其是在東南亞、拉丁美洲和非洲等新興市場。

Such games, including Axie Infinity, Decentraland, and Sandbox, have paved the way for innovative earning models.

此類遊戲,包括 Axie Infinity、Decentraland 和 Sandbox,為創新的盈利模式鋪平了道路。

From Solana’s move-to-earn (M2E) in Stepn to the recently launched tap-to-earn (T2E) in Telegram’s Hamster Kombat, the evolution of blockchain gaming is nothing short of remarkable, with projections of its market size reaching $65.7 billion by 2027.

從Stepn 中Solana 的move-to-earn (M2E) 到最近在Telegram 的Hamster Kombat 中推出的tap-to-earn (T2E),區塊鏈遊戲的發展堪稱引人注目,預計其市場規模將在2019 年達到657 億美元。

In the realm of meme coins, the ways to earn crypto are also undergoing a transformation. As the meme coin market approached the $60 billion mark on Oct. 21 – its highest since June – a new mechanism for earning crypto has emerged: vote-to-earn (V2E).

在迷因幣領域,賺取加密貨幣的方式也在轉變。隨著模因幣市場在 10 月 21 日逼近 600 億美元大關——這是自 6 月以來的最高水平——一種賺取加密貨幣的新機制出現了:投票賺取 (V2E)。

Many crypto projects have strayed from the core principle of decentralization, often falling under the sway of a single decision-maker who calls all the shots.


V2E reintroduces true decentralization, empowering the community to earn rewards by voting on crucial project decisions. It’s a collective approach that shifts the power back to the people, making them integral to the project's direction rather than relegating them to the sidelines.

V2E 重新引入了真正的去中心化,使社區能夠透過對關鍵項目決策進行投票來獲得獎勵。這是一種集體方法,將權力轉移回人民手中,使他們成為專案方向不可或缺的一部分,而不是將他們置於邊緣。

The project that introduces this new mechanism and sets a standard for community-driven governance is Flockerz.


Flockerz Thrives On Community Support, Like Bitcoin Without Satoshi

Flockerz 依靠社群支持蓬勃發展,就像沒有中本聰的比特幣一樣

Bitcoin stands tall on its own, no matter who Satoshi Nakamoto really is – be it Peter Todd, Nick Szabo, Craig Wright, or heck, even Dr. Emmett Brown. What matters is that Bitcoin functions autonomously, regardless of who started it.


Similarly, Flockerz thrives on the principle that the identity of its creators is secondary to the desires of its community. If $FLOCK token holders wish to increase the maximum token supply or shift to a different consensus mechanism, that’s the direction the project will take.

同樣,Flockerz 的蓬勃發展遵循的原則是,其創造者的身份次於其社區的願望。如果 $FLOCK 代幣持有者希望增加最大代幣供應量或轉向不同的共識機制,這就是專案將採取的方向。

Through Flocktopia, the project’s decentralized autonomous organization (DAO), Flockerz has established a formal governance structure complete with incentive mechanisms. Active community members who participate in voting on proposed changes are rewarded with $FLOCK tokens, ensuring that their voices truly matter.

透過此計畫的去中心化自治組織 (DAO) Flocktopia,Flockerz 建立了一個具有激勵機制的正式治理結構。參與對擬議變更進行投票的活躍社區成員將獲得 $FLOCK 代幣獎勵,確保他們的聲音真正重要。

A Paradigm Shift For Meme Coin Ownership Begins, Led By Flockerz

由 Flockerz 領導的 Meme 幣所有權範式轉變開始

No other meme coin has ventured into empowering its community with a direct role in project decision-making quite like Flockerz. Thus, the project sets a new standard for all meme coins.

沒有其他迷因幣能夠像 Flockerz 一樣冒險賦予其社群直接參與專案決策的角色。因此,該項目為所有模因幣設定了新標準。

In fact, Flockerz has even outpaced Shiba Inu in its efforts to create a DAO focused exclusively on community governance.

事實上,Flockerz 在創建專門專注於社區治理的 DAO 方面甚至超過了 Shiba Inu。

This approach mirrors Bitcoin’s introduction as the first decentralized digital currency and Ethereum’s pioneering of smart contracts. Flockerz is paving the way with its innovative vote-to-earn (V2E) model.

這種方法反映了比特幣作為第一個去中心化數位貨幣的推出和以太坊在智能合約方面的先驅。 Flockerz 正在以其創新的投票賺錢 (V2E) 模式鋪平道路。

Those in the know can attest that crypto projects pioneering fresh concepts, like Stepn and Axie Infinity at their peaks, have delivered returns of at least 10x for their holders.

知情人士可以證明,開創新概念的加密貨幣項目,例如鼎盛時期的 Stepn 和 Axie Infinity,已經為其持有者帶來了至少 10 倍的回報。

So, it’s not far-fetched to imagine Flockerz taking its holders on a thrilling moon ride, too. Having quickly surpassed $1 million in funding, it has already amassed a robust flock of $FLOCK holders.

因此,想像 Flockerz 也能帶領持有者進行一場驚心動魄的月球之旅並不牽強。融資迅速超過 100 萬美元,它已經聚集了一群強大的 $FLOCK 持有者。

These investors have a vested interest in holding their tokens long-term. While the staking rewards pool has dipped from 2,370% APY at the $700,000 milestone to 1,603% at the time of writing, it’s clear that recent presale buyers are locking in their tokens to build their stash before the presale wraps up.

這些投資者長期持有其代幣有既得利益。雖然質押獎勵池已從700,000 美元里程碑時的2,370% APY 下降至撰寫本文時的1,603%,但很明顯,最近的預售買家正在鎖定他們的代幣,以便在預售結束之前建立他們的儲備。

At its current staking APY, the staking rewards remain a solid opportunity to grab hold of a meme coin that's more than just a passing trend – but a movement.




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