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2023 年加密貨幣市場:推動投資成功的敘事

2024/04/29 18:07

2023 年,包括 meme 代幣、基於人工智慧的代幣和流動性質押衍生品在內的加密市場敘事在交易量方面優於比特幣和藍籌投資組合。然而,儘管活動活躍,但風險調整後的回報表明,包括比特幣在內的既定敘事提供了更好的風險回報狀況。 Meme、AI 和 LSD 代幣的主導地位正在減弱,Google搜尋「meme 代幣」在 3 月達到頂峰。 Friend-Tech、隱私和帳戶抽像等替代趨勢正在出現,這表明舊用例的回歸以及 Web3 和 GameFi 中無縫用戶體驗的潛力。

2023 年加密貨幣市場:推動投資成功的敘事

The Crypto Market in 2023: Unveiling the Narratives that Drive Success

2023 年的加密貨幣市場:揭開推動成功的故事

The crypto market in 2023 has witnessed a paradigm shift, with narratives becoming the driving force behind investment decisions. The emergence of captivating trends, from the resurgence of meme tokens to the advent of artificial intelligence (AI)-powered cryptocurrencies and the ascendancy of liquid staking derivatives (LSD), has captivated the attention of investors worldwide.

2023 年的加密市場見證了典範轉移,敘事成為投資決策背後的驅動力。從 meme 代幣的復興到人工智慧 (AI) 驅動的加密貨幣的出現,再到流動質押衍生品 (LSD) 的崛起,一系列迷人趨勢的出現吸引了全球投資者的注意。

The Allure of Meme Tokens: A Volatile Realm of Risk and Reward

Meme 代幣的魅力:風險與回報的不穩定領域

Meme tokens, a once-niche category, have catapulted into the spotlight, fueled by the frenzy of retail investors and the allure of potentially explosive returns. With an average daily trading volume surpassing $600 million per asset, these tokens have captivated the crypto community with their whimsical names and playful nature. However, the inherent volatility associated with meme tokens poses a cautionary note, as their meteoric rise can be matched by equally precipitous declines.

在散戶投資者的狂熱和潛在爆炸性回報的誘惑推動下,曾經的小眾類別 Meme 代幣已成為人們關注的焦點。每項資產的平均每日交易量超過 6 億美元,這些代幣以其異想天開的名稱和有趣的性質吸引了加密社群。然而,與模因代幣相關的固有波動性引起了警惕,因為它們的迅速上漲可能伴隨著同樣急劇的下跌。

The Rise of AI Tokens: A Glimpse into the Future of Innovation


The integration of AI into the crypto ecosystem has spawned a new class of tokens, promising to revolutionize various sectors. AI-based tokens have garnered significant interest, with investors recognizing their immense potential to drive efficiency and innovation. While some AI tokens have demonstrated remarkable growth, others have struggled to gain traction, highlighting the importance of thorough research and a nuanced understanding of the underlying technology.


The Promise of LSD: Unlocking Value from Staked Assets

LSD 的承諾:釋放質押資產的價值

Liquid staking derivatives, or LSDs, have emerged as a game-changer for crypto holders seeking to maximize their returns. LSDs offer a unique opportunity to stake one's digital assets and simultaneously participate in decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols, unlocking previously inaccessible value. The popularity of LSDs has surged, particularly on Layer 1 networks, owing to the added trend of re-staking, further fueling the growth of this transformative technology.

對於尋求最大化回報的加密貨幣持有者來說,流動質押衍生品(LSD)已經成為遊戲規則的改變者。 LSD 提供了一個獨特的機會來質押數位資產,同時參與去中心化金融(DeFi)協議,釋放以前無法獲得的價值。由於重新質押的趨勢增加,LSD 的受歡迎程度激增,尤其是在第 1 層網路上,進一步推動了這項變革性技術的發展。

A Cautionary Tale: Volatility and Risk-Adjusted Returns


While active trading may indicate market enthusiasm, it does not necessarily translate into positive returns. Hot trends, by their very nature, carry an inherent level of risk, and the tokens involved may experience extraordinary volatility. Risk-adjusted returns provide a more accurate measure of the most successful trends for investors, emphasizing the importance of balancing potential returns with the associated risks.


The Evolution of Trends: Peaks and Valleys in a Dynamic Market


Market trends are inherently cyclical, experiencing periods of growth and stagnation. During the 2023 recovery and the successful Q1 of 2024, most crypto trends enjoyed overall positive returns. However, the relentless search for new asset classes ensures that demand for emerging trends remains constant, while older trends may face a period of consolidation.

市場趨勢本質上是週期性的,會經歷成長期和停滯期。在 2023 年的復甦和 2024 年第一季的成功期間,大多數加密趨勢都獲得了整體正回報。然而,對新資產類別的不懈探索確保了對新興趨勢的需求保持不變,而舊趨勢可能面臨一段整合期。

The Decline of Meme Tokens: A Saturation of the Market

Meme 代幣的衰退:市場飽和

Based on Google search data, interest in "meme tokens" peaked in March, signaling a potential waning of enthusiasm among retail investors. The three major crypto trends—meme tokens, AI tokens, and LSDs—show signs of peaking and leveling off. The market capitalization of AI tokens, both data-based and generative AI-focused, has dipped from their peak, indicating a potential cooling-off period. Meme tokens, as a whole, remain volatile, with their performance heavily influenced by legacy assets such as Dogecoin (DOGE) and Shiba Inu (SHIB). New launches in the meme token space have yet to make a significant impact on trading volume. LSD tokens may also be nearing the end of a boom cycle, following the initial surge of interest surrounding re-staking Ethereum.

根據Google搜尋數據,對「迷因代幣」的興趣在三月達到頂峰,顯示散戶投資者的熱情可能會減弱。三大加密貨幣趨勢——meme 代幣、AI 代幣和 LSD——顯示出見頂和趨於平穩的跡象。基於數據和產生人工智慧的人工智慧代幣的市值已從高峰迴落,表明可能存在冷靜期。 Meme 代幣總體上仍然不穩定,其表現很大程度上受到狗狗幣 (DOGE) 和柴犬 (SHIB) 等傳統資產的影響。 Meme 代幣領域的新推出尚未對交易量產生重大影響。隨著圍繞以太坊重新質押的興趣最初激增,LSD 代幣也可能接近繁榮週期的結束。

The Rise of Friend.Tech: A Return to Crypto-Based Social Media

Friend.Tech 的崛起:回歸加密社群媒體

Amidst the ebb and flow of crypto trends, several smaller trends show promising signs of growth. Friend.Tech, a platform connecting existing social media accounts with a Base blockchain wallet, leads the resurgence of Friend-Tech, a return to the idea of crypto-based social media. The launch of a token airdrop and the reward of social media points for users create anticipation for the future of Friend.Tech and may inspire the emergence of new crypto-oriented social media platforms.

在加密貨幣趨勢的潮起潮落中,一些較小的趨勢顯示出了有希望的成長跡象。 Friend.Tech 是一個將現有社群媒體帳號與 Base 區塊鏈錢包連接起來的平台,引領了 Friend-Tech 的復興,回歸基於加密貨幣的社群媒體理念。代幣空投的推出和對用戶的社群媒體積分獎勵讓人們對 Friend.Tech 的未來充滿期待,並可能激發新的加密貨幣社群媒體平台的出現。

Privacy Coins and Tokens: A Return to Anonymity


Privacy coins and tokens, once shunned by centralized exchanges, are experiencing a revival due to the expansion of DEX trading. As more blockchains incorporate ZK-snarks and privacy features, privacy-oriented cryptocurrencies may gain traction. Additionally, increased regulatory scrutiny of crypto users may further fuel the demand for privacy-enhancing solutions. The TREAT network by ShibaInu is poised to introduce privacy features to a wide audience, highlighting the growing importance of data protection in the crypto space.

曾經被中心化交易所迴避的隱私幣和代幣,由於 DEX 交易的擴張而正在復興。隨著越來越多的區塊鏈納入 ZK-snarks 和隱私功能,面向隱私的加密貨幣可能會受到關注。此外,對加密貨幣用戶加強監管可能會進一步刺激對隱私增強解決方案的需求。 ShibaInu 的 TREAT 網路準備向廣大受眾推出隱私功能,突顯資料保護在加密貨幣領域日益增長的重要性。

Account Abstraction: The Future of User-Friendly Wallets


Account abstraction has emerged as a niche trend, driven by the goal of creating more user-friendly wallets. Web3 projects, games, and GameFi projects recognize the need for seamless experiences, seamlessly integrating wallets into their platforms. While account abstraction is still in its early stages of development, with startups proposing innovative solutions, its potential to revolutionize user experience is undeniable. By providing a unified identity, account abstraction aims to simplify connectivity between NFT markets, DeFi protocols, and other crypto-related services, enhancing the accessibility and usability of the crypto ecosystem.

在創建更用戶友好的錢包這一目標的推動下,帳戶抽像已成為一種利基趨勢。 Web3 專案、遊戲和 GameFi 專案認識到無縫體驗的需求,將錢包無縫整合到其平台中。雖然帳戶抽象化仍處於發展的早期階段,隨著新創公司提出創新解決方案,但其徹底改變使用者體驗的潛力是不可否認的。透過提供統一的身份,帳戶抽象化旨在簡化 NFT 市場、DeFi 協定和其他加密相關服務之間的連接,從而增強加密生態系統的可存取性和可用性。

The Power of Trends in a Bull Market: Identifying Winners in the Crypto Space


As with all trends, the success of crypto narratives is heavily influenced by the broader market conditions. Bull markets provide fertile ground for trends to flourish, separating the winners from the losers. While some crypto trends may initially appear as fads, history has shown that many eventually evolve into indispensable components of the industry, renowned for their reliability and widespread adoption.


Conclusion: Embracing the Narrative-Driven Crypto Market


The crypto market in 2023 has witnessed a resurgence of narratives, driving investment decisions and shaping the trajectory of the industry. Meme tokens, AI tokens, LSDs, and smaller trends like Friend.Tech, privacy coins and tokens, and account abstraction continue to captivate investors and innovators alike. While hot trends offer the potential for explosive returns, it is crucial to exercise caution and consider risk-adjusted returns. As the crypto market evolves, investors must remain vigilant, embracing the power of narratives while navigating the complexities and volatility that define this dynamic and ever-evolving landscape.

2023 年的加密貨幣市場見證了敘事的復興,推動了投資決策並塑造了產業的發展軌跡。 Meme 代幣、AI 代幣、LSD 以及 Friend.Tech、隱私代幣和代幣以及帳戶抽像等較小趨勢繼續吸引投資者和創新者。雖然熱門趨勢可能帶來爆炸性回報,但謹慎行事並考慮風險調整後的回報至關重要。隨著加密貨幣市場的發展,投資者必須保持警惕,擁抱敘事的力量,同時應對定義這一動態和不斷變化的格局的複雜性和波動性。


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