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CityX 快閃博覽會:藝術與科技的融合以數位方式保存文化寶藏

2024/05/03 01:35

CityX 快閃博覽會將藝術與科技結合起來,將傳統藝術品數位化為創新的 NFT,以實現持久的文化保護。在文化遺產面臨挑戰的背景下,本次活動將藝術與數位工具融合在一起,創造了身臨其境的互動體驗。 NFT 充當門戶,將配音、音樂和視覺效果編織在一起以吸引觀眾。除了數位展示之外,該活動還慶祝音樂和舞蹈,營造了一種相互交織的文化表現形式的動態氛圍。

CityX 快閃博覽會:藝術與科技的融合以數位方式保存文化寶藏

CityX Pop-Up Expo: A Symphony of Art and Technology Preserving Cultural Treasures in the Digital Age

CityX 快閃博覽會:藝術與科技的交響樂,在數位時代保護文化寶藏

In an era marked by rapid technological advancements and the emergence of unprecedented challenges to cultural heritage, the integration of technology and art preservation has become imperative. In this context, CityX, an organization dedicated to safeguarding and revitalizing cultural assets through digitalization, hosted the CityX Pop-Up Expo, an event that showcased the power of technology to enhance and perpetuate the legacy of art.

在科技日新月異、文化遺產面臨前所未有的挑戰的時代,科技與藝術保護的融合已勢在必行。在此背景下,致力於透過數位化保護和振興文化資產的組織 CityX 主辦了 CityX 快閃博覽會,該活動展示了技術增強和延續藝術遺產的力量。

Held in the heart of New York City's vibrant cultural landscape, the CityX Pop-Up Expo highlighted the transformative potential of technology in art conservation. The event introduced the ULIVE second drop, a collection of 16 artworks that seamlessly merged physical and digital realms, ushering in a new era of art appreciation and preservation.

CityX 快閃博覽會在紐約市充滿活力的文化景觀中心舉辦,凸顯了科技在藝術保存方面的變革潛力。此次活動推出了 ULIVE 第二批作品,其中包括 16 件藝術品,它們無縫融合了物理和數位領域,開創了藝術欣賞和保存的新時代。

Curated by Eugenia Brodsky and brought to life through a collaboration between CityX and Hyperlab, the ULIVE collection reimagined traditional artworks as immersive digital experiences. Each NFT transcended mere digital replication, incorporating sensory elements and captivating visual aesthetics to create an unparalleled and engaging art experience.

ULIVE 系列由 Eugenia Brodsky 策劃,並透過 CityX 和 Hyperlab 之間的合作將傳統藝術作品重新想像為身臨其境的數位體驗。每一件 NFT 都超越了單純的數位複製,融入了感官元素和迷人的視覺美學,創造了無與倫比的、引人入勝的藝術體驗。

The NFTs, designed as momentary portals, provided viewers with a rich and immersive journey. Lasting between 8-10 seconds, each NFT featured exclusive voiceovers and segments of an enchanting soundtrack composed by Dmytro Aksentiev (DJ Koloah), drawing the viewer deeper into the heart of the artwork. The intricate visual effects invited repeated viewings, encouraging a profound appreciation of the underlying details and artistry.

NFT 被設計為臨時門戶,為觀眾提供了豐富且身臨其境的旅程。每幅 NFT 持續 8 至 10 秒,配有專屬畫外音和由 Dmytro Aksentiev(DJ Koloah)創作的迷人配樂片段,吸引觀眾更深入地了解藝術品的核心。錯綜複雜的視覺效果吸引了人們反覆觀看,激發了人們對潛在細節和藝術性的深刻欣賞。

Beyond the digital showcase, the CityX event reverberated with the vibrant sounds of music and dance. The musical lineup, featuring Ukrainian DJ Koloah and Erica Mancini of Gogol Bordello, infused the atmosphere with a dynamic blend of cultural expressions that complemented the digital art on display. The celebration continued with high energy performances by DJ Lago, DJ St.Art, and DJ Vikudza, creating an unforgettable ambiance.

除了數位展示之外,CityX 活動還迴盪著充滿活力的音樂和舞蹈聲音。由烏克蘭 DJ Koloah 和 Gogol Bordello 的 Erica Mancini 主演的音樂陣容為現場氣氛注入了文化表現形式的動態融合,與展出的數位藝術相得益彰。慶祝活動在 DJ Lago、DJ St.Art 和 DJ Vikudza 的高能量表演中繼續,營造出令人難忘的氛圍。

Despite facing unforeseen challenges posed by an earthquake in the U.S., the event proceeded with resilience, underscoring the enduring theme of perseverance through art and technology.


The CityX Pop-Up Expo showcased a multifaceted display of the ULIVE collection, including in-person viewings, digital mapping, and an interactive demonstration via the WOWcube Entertainment System. In keeping with the event's commitment to immersive art experiences, a fortunate attendee received a limited-edition WOWcube, specially designed with the CityX App, enhancing their engagement with the artworks.

CityX 快閃博覽會對 ULIVE 系列進行了多方面的展示,包括親自觀看、數位地圖以及透過 WOWcube 娛樂系統進行互動演示。為了兌現活動對沉浸式藝術體驗的承諾,一位幸運的與會者收到了一個限量版的 WOWcube,它是專門用 CityX 應用程式設計的,增強了他們與藝術品的互動。

The CityX and WOWcube collaboration sought to redefine the perception and accessibility of art, making each piece within the ULIVE collection more tangible to art enthusiasts. Accompanying each NFT purchase, collectors received a unique WOWcube that served as a digital gateway to the entire collection, emphasizing the seamless fusion of traditional and digital art forms.

CityX 和 WOWcube 的合作旨在重新定義藝術的感知和可及性,使 ULIVE 系列中的每件作品對藝術愛好者來說更加切實。每次購買 NFT 時,收藏家都會收到一個獨特的 WOWcube,它作為整個收藏品的數位門戶,強調傳統與數位藝術形式的無縫融合。

With only 16 NFTs available, CityX extended an invitation to all art enthusiasts to acquire this exclusive utility, paving the way for a new era of technological innovation through interactive devices. Aligning with its mission of building galleries without walls, CityX expanded the boundaries of art availability and offered an experience that celebrated art while inviting active participation.

由於僅提供 16 個 NFT,CityX 向所有藝術愛好者發出邀請,以獲取這一獨家實用程序,為透過互動設備進行技術創新的新時代鋪平道路。 CityX 秉承建造無圍牆畫廊的使命,擴大了藝術可用性的界限,並提供了一種在慶祝藝術的同時邀請積極參與的體驗。

The second day of the CityX Pop-Up Assembly was marked by thought-provoking panel discussions that delved into the intersection of art and technology. Renowned speakers, including CityX founder Asya Nikolaeva, CityX chief curator Tatyana Tumasyan, guest (ULIVE drop) curator Eugenia Brodsky, and CEO and founder of ARSNL Art Katarina Feder, shared their insights and perspectives on the transformative power of technology in art preservation.

CityX 快閃大會的第二天進行了發人深省的小組討論,深入探討了藝術與科技的交叉點。 CityX 創辦人Asya Nikolaeva、CityX 首席策展人Tatyana Tumasyan、客座(ULIVE drop)策展人Eugenia Brodsky 以及ARSNL Art 執行長兼創辦人Katarina Feder 等知名演講者分享了他們對科技在藝術保護方面的變革力量的見解和觀點。

The discussions explored the safeguarding of fragile art forms and the potential of NFTs to serve as a protective medium for artistic expressions. Denis Belkevich, founder and CEO of Fuelarts, presented the Art+Tech NFT Startups Report, highlighting emerging trends and innovations at the intersection of art and technology.

討論探討了脆弱藝術形式的保護以及 NFT 作為藝術表達保護媒介的潛力。 Fuelarts 創辦人兼執行長 Denis Belkevich 發布了《藝術+科技 NFT 新創報告》,強調了藝術與科技交叉領域的新興趨勢和創新。

The Synergy of Art panel discussions, hosted by Antenna Gallery and moderated by Arthemort, brought together diverse voices from the art and tech communities, including filmmaker and CryptoPunk Sherone Rabinovitz and Scott Spiegel, co-founder and CEO of BitBasel, offering a kaleidoscope of perspectives on the evolving relationship between art and technology.

由Antenna Gallery 主辦、Arthemort 主持的「藝術協同」小組討論匯聚了來自藝術和科技界的不同聲音,其中包括電影製作人和加密朋克Sherone Rabinovitz 以及BitBasel 聯合創始人兼首席執行官Scott Spiegel,提供了各種各樣的觀點論藝術與科技之間不斷發展的關係。

Ulive second drop artist Oles Derega and Luisa Leon, head of business development at LiveArt, enriched the discussions with their expertise, providing an academic and critical backbone to the event. The conversations emphasized the significant role of NFTs in contemporary cultural preservation, fostering a deeper understanding of their transformative potential.

Ulive 第二批藝術家 Oles Derega 和 LiveArt 業務開發主管 Luisa Leon 用他們的專業知識豐富了討論,為此次活動提供了學術和批判性的支柱。這些對話強調了 NFT 在當代文化保護中的重要作用,促進了對其變革潛力的更深入了解。

The CityX Pop-Up Assembly served as a testament to the evolving symbiotic relationship between traditional art forms and modern technology. By converting physical artworks into digital formats that preserved and enhanced their essence, the event showcased a promising path for the future of art conservation. The seamless integration of technology ensured the longevity of artistic heritage in conflict zones and redefined the accessibility and enjoyment of art in the digital era.

CityX 快閃大會證明了傳統藝術形式與現代科技之間不斷發展的共生關係。透過將實體藝術品轉換為數位格式,保留並增強其本質,該活動為藝術保護的未來展示了一條充滿希望​​的道路。科技的無縫整合確保了衝突地區藝術遺產的長久存在,並重新定義了數位時代藝術的可及性和享受。

As the world continues to navigate the challenges of preserving cultural treasures, the CityX Pop-Up Expo stands as a beacon of hope and innovation, demonstrating the power of technology to safeguard, revitalize, and celebrate the legacy of human creativity.

隨著世界繼續應對保護文化寶藏的挑戰,CityX 快閃世博會成為希望和創新的燈塔,展現了科技在保護、振興和慶祝人類創造力遺產方面的力量。


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