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Since July 2021, China’s stock market has declined and shows no signs of sustained reversal. The CSI 300 index of Chinese stocks fell to 1.6% on January 22nd, while the Hang Seng index fell to 2.3%, three times lower than at the beginning of the year. While the Chinese authorities have been coming up with plans to bootstrap its stock market, it has not prevented investors from seeking refuge in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, despite the country’s ban on crypto mining and trading since 2021.
自2021年7月以來,中國股市一路下跌,並沒有持續逆轉的跡象。 1月22日,滬深300指數跌幅為1.6%,恆生指數跌幅為2.3%,較年初跌幅三倍。儘管中國當局一直在製定引導股市的計劃,但這並沒有阻止投資者尋求比特幣和其他加密貨幣的庇護,儘管該國自 2021 年以來就禁止加密貨幣挖礦和交易。
Crypto as a Safe Haven
As the Chinese stock market prolonged its downturn, many Chinese investors have been seeking refuge in cryptocurrencies despite their ban in the country. Shanghai-based finance sector executive Dylan Run described Bitcoin as a “haven” and even likened it to gold, as the decline in the country’s economy has made investing in the mainland challenging yet disappointing, so people want to move their money and assets abroad.
隨著中國股市持續低迷,儘管中國禁止加密貨幣,但許多中國投資者仍在尋求加密貨幣的庇護。上海金融業高管迪倫·潤(Dylan Run)將比特幣描述為“避風港”,甚至將其比作黃金,因為中國經濟的下滑使在內地的投資充滿挑戰但又令人失望,因此人們希望將資金和資產轉移到國外。
According to Run, more and more investors are making a run for crypto assets and cryptocurrencies. Despite it being banned in China, procurement of Bitcoin has been relatively easy through the grey markets and fintech platforms. The process works by using platforms like WePay to convert yuan to stablecoins and trade them with middlemen. Another way is to opt for rural bank cards and a relatively low purchase price to work around the implemented ban.
根據 Run 報道,越來越多的投資者正在追逐加密資產和加密貨幣。儘管比特幣在中國被禁止,但透過灰色市場和金融科技平台購買比特幣相對容易。該過程透過使用 WePay 等平台將人民幣轉換為穩定幣並與中間商進行交易。另一種方法是選擇農村銀行卡和相對較低的購買價格來規避禁令。
China’s Economic Downturn
The economic downturn didn’t happen in a snap. Problems that concern internal and external affairs have slowly built up to this moment since 2017. The real estate market, which used to be strong, is now dealing with a debt problem and slowing sales. This is affecting not only construction but also related industries and investor confidence. Another problem also manifests in the demographic situation, as an aging population and a falling birth rate mean that fewer people are working and less money is being spent at home, which slows down economic growth generally.
Moreover, policy changes happen all the time, especially when it comes to how tech companies are regulated, which has made things less stable on the ground. It is now harder for businesses to run, which discourages investments from both inside and outside the country.
The rising geopolitical tensions, especially with the US, also cause uncertainty on the other side of the world. It affects Chinese exports and messes up global supply lines. The global economic slowdown is making China’s economic chances even worse. This is because of things like the conflict in Ukraine and stricter monetary policies. Metal, oil, and other commodity costs that go up and down make it more expensive for Chinese companies to make things, which limits their ability to make things.
More than the economic downturn itself, stock market volatility imposes even more problems. As a solution to the stock market meltdown, China has been selling out stocks worth close to $10 trillion at this point. To say the least, it has not been looking great for China despite attempts to reverse the plummeting. The investing confidence also went down along with the stocks, which diverts investors offshore and to different ventures like digital assets, even with the country’s prohibited crypto trading.
Ban on Cryptos
Cryptocurrencies have been banned in China for more than one reason. Its volatility posed a concern, as it was assumed to create a loophole and a threat to the financial system and consumer protection. Additionally, the cryptocurrency’s anonymity raised fears of facilitating money laundering and other illicit activities, prompting China to crack down on Bitcoin transactions.
The ban also addresses concerns related to capital control, as Bitcoin provided a means to bypass China’s strict controls, allowing wealth to exit the country without government oversight. Furthermore, considering cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin as potential rivals or sources of technological disruption may have an impact on the ban because China is actively developing its own central bank digital currency (CBDC).
A Spark, Not a Bonfire
While China’s current status implies a promising gateway for cryptocurrency growth in the country, it cannot be taken as a clear go-ahead to expand digital asset investment over there, as the stock market may plummet further despite the massive sell-outs and stimulus program by the Chinese government. Despite the newly found solace in Bitcoin, China’s crypto trading is yet to expand into a viable market for foreign investors and even its local ones.
Even so, the venture for digital assets and lucrative leisure investments has unconstrained possibilities. Crypto gaming is still on a steady rise as cryptocurrency exchange companies, like Binance, debut new gaming platforms and launch new partnerships with blockchains. The landscape has also been competitive with online casinos through the years. Some of the best online casino sites for real money also offer crypto casinos and Bitcoin as a mode of payment. Aside from inclusive payment and bankroll systems, a lot of online casinos today boast generous offers and promotions that make casino gaming even more enjoyable and rewarding.
China’s current predicament may indicate a huge loss in investments, but such a situation can also open new opportunities for other ventures. However, investments in crypto assets in such countries are still a product of calculated risks and well-informed decisions.
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