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Chiliz 執行長 Alexandre Dreyfusal 表示,隨著區塊鏈準備新的 Memecoin“Pepper”,粉絲代幣比 NFT 擁有更大的市場
2024/10/03 03:04
Chiliz 區塊鏈的目標是成為“體育區塊鏈”,其首席執行官 Alexandre Dreyfus 在接受 CoinDesk 採訪時表示,同時稱粉絲代幣的市場比不可替代代幣(NFT)大得多。
Chiliz, the blockchain aiming to become "the sports blockchain," is planning on launching a memecoin called Pepper on October 10, its CEO told CoinDesk in an interview.
Chiliz 區塊鏈旨在成為“體育區塊鏈”,其執行長在接受 CoinDesk 採訪時表示,該區塊鏈計劃於 10 月 10 日推出名為 Pepper 的迷因幣。
Chiliz is also aiming to highlight fan tokens' growth in comparison to NFTs.
Chiliz 也旨在強調粉絲代幣相對於 NFT 的成長。
Chiliz is aiming to become "the sports blockchain" with fan tokens.
Chiliz 的目標是成為擁有粉絲代幣的「體育區塊鏈」。
The Chiliz blockchain is aiming to become "the sports blockchain," its CEO Alexandre Dreyfus told CoinDesk in an interview while calling fan tokens' market is much larger than non-fungible tokens (NFTs).
Chiliz 區塊鏈的目標是成為“體育區塊鏈”,其首席執行官 Alexandre Dreyfus 在接受 CoinDesk 採訪時表示,同時稱粉絲代幣的市場比不可替代代幣(NFT)大得多。
Dreyfus also said that, starting October 10, Chiliz is planning on launching a memecoin called Pepper. The reason for the new memecoin is "well, Chili Pepper," he said.
Dreyfus 也表示,從 10 月 10 日開始,Chiliz 計劃推出一款名為 Pepper 的迷因幣。他說,推出新模因幣的原因是「好吧,辣椒」。
The Chiliz blockchain's native token is CHZ and it powers Socios.com, the largest sports fan token creator platform. Pepper will be airdropped to CHZ token holders but not for U.S. citizens and it can be farmed. Upbit crypto exchange in South Korea was the first exchange which announced its listing.
Chiliz 區塊鏈的原生代幣是 CHZ,它為最大的體育迷代幣創建平台 Socios.com 提供支援。 Pepper 將被空投給 CHZ 代幣持有者,但不會空投給美國公民,並且可以進行種植。韓國Upbit加密貨幣交易所是第一個宣布上市的交易所。
In March, leading up to the 2024 UEFA Euro football championships, prices of the CHZ token rose 25% in seven days, reaching a two-month high of over $0.15. It has since fallen to $0.068, according to CoinDesk data. It remains the number one sports token in the world by market cap.
3 月份,在 2024 年歐洲足球錦標賽之前,CHZ 代幣的價格在 7 天內上漲了 25%,達到超過 0.15 美元的兩個月高點。根據 CoinDesk 的數據,此後價格已跌至 0.068 美元。以市值計算,它仍然是世界第一的體育代幣。
"The chain is becoming what we aimed it to become, which is the sports blockchain," said Dreyfus. "It's unique. We are the only ones doing what we do. And we don't want to do anything else."
「這條鏈正在成為我們的目標,即體育區塊鏈,」德雷福斯說。 “這是獨一無二的。我們是唯一做我們所做的事情的人。我們不想做任何其他事情。”
NFTs vs. fan tokensDreyfus is looking to change the narrative around fan tokens, stating that their growth was under-recognized in comparison to NFTs.
NFT 與粉絲代幣 Dreyfus 正在尋求改變圍繞粉絲代幣的敘述,並表示與 NFT 相比,粉絲代幣的增長並未得到充分認識。
"No offence to the NFT community but what people don't realize [is that] fan tokens are a much bigger market than NFTs," he said pointing to data that largely reflected the current 24-hour volume for NFTs at around $6.8 million, while for fan tokens it's at $134 million, according to Coingecko.
「無意冒犯 NFT 社區,但人們沒有意識到,粉絲代幣是一個比 NFT 大得多的市場,」他指出,數據主要反映了 NFT 當前 24 小時交易量約為 680 萬美元,據Coingecko 稱,粉絲代幣價值為1.34 億美元。
"Of course, we're comparing apples and oranges. One is fungible the other is non-fungible. But nobody does anything with it [NFTs]. With fan tokens every single week people are going to stadiums and voting."
Although NFTs might have less trading volume currently, at the peak of the bull market, they became the next big thing in the digital assets sector as celebrities and big brands embraced the idea of unique digital assets that are verified using blockchain. At the time, the idea of having distinct and irreplaceable assets gained prominence within various communities, including digital art, music, videos and gambling.
儘管目前 NFT 的交易量可能較少,但在牛市的頂峰,隨著名人和大品牌接受使用區塊鏈驗證的獨特數位資產的想法,它們成為數位資產領域的下一個大事件。當時,擁有獨特且不可替代的資產的想法在各個社區中得到了重視,包括數位藝術、音樂、視訊和賭博。
Meanwhile, fan tokens are digital assets that represent membership to a community such as a sports team’s fan base. Token holders of specific teams can express their support while receiving specific perks, including game tickets and some participation in a sports club’s decision-making.
'Biggest sports broker in the world'Dreyfus founded Chiliz with the vision to recognize that "95% of sports fans are not in the stadium, the city or the country of the team they're supporting," so, we wanted to create something that is "both valuable for the fan and scalable for the team."
“世界上最大的體育經紀人”Dreyfus 創立了 Chiliz,其願景是認識到“95% 的體育迷不在他們所支持的球隊的體育場、城市或國家”,因此,我們想要創造一些東西“對球迷來說既有價值,對球隊來說也是可擴展的」。
"After signing Paris Saint-Germain F.C. (French football club) as our first team in 2018, we now work with more than 80 sports properties all over the world with 300 employees in nine offices," Dreyfus said.
「2018 年簽約巴黎聖日耳曼足球俱樂部(法國足球俱樂部)作為我們的第一支球隊後,我們現在與世界各地80 多家體育機構合作,在9 個辦事處擁有300 名員工,」德雷福斯說。
Each team that signs up has its own token but the CHZ token acts as a governance token on Ethereum and Dreyfus said that his firm has now created a network of the "biggest sports broker in the world." It's given fans the ability to make some decisions, even if they are soft decisions, such as deciding which song will play when a goal is scored as it happened when Cristiano Ronaldo scored thrice for Juventus once.
每個簽約的球隊都有自己的代幣,但CHZ 代幣充當以太坊上的治理代幣,德雷福斯表示,他的公司現在已經創建了一個「世界上最大的體育經紀人」網絡。它讓球迷能夠做出一些決定,即使是軟決定,例如決定進球時播放哪首歌,就像克里斯蒂亞諾·羅納爾多曾經為尤文圖斯攻入三次球一樣。
"This is the perfect example of how something on chain changed something in real life," Dreyfus said. "Only the token holders could choose the music. And they were not able to do it before. So, soft or not soft, it doesn't matter."
「這是鏈上事物如何改變現實生活的完美例子,」德雷福斯說。 “只有代幣持有者才能選擇音樂。而他們以前無法做到這一點。所以,軟或不軟,並不重要。”
In 2021, Socios signed 27 NBA teams and 13 NFL teams but did not launch a token, it also signed several cricket teams in the Indian Premier League. Dreyfus said Socios has regulatory licenses in Italy, Spain, Portugal, and Lithuania, and noted that "apart from crypto exchanges, it's the most regulated" crypto entity in the world.
2021年,Socios簽約了27支NBA球隊和13支NFL球隊,但沒有推出代幣,它還簽下了印度超級聯賽的幾支板球隊。 Dreyfus 表示,Socios 在義大利、西班牙、葡萄牙和立陶宛擁有監管許可證,並指出「除了加密貨幣交易所之外,它是世界上監管最嚴格的」加密貨幣實體。
"We had to go through the same work as an exchange, except that we don't do bitcoin and Ethereum, we just do fan tokens."
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