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1925 年南加州鑽禧半美元紀念加州的歷史

2024/03/26 01:33

1925-S 加州鑽禧半美元是舊金山鑄造的紀念銀幣,旨在紀念加州建州 75 週年及其淘金熱歷史。儘管年代久遠,它仍然是一款價格實惠的收藏幣,價格從低品級未流通幣 200 美元到高品級標本超過 20,000 美元不等。這枚硬幣的正面是跪著的探礦者,背面是加州熊,均由藝術家喬·莫拉 (Jo Mora) 設計。

1925 年南加州鑽禧半美元紀念加州的歷史

1925 年南加州鑽禧半美元紀念加州的歷史

The 1925-S California Diamond Jubilee Half Dollar is a silver commemorative half-dollar coin issued during the classic commemorative period of 1892-1954. The coin marks California’s 75th year of statehood by honoring the state’s gold rush history and state animal. It is a popular collector coin that remains affordable despite being nearly 100 years old.

1925 年南加州禧年半美元。圖片:Stack’s Bowers / CoinWeek。 1925-S 加州鑽禧半美元是 1892-1954 年經典紀念時期發行的銀質紀念半美元硬幣。該硬幣紀念加州建州 75 週年,紀念該州的淘金熱歷史和州動物。它是一種受歡迎的收藏硬幣,儘管已有近 100 年的歷史,但價格仍然實惠。

California’s History is Celebrated on the 1925-S California Diamond Jubilee Half Dollar

The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo in 1848 ended the Mexican War. Along with Texas and New Mexico, this newly rich territory of California was ceded to the United States. At the time, the area was largely populated by indigenous tribes, plus small numbers of people of Spanish or Mexican descent.

1925 年加州鑽禧半美元紀念加州的歷史 1848 年的瓜達盧佩·伊達爾戈條約結束了墨西哥戰爭。加州這片新富裕的領土與德克薩斯州和新墨西哥州一起被割讓給美國。當時,該地區主要居住著原住民部落,還有少量西班牙或墨西哥後裔。

The discovery of gold in California in 1848 focused attention on that western territory as few other events ever could, and in short order, the siren’s call of “riches for the taking” spread rapidly around the world. Hundreds of thousands of people caught “gold fever” and braved the rigors of voyages “around the Horn,” treks through Panama’s deadly jungles, or braved the dangerous journey through hostile Indian territory. 

1848 年在加州發現金礦,使人們的注意力集中到了這片西部地區,這是很少有其他事件能夠做到的,很快,海妖「奪取財富」的呼聲迅速傳遍了全世界。數十萬人患有“淘金熱”,勇敢地“繞過非洲之角”航行,徒步穿越巴拿馬致命的叢林,或勇敢地穿越敵對的印度領土。

So many came searching for the yellow metal that, California was admitted into the Union as a state in 1850, and by 1860, California’s population had grown to almost 380,000 people. The draw of gold and the possibility of changing one’s fortunes made California the fastest-growing state in the country, with a population higher than seven U.S. states and all of the American territories. 

如此多的人前來尋找這種黃色金屬,以至於加州於 1850 年被接納為聯邦的一個州,到 1860 年,加州的人口已增長到近 38 萬人。黃金的吸引力和改變命運的可能性使加州成為美國成長最快的州,其人口超過美國七個州和所有美國領土。

The Creation of a Popular Commemorative Half Dollar

Seventy-five years later, the San Francisco Citizen’s Committee, chaired by future mayor Angelo J. Rossi, decided to commemorate 75 years of statehood with a half dollar coin.

在發行受歡迎的半美元紀念幣 75 年後,由未來市長安吉洛·J·羅西 (Angelo J. Rossi) 擔任主席的舊金山公民委員會決定用半美元硬幣來紀念建州 75 週年。

Commemoratives, however, were already becoming a sore point with United States Mint officials. The proposal might have died aborning but for a similar measure undertaken on behalf of Vermont’s Sesquicentennial that, fortunately, was endorsed by President Calvin Coolidge. The California coin became part of the Act of February 24, 1925, which not only included a coin for Vermont, but one commemorating the 100th anniversary of the founding of Fort Vancouver in the state of Washington.

然而,紀念幣已成為美國鑄幣廠官員的痛處。如果不是為了佛蒙特州一百五十週年而採取的類似措施,該提案可能會胎死腹中,幸運的是,該措施得到了卡爾文·柯立芝總統的支持。加州硬幣成為 1925 年 2 月 24 日法案的一部分,其中不僅包括佛蒙特州的硬幣,還包括紀念華盛頓州溫哥華堡建立 100 週年的硬幣。

The San Francisco Citizen’s Committee asked noted local artist and sculptor Jo Mora to design a coin that would capture the spirit of the state’s diamond jubilee.

舊金山公民委員會要求當地著名藝術家和雕塑家喬·莫拉 (Jo Mora) 設計一枚硬幣,以體現該州鑽石禧年的精神。

Born in Uruguay in 1876, Mora emigrated to California and became a popular artist because of his unique style and ability to work across multiple media.

莫拉 1876 年出生於烏拉圭,移居加利福尼亞州,因其獨特的風格和跨多種媒體的工作能力而成為一位受歡迎的藝術家。

Fashioning both the obverse and reverse of the coin, Mora sought to embody the essence of California during the 1850s. He employed two symbolic motifs: a “Gold Rush” prospector and a grizzly bear. The design was rustic and artisanal.

莫拉在設計硬幣的正面和反面時,力求體現 1850 年代加州的精髓。他採用了兩個象徵性圖案:「淘金熱」探礦者和灰熊。設計質樸手工。

Initially, James Earle Fraser (designer of the Buffalo nickel), speaking for the Commission of Fine Arts, was critical of Mora’s design, writing:

最初,詹姆斯·厄爾·弗雷澤(James Earle Fraser)(布法羅鎳幣的設計者)在代表美術委員會發言時對莫拉的設計提出了批評,他寫道:

I must say that I am not much impressed with the composition, or any of the indications contained in the drawing. It strikes me that the artist has not had proper experience to do a successful coin. The bear is entirely too short, and the whole thing inexerperienced and amateurish.


Commission member Louis Ayres agreed with Fraser’s assessment and even pointed out that the placement of IN GOD WE TRUST made it look like the prospector was frying it in oil.

委員會成員路易斯·艾爾斯(Louis Ayres)同意弗雷澤的評估,甚至指出,「IN GOD WE TRUST」的位置讓探礦者看起來像是在油裡煎炸。

The San Francisco Citizen’s Committee was undeterred by the doubting Thomases at the CFA, and pushed forward with the design anyway. To Chairman Rossi, Mora had delivered the design that best served their commemoration.

舊金山公民委員會並沒有被 CFA 的托馬斯多疑所嚇倒,無論如何還是繼續推進了這項設計。莫拉向羅西主席提交了最適合他們紀念的設計。

How the 1925-S California Diamond Jubilee Half Dollar Was Sold

The legislation authorizing the California Diamond Jubilee half dollar specified a maximum mintage of 300,000 coins, but only 150,200 coins were struck, with 200 pieces reserved for assay. Production began at the San Francisco Mint on August 12, 1925, and that first day saw 100 special pieces struck at the request of Committee Chairman Rossi. These pieces are not true proofs, but business strikes with a bright, chrome-like surface result from being struck with polished dies.

1925-S 加州鑽禧半美元是如何出售的 授權加州鑽禧半美元的立法規定最大鑄造量為 300,000 枚硬幣,但僅鑄造了 150,200 枚硬幣,其中 200 枚保留用於化驗。 1925 年 8 月 12 日,舊金山造幣廠開始生產,第一天,應委員會主席羅西的要求,鑄造了 100 枚特別幣。這些作品並不是真正的證據,但商業罷工具有明亮的鍍鉻表面,是用拋光模具沖壓而成的。

Groups in Los Angeles and San Francisco distributed the California halves for $1 apiece, but at the end of the promotion, 63,606 pieces remained unsold and were melted, leaving a net mintage of 86,394.

洛杉磯和舊金山的團體以每份 1 美元的價格分發了加州的半枚,但在促銷結束時,仍有 63,606 枚未售出並被熔化,淨發行量為 86,394 枚。

One actual Proof is rumored to exist, allegedly with a matte finish. If true, it must have been struck at the Philadelphia Mint before the dies were shipped to the San Francisco facility.


The S-mintmark appearing on all of the coins made at the Western Mint is on the lower reverse beneath the D in DOLLAR.

西部鑄幣廠製造的所有硬幣上都有 S 鑄幣標記,位於背面下部 D 美元下方。

The Characteristics of the 1925-S California Diamond Jubilee Half Dollar

California halves have various finishes, ranging from semi-Prooflike to chrome-like to satiny. A limited number of early strikes may even feature somewhat frosted or cameo devices.

1925 年南加州鑽禧半美元的特徵 加州半美元有多種飾面,從半精製版到鍍鉻版再到緞面版。有限數量的早期罷工甚至可能帶有一些磨砂或浮雕裝置。

Only a small percentage of this issue is affected by weak strikes, and those will often show a flatness on the bear’s snout and possess a bright, chrome-like finish. In other cases, weakness will be seen in the LIBERTY, JUBILEE, and HALF DOLLAR inscriptions. However, this is not the norm. More frequently encountered are coins suffering from abrasions and detracting marks on the higher, more visible points.

經 CAC 批准的 1925 年南加州鑽石禧半美元,PCGS 評級為 MS68。這個問題中只有一小部分受到弱打擊的影響,而這些打擊通常會在熊的鼻子上表現出平坦,並具有明亮的鍍鉻般的表面。在其他情況下,「自由」、「禧年」和「半美元」銘文會出現弱點。然而,這不是常態。更常見的是硬幣在較高、更明顯的點上磨損和有損痕跡。

The relatively high relief of the design makes this issue especially prone to even the slightest friction, particularly on the bear’s shoulder and leg and the miner’s back, shoulder, and shirtsleeve. These areas will also be the first to show signs of “doctoring.”


What is the 1925-S California Diamond Jubilee Half Dollar Worth?

Because these coins were widely distributed to the non-collecting public, the majority of surviving specimens are in XF-AU. Despite costing more than 50¢ to purchase, many 1925-S California half dollars were either spent or carried as pocket pieces, while others were damaged from being haphazardly cleaned. These coins are less desirable to collectors than unimpaired Mint State examples but will trade for prices up to $125 or slightly more.

1925 年南加州鑽禧半美元值多少錢?由於這些硬幣被廣泛分發給非收藏公眾,因此大多數倖存的樣本都在 XF-AU 中。儘管購買成本超過 50 美分,但許多 1925 年南加州半美元要么被花掉,要么作為口袋隨身攜帶,而另一些則因隨意清洗而損壞。這些硬幣對收藏家來說不如未受損的鑄幣廠硬幣那麼受歡迎,但交易價格可達 125 美元或略高。

Low-grade uncirculated pieces are always available for about $200, but the coin’s value increases with each grade. Expect to pay $350-$400 for an MS64 example. $600 for a gem MS65, and so on… In the top grades of MS68 or MS68+, expect prices to climb to $20,000 or more. Coins at this level are rarely offered for direct sale and usually appear only in major U.S. coin auctions. The record price for a 1925-S California half dollar at auction is $30,375 in September 2022.

低品級未流通硬幣的價格始終約為 200 美元,但硬幣的價值隨著等級的提高而增加。預計為 MS64 範例支付 350-400 美元。寶石級 MS65 價格為 600 美元,依此類推…在頂級 MS68 或 MS68+ 中,預計價格將攀升至 20,000 美元或更高。此級別的硬幣很少進行直接銷售,通常只出現在美國主要的硬幣拍賣中。 2022 年 9 月,1925 年南加州半美元的拍賣紀錄價格為 30,375 美元。

Market Data and Noteworthy Specimens

Top Population: PCGS MS-68+ (3, 3/2024), NGC MS-68+ (2, 3/2024), and CACG MS-68 (3:0 stickered:graded, 3/2024)

市場數據和值得注意的樣本熱門人群:PCGS MS-68+ (3, 3/2024)、NGC MS-68+ (2, 3/2024) 和CACG MS-68(3:0 貼紙:分級,3/ 2024 )

  • NGC MS68+* #4829524-002: Heritage Auctions, January 31, 2019, Lot 3977 – $8,400. Swirling rainbow toning with multiple bands of red and green.
  • PCGS MS68 #46448206: As NGC MS68. Heritage Auctions, July 27, 2002, Lot 5059 – $8,337.50; “The Cary & Cheryl Porter Collection,” Heritage Auctions, May 10, 2007, Lot 2500 – $5,750. As NGC MS68 #164149-001. Heritage Auctions, October 16, 2020, Lot 3634 – $7,200. As PCGS MS68 #42108177.”The Neon Lights Collection,” GreatCollections, September 18, 2022, Lot 1229508 – View. As MS68 #46448206. Stack’s Bowers, March 21, 2023, Lot 3293 – $10,200. A galaxy of rust, blue, and magenta toning. Dark toning concentrated around the date.
  • PCGS MS68 #45371460: GreatCollections, September 25, 2022, Lot 1146226 – View. Toned. Record Price (GreatCollections does not allow us to show price). 
  • PCGS MS68 #43563258: “The Gregg Bingham Collection of Silver Commemoratives,” GreatCollections, June 19, 2022, Lot 1157894 – View. Rainbow toning. Greg Bingham on insert.
  • NGC MS68 #372971-004: Heritage Auctions, December 6, 2019, Lot 4474 – $4,080. Rainbow rim toning on the obverse and reverse.
  • NGC MS68 #4877791-002: Heritage Auctions, July 12, 2019, Lot 3963 – $3,960; GreatCollections, May 3, 2020, Lot 826187 – View.
  • NGC MS68 #3811940-004: Heritage Auctions, April 24, 2015, Lot 6636 – $4,230; Heritage Auctions, August 14, 2015, Lot 6632 – $3,995. Splotchy reddish brown toning with rainbow iridescence in obverse exergue area.
  • NGC MS68* #3051444-019: Heritage Auctions, February 5, 2010, Lot 784 – $10,925; Heritage Auctions, January 4, 2012, Lot 3393 – $16,100.
  • PCGS MS68 #6545169: “The Louis Bassano Collection of U.S. Commemoratives,” Heritage Auctions, July 21, 2009, Lot 1426 – $17,250; “The Empire Collection,” Heritage Auctions, January 7, 2015, Lot 4442 – $12,925. Coin is predominantly brilliant with light rust toning.
  • PCGS MS68 #06636088: Heritage Auctions, January 7, 2004, Lot 2237 – $18,400. As PCGS MS68 #21627178. “The JFS Collection, Part Two,” Heritage Auctions, August 18, 2004, Lot 4247 – $13,800. JFS Collection on insert. As PCGS MS68 #21765004. “The Bruce Scher Collection,” Heritage Auctions, February 24, 2005, Lot 4148 – $14.950. Bruce Scher on insert; “The Richard Jewell Collection,” American Numismatic Rarities, March 14, 2006, Lot 1848 – $18,400; As PCGS MS68 #06636088. Heritage Auctions, January 10, 2013, Lot 5974 – $15,275. The obverse right and left rim and field areas have gold and apricot central toning with blue and purple accents. Bruce Scher on insert.
  • NGC MS68: Heritage Auctions, January 6, 2001, Lot 9084 – $4,657,50. Gold and magenta toning on the obverse.
  • PCGS MS67+ CAC #46366251: Stack’s Bowers, March 24, 2023, Lot 7168 – $4,560.
  • PCGS MS67+ CAC #43458463: Heritage Auctions, November 4, 2021, Lot 91160 – $4,680.
  • PCGS MS67+ CAC #41786246: Heritage Auctions, June 18, 2021, Lot 3743 – $4,080; GreatColletions, August 8, 2021, Lot 1030756 – View. Rust-colored toning throughout. Spotted toning on reverse.
  • NGC MS67+ CAC #5742512-002: Heritage Auctions, April 24, 2021, Lot 4815 – $4,080.
  • PCGS MS67+ CAC #25649243: “The Cedar Crest Collection, Part I,” Heritage Auctions, April 26, 2019, Lot 4465 – $4,800.
  • PCGS MS67+ CAC #81867692: Stack’s Bowers, June 23, 2017, Lot 11542 – $6,756.25. Dark goldenrod and steel toning.
  • PCGS MS67+ CAC #25307487: “The Rolling Thunder 50 Piece Commemorative Collection,” Heritage Auctions, September 18, 2015, Lot 5374 – $4,465; Heritage Auctions, January 6, 2016, Lot 3355 – $4,935.
  • PCGS MS67+ CAC #31696461: Heritage Auctions, June 5, 2015, Lot 5541 – $3,995. Green and red toning in the exergue area.



NGC MS68+* #4829524-002:Heritage 拍賣,2019 年 1 月 31 日,拍品 3977 – 8,400 美元。帶有多條紅色和綠色帶的旋轉彩虹色調。 PCGS MS68 #46448206:與 NGC MS68 相同。 Heritage 拍賣,2002 年 7 月 27 日,拍品 5059 – 8,337.50 美元; “卡里和謝麗爾·波特收藏”,Heritage Auctions,2007 年 5 月 10 日,拍品 2500 – 5,750 美元。作為 NGC MS68 #164149-001。 Heritage 拍賣,2020 年 10 月 16 日,拍品 3634 – 7,200 美元。 PCGS MS68 #42108177. “霓虹燈系列”,GreatCollections,2022 年 9 月 18 日,拍品 1229508 – 查看。作為 MS68 #46448206。 Stack’s Bowers,2023 年 3 月 21 日,拍品 3293 – 10,200 美元。鐵鏽色、藍色和洋紅色色調的銀河。深色色調集中在日期周圍。 PCGS MS68 #45371460:GreatCollections,2022 年 9 月 25 日,拍品 1146226 – 查看。色調。記錄價格(GreatCollections 不允許我們顯示價格)。 PCGS MS68 #43563258:“格雷格·賓厄姆銀質紀念幣收藏”,GreatCollections,2022 年 6 月 19 日,拍品 1157894 – 查看。彩虹色調。格雷格·賓漢姆在插入。 NGC MS68 #372971-004:Heritage 拍賣,2019 年 12 月 6 日,拍品 4474 – 4,080 美元。正面和反面均採用彩虹邊緣色調。 NGC MS68 #4877791-002:Heritage Auctions,2019 年 7 月 12 日,拍品 3963 – 3,960 美元; GreatCollections,2020 年 5 月 3 日,拍品編號 826187 – 視圖。 NGC MS68 #3811940-004:Heritage Auctions,2015 年 4 月 24 日,拍品 6636 – 4,230 美元; Heritage 拍賣,2015 年 8 月 14 日,拍品 6632 – 3,995 美元。正面有斑點的紅棕色色調,帶有彩虹色。 NGC MS68* #3051444-019:Heritage Auctions,2010 年 2 月 5 日,拍品 784 – 10,925 美元; Heritage 拍賣,2012 年 1 月 4 日,拍品 3393 – 16,100 美元。 PCGS MS68 #6545169:“路易斯·巴薩諾美國紀念幣收藏”,Heritage Auctions,2009 年 7 月 21 日,拍品 1426 – 17,250 美元; “帝國收藏”,Heritage Auctions,2015 年 1 月 7 日,拍品 4442 – 12,925 美元。硬幣主要是明亮的,帶有淺銹色。 PCGS MS68 #06636088:Heritage Auctions,2004 年 1 月 7 日,拍品 2237 – 18,400 美元。作為 PCGS MS68 #21627178。 “JFS 收藏,第二部分”,Heritage Auctions,2004 年 8 月 18 日,拍品 4247 – 13,800 美元。插入時的 JFS 集合。作為 PCGS MS68 #21765004。 “布魯斯·謝爾收藏”,Heritage Auctions,2005 年 2 月 24 日,拍品 4148 – 14.950 美元。 Bruce Scher 插入; “理查德·朱厄爾收藏”,美國錢幣稀世珍品,2006 年 3 月 14 日,拍品 1848 – 18,400 美元;作為 PCGS MS68 #06636088。 Heritage 拍賣,2013 年 1 月 10 日,拍品 5974 – 15,275 美元。正面左右邊緣和區域區域採用金色和杏色中央色調,並帶有藍色和紫色點綴。布魯斯·謝爾(Bruce Scher)插入。 NGC MS68:Heritage 拍賣行,2001 年 1 月 6 日,拍品 9084 – 4,657,50 美元。正面為金色和洋紅色色調。 PCGS MS67+ CAC #46366251:Stack’s Bowers,2023 年 3 月 24 日,拍品 7168 – 4,560 美元。 PCGS MS67+ CAC #43458463:Heritage 拍賣,2021 年 11 月 4 日,拍品 91160 – 4,680 美元。 PCGS MS67+ CAC #41786246:Heritage Auctions,2021 年 6 月 18 日,拍品 3743 – 4,080 美元; GreatCollections,2021 年 8 月 8 日,拍品 1030756 – 視野。通體採用鐵鏽色色調。背部有斑點色調。 NGC MS67+ CAC #5742512-002:Heritage 拍賣,2021 年 4 月 24 日,拍品 4815 – 4,080 美元。 PCGS MS67+ CAC #25649243:“The Cedar Crest Collection,第一部分”,Heritage Auctions,2019 年 4 月 26 日,拍品 4465 – 4,800 美元。 PCGS MS67+ CAC #81867692:Stack’s Bowers,2017 年 6 月 23 日,拍品 11542 – 6,756.25 美元。深黃花和鋼色調。 PCGS MS67+ CAC #25307487:“滾滾雷霆 50 件紀念收藏品”,Heritage Auctions,2015 年 9 月 18 日,拍品 5374 – 4,465 美元; Heritage 拍賣,2016 年 1 月 6 日,拍品 3355 – 4,935 美元。 PCGS MS67+ CAC #31696461:Heritage 拍賣,2015 年 6 月 5 日,拍品 5541 – 3,995 美元。運動區的綠色和紅色色調。設計正面:

The obverse motif focuses on a kneeling gold prospector. Above the pan is the motto IN GOD WE TRUST. Wrapping around the top of the design is the word LIBERTY. The ground that the prospector kneels on forms an exergue. The exergue contains the words CALIFORNIA’S · DIAMOND · JUBILEE ·, and the date 1925.

正面圖案集中於跪著的淘金者。平底鍋上方寫著「我們相信上帝」的座右銘。環繞設計頂部的是“自由”一詞。探礦者跪下的地面形成了一個練習場。勘誤表包含「CALIFORNIA’S·DIAMOND·JUBILEE·」字樣和日期 1925。



On the reverse, artist Jo Mora depicts a California bear walking towards the left. E · PLURIBUS · UNUM wraps around above. The ground that the bear walks on forms an exergue. The exergue contains the words · UNITED · STATES · OF · AMERICA ·, and HALF DOLLAR.

在背面,藝術家喬莫拉描繪了一隻向左行走的加州熊。 E·PLURIBUS·UNUM 環繞上面。熊所走的地面形成了一個exergue。勘誤表包含單字·UNITED·STATES·OF·AMERICA·和HALF DOLLAR。

Coin Specifications

Country: United States of America
Year Of Issue: 1925
Denomination: Half Dollar (USD)
Mint Mark: S (San Francisco)
Net Distribution: 86,594
Alloy: .900 silver, .100 copper
Weight: 12.5 g
Diameter: 30.6 mm
Edge: Reeded
OBV Designer Jo Mora
REV Designer Jo Mora
Quality: Business Strike


硬幣規格 國家:美國 發行年份:1925 面額:半美元 (USD) 鑄幣廠標記:S(舊金山) 淨發行量:86,594 合金:0.900 銀、0.100 銅 重量:12.5 克 直徑:30.6 毫米 邊緣:Reeded OBV 設計師Jo Mora REV 設計師Jo Mora 品質:商業打擊

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