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如何購買 XYZVerse:XYZ 價格預測和更好的替代方案

2024/12/31 16:00

歡迎來到我們的 XYZVerse 指南,我們將詳細探討如何購買 XYZverse、其生態系統和價格預測,幫助您做出明智的決定

如何購買 XYZVerse:XYZ 價格預測和更好的替代方案

XYZVerse combines sports, e-sports, and meme culture in its ecosystem, promising to deliver an engaging experience for users passionate about these themes. While the XYZVerse presale offers early access to the $XYZ token at discounted prices, it’s essential to consider all aspects of the project before investing.

XYZVerse 在其生態系統中結合了體育、電子競技和模因文化,承諾為熱衷於這些主題的用戶提供引人入勝的體驗。雖然 XYZVerse 預售可讓您以折扣價提前獲得 $XYZ 代幣,但在投資之前必須考慮專案的所有方面。

Before we explain how to buy $XYZ, let’s look at a brief overview of the XYZVerse ecosystem:

在我們解釋如何購買 $XYZ 之前,讓我們先來看看 XYZVerse 生態系統的簡要概述:

What Is XYZVerse?

什麼是 XYZVerse?

XYZVerse is targeting sports fans and meme enthusiasts alike. Built on the Polygon blockchain, XYZVerse leverages a deflationary token model, claiming it can increase $XYZ’s value through systematic burns.

XYZVerse 的目標受眾是運動迷和迷因愛好者。 XYZVerse 基於 Polygon 區塊鏈構建,利用通貨緊縮代幣模型,聲稱它可以透過系統銷毀來增加 $XYZ 的價值。

The project’s roadmap outlines several ambitious plans, including gamification, play-to-earn integration, and collaborations with sports celebrities. However, many of these features are yet to be developed, making $XYZ a speculative investment at this stage.

該項目的路線圖概述了幾個雄心勃勃的計劃,包括遊戲化、邊玩邊賺錢的整合以及與體育名人的合作。然而,其中許多功能尚未開發,使得 $XYZ 在現階段成為投機性投資。

The total supply of $XYZ is set at 100 billion tokens, with allocations for presale, marketing, incentives, liquidity, development, and team reserves. As with most early-stage projects, there are risks tied to the execution of their roadmap and market adoption. The $XYZ token remains a high-risk, high-reward crypto with many features yet to be released.

$XYZ 的總供應量設定為 1000 億枚代幣,分配用於預售、行銷、激勵、流動性、開發和團隊儲備。與大多數早期專案一樣,路線圖的執行和市場採用也存在風險。 $XYZ 代幣仍然是一種高風險、高回報的加密貨幣,許多功能尚未發布。

Why We Don’t Recommend XYZVerse

為什麼我們不推薦 XYZVerse

During our analysis of XYZVerse, our team found a few red flags. To start, the XYZVerse Whitepaper has multiple mentions of how this will be the G.O.A.T of memecoins and every XYZ holder will benefit as this token goes to the top. Any project that comes that close to promising token holders profit is a major red flag. The project also offered a massive 99,900% ROI from stage 1 of the presale. Figures like that should always be viewed through a skeptical lens.

在對 XYZVerse 進行分析期間,我們的團隊發現了一些危險信號。首先,XYZVerse 白皮書多次提到這將如何成為 memecoins 的 GOAT,並且隨著該代幣達到頂峰,每個 XYZ 持有者都將受益。任何接近承諾代幣持有者利潤的項目都是一個重大危險信號。該項目還從預售第一階段提供了高達 99,900% 的投資回報率。應該始終以懷疑的眼光來看待這樣的數字。

The larger concern is the inflated tokenomics. The planned launch price is $0.1 with a total supply of 100 billion tokens. This results in a fully diluted valuation of $10 billion, which is pretty unreasonable. For these reasons, we recommend presale investors check out our Top Presale Picks for more responsible presale projects.

更大的擔憂是膨脹的代幣經濟。計劃發行價格為0.1美元,總發行量為1000億枚。這導致完全稀釋後的估值達到 100 億美元,這是相當不合理的。基於這些原因,我們建議預售投資者查看我們的最佳預售精選,以了解更負責任的預售項目。

How to Buy XYZVerse

如何購買 XYZVerse

The XYZVerse presale is currently live, offering tokens at an introductory price of $0.008. However, as with all presales, potential investors should evaluate the project carefully. If you’re still interested in exploring XYZVerse, we recommend users use Best Wallet as it’s free, secure, supports tokens from over 60 blockchains, and features a launchpad where users can purchase presale tokens similar to XYZVerse from directly within their self-custodial wallet. Here are the steps on how to participate:

XYZVerse 預售目前正在進行,以 0.008 美元的介紹價格提供代幣。然而,與所有預售一樣,潛在投資者應該仔細評估該項目。如果您仍然有興趣探索XYZVerse,我們建議用戶使用Best Wallet,因為它是免費、安全的,支援來自60 多個區塊鏈的代幣,並且具有啟動板,用戶可以直接在其自我託管錢包中購買類似XYZVerse 的預售代幣。以下是參與步驟:

Step 1: Set Up a Crypto Wallet

第 1 步:設定加密錢包

First, you’ll need a decentralized crypto wallet that supports the Polygon blockchain. Best Wallet is a next-generation Web3 wallet with high security and user-friendly interface. Visit the Best Wallet website and click “Download Best Wallet” to open a QR code you can scan with your smartphone. Or, if you are lazy to do that all, just click on “Download Best Wallet” button below.

首先,您需要一個支援 Polygon 區塊鏈的去中心化加密錢包。 Best Wallet是下一代Web3錢包,具有高安全性和用戶友好的介面。造訪 Best Wallet 網站,然後點擊「下載 Best Wallet」以開啟可以用智慧型手機掃描的二維碼。或者,如果您懶得這樣做,只需點擊下面的「下載最佳錢包」按鈕即可。

Enter your email address on the Best Wallet app and set up two-factor authentication (2FA) to ensure your wallet remains secure. You’ll also be asked to enable a wallet passcode for an added layer of security, which can use your device’s biometrics like FaceID and fingerprint reading.

在 Best Wallet 應用程式上輸入您的電子郵件地址並設定兩步驟驗證 (2FA) 以確保您的錢包安全。系統還會要求您啟用錢包密碼以增加安全層,該密碼可以使用裝置的生物辨識技術,例如 FaceID 和指紋讀取。

If you want to know more about Best Wallet and the top security features it offers, you can check out our detailed Best Wallet Review.

如果您想了解有關 Best Wallet 及其提供的頂級安全功能的更多信息,您可以查看我們詳細的 Best Wallet 評論。

Step 2: Deposit Crypto

第 2 步:存入加密貨幣

On the XYZVerse presale, users can buy $XYZ with ETH, BNB, POL, SOL, TRX, or USDT. You can deposit any one of those cryptocurrencies in your Best Wallet through fiat or crypto options. Tap “Buy” on the Best Wallet app and follow the instructions to complete your crypto order through bank transfer and other methods.

在 XYZVerse 預售中,用戶可以使用 ETH、BNB、POL、SOL、TRX 或 USDT 購買 $XYZ。您可以透過法定或加密貨幣選項將其中任何一種加密貨幣存入您的 Best Wallet。點擊 Best Wallet 應用程式上的“購買”,然後按照指示透過銀行轉帳和其他方式完成您的加密貨幣訂單。

Alternatively, you can directly transfer crypto to your Best Wallet from another wallet app or Bitcoin exchange. Click “Receive” on the cryptocurrency you wish to add to your Best Wallet, which will open a QR code and wallet address to which you can send the digital asset.

或者,您可以直接從其他錢包應用程式或比特幣交易所將加密貨幣轉移到您的 Best Wallet。點擊您想要添加到 Best Wallet 的加密貨幣上的“接收”,這將打開一個二維碼和錢包地址,您可以將數位資產發送到其中。

Step 3: Connect to the XYZVerse Presale

第 3 步:連接到 XYZVerse 預售

Visit the XYZVerse presale page and click “Connect Wallet.” This will open the crypto wallet connect widget. Click “All Wallets” and search for “Best Wallet” to display the QR code to connect your Best Wallet account to the token presale.

造訪 XYZVerse 預售頁面並點擊「連接錢包」。這將打開加密錢包連接小部件。點擊“所有錢包”,搜尋“Best Wallet”即可顯示二維碼,將您的Best Wallet帳戶關聯至代幣預售。

To complete the process, authorize the wallet connection on the Best Wallet app. If you are using another crypto wallet provider, search for the app using the widget.

要完成此過程,請在 Best Wallet 應用程式上授權錢包連接。如果您使用其他加密錢包提供商,請使用小部件搜尋該應用程式。

Step 4: Buy XYZVerse ($XYZ) 

步驟 4:購買 XYZVerse ($XYZ)

Finally, select a token to swap for $XYZ and enter the amount you wish to transfer. Confirm the transaction through the Best Wallet app, showing any

最後,選​​擇要兌換 $XYZ 的代幣,然後輸入您想要轉移的金額。透過 Best Wallet 應用程式確認交易,顯示任何


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