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Web3 遊戲產業由於注重經濟誘因而不是令人愉悅的遊戲玩法而難以吸引主流用戶。 Play-to-Earn 模式將利潤置於娛樂之上,導致遊戲不可持續。成功遊戲的核心受眾願意花錢而不期待經濟回報,尋求身臨其境的體驗和愉快的遊戲體驗。為了讓 GameFi 蓬勃發展,要不是類似 Web2 的 AAA 遊戲需要整合加密貨幣,就是出現經濟蓬勃發展的創新鏈上游戲。所有遊戲邏輯和資產都存在於鏈上的自治世界為遊戲創新和創建共享遊戲宇宙提供了獨特的機會。未來,成功的 Web3 遊戲將在用戶體驗方面與 Web2 遊戲保持一致,而區塊鏈仍然是封閉程式碼和非互通性等問題的後台解決方案。
The Future of Web3 Gaming: Breaking the Cycle of Failed Experiments and Heralding a New Era
Web3 遊戲的未來:打破失敗實驗的循環,預示新時代
The prevailing narrative suggests that crypto will revolutionize gaming, transforming it into a lucrative, decentralized playground. However, the reality paints a starkly different picture. Despite the grandiose claims, genuine mainstream Web3 games, where players prioritize gameplay over financial gain, remain elusive. Let's delve into the reasons behind this impasse and explore the factors that will shape the future of Web3 gaming.
流行的說法表明,加密貨幣將徹底改變遊戲,將其轉變為利潤豐厚的去中心化遊樂場。然而,現實卻描繪出截然不同的景象。儘管有這些誇大的說法,但真正的主流 Web3 遊戲(玩家優先考慮遊戲玩法而不是經濟收益)仍然難以捉摸。讓我們深入探討這場僵局背後的原因,並探討影響 Web3 遊戲未來的因素。
Understanding the Current State of GameFi
了解 GameFi 的現狀
While many Web3 games have garnered attention, their success is often inflated by deceptive metrics. Data is manipulated by "farmers" and "sybils" who exploit games for profit, not enjoyment. Once yields dwindle, these players vanish, leaving behind a trail of abandoned projects.
雖然許多 Web3 遊戲已經引起了人們的關注,但它們的成功往往被欺騙性的指標所誇大。數據被「農民」和「女巫」操縱,他們利用遊戲來獲取利潤,而不是享受。一旦產量減少,這些參與者就會消失,留下一系列廢棄的項目。
Moreover, the majority of these success stories fail to capture the true quality of gameplay. Axie Infinity, once the epitome of Web3 gaming, has witnessed a dramatic decline in daily active users. Its prominence has waned, giving way to a fragmented landscape where no single project dominates.
此外,這些成功故事中的大多數都未能體現遊戲玩法的真實品質。 Axie Infinity 曾經是 Web3 遊戲的縮影,但如今日活躍用戶數急劇下降。它的重要性已經減弱,取而代之的是一個支離破碎的景觀,沒有一個項目佔據主導地位。
The Problem with Play-to-Earn and Play-to-Airdrop Models
Play-to-Earn 與 Play-to-Airdrop 模式的問題
The core issue plaguing Web3 games lies in their flawed incentive structure. Play-to-Earn games, specifically, are designed around a labor-oriented model, where players view gameplay as a means of financial gain. This approach fosters greed, undermining the fundamental purpose of gaming: entertainment.
The subsequent pivot to Play-to-Airdrop models has further exacerbated the problem. Now, players engage in gameplay solely to qualify for airdrops, without any genuine interest in the game itself. This has resulted in a perverse cycle of short-lived games that wither away after the distribution of tokens.
The True Pillars of Sustainable Gaming
At the heart of successful and enduring gaming ecosystems lies a core user base willing to spend money within the game without expecting direct financial returns. These players prioritize gameplay, seeking immersion, entertainment, and a sense of community that transcends monetary rewards.
This understanding underscores the importance of focusing on creating compelling and engaging gaming experiences that stand on their own merits. Players must be drawn to the game itself, not the promise of financial incentives. This approach has been instrumental in the success of Web2 games for decades, and it remains equally applicable to Web3 games.
這種理解強調了專注於創造引人入勝且引人入勝的遊戲體驗的重要性。吸引玩家的必須是遊戲本身,而不是經濟誘因的承諾。幾十年來,這種方法對 Web2 遊戲的成功發揮了重要作用,並且同樣適用於 Web3 遊戲。
The Path to Web3 Gaming Success
Web3 遊戲成功之路
The future of Web3 gaming hinges on two distinct paths:
Web3 遊戲的未來取決於兩條不同的道路:
- AAA-Like Web2 Games: The integration of Web3 elements, such as blockchain-based economies and tokenization, into established gaming franchises will likely be a catalyst for mass adoption. By combining high-quality gameplay with crypto functionality, these games can appeal to a broader audience, setting the standard for Web3 gaming.
- Fully On-Chain Autonomous Worlds: A new breed of games, known as Autonomous Worlds, aims to create decentralized, self-governing game universes. By placing all in-game logic, components, and rules on the blockchain, these games enable players to create forks of the game with their own unique rules. Additionally, in-game assets can be wrapped and utilized in other games or DeFi protocols, fostering interoperability and economic growth.
The Rise of Autonomous Worlds
AAA 級 Web2 遊戲:將 Web3 元素(例如基於區塊鏈的經濟和代幣化)整合到已建立的遊戲特許經營中可能會成為大規模採用的催化劑。透過將高品質的遊戲玩法與加密功能相結合,這些遊戲可以吸引更廣泛的受眾,為Web3 遊戲設定標準。完全鏈上自治世界:稱為自治世界的新型遊戲,旨在創建去中心化的、自我的- 統治遊戲宇宙。透過將所有遊戲內邏輯、組件和規則放置在區塊鏈上,這些遊戲使玩家能夠使用自己獨特的規則創建遊戲的分叉。此外,遊戲內資產可以在其他遊戲或 DeFi 協議中包裝和使用,從而促進互通性和經濟成長。 自治世界的崛起
Fully on-chain Autonomous Worlds represent a transformative concept in gaming. They allow for unprecedented levels of player ownership, innovation, and community engagement. While the majority of innovation in this space is currently taking place on Ethereum, the emergence of various Layer 2 solutions holds promise for addressing scalability and efficiency challenges.
完全鏈上的自治世界代表了遊戲領域的變革性概念。它們讓玩家的所有權、創新和社群參與達到前所未有的水平。雖然該領域的大部分創新目前都發生在以太坊上,但各種第 2 層解決方案的出現有望解決可擴展性和效率挑戰。
Notable Autonomous World projects include:
- Dark Forest: A real-time strategy game where players compete for resources and territories, utilizing ZK-SNARKs for secure coordination.
- The Citadel: A 2D strategy space game where players pilot spaceships, engage in combat, and gather resources.
- Realms: Ethernum: An economic strategy game inspired by Age of Empires and Civilization, featuring a custom game engine built on Starknet.
- Influence: A MMORPG space strategy game where players colonize planets, wage wars, and forge alliances.
- Briq: A block-building adventure game akin to LEGO, where players construct structures from on-chain building blocks.
- OpCraft: A Minecraft-inspired crafting game that serves as a testbed for the Lattice MUD engine designed for on-chain games.
The Future of Web3 Gaming
黑暗森林:一款即時戰略遊戲,玩家可以在其中爭奪資源和領土,利用ZK-SNARK 進行安全協調。The Citadel:一款2D 戰略太空遊戲,玩家可以駕駛太空船,參與戰鬥並收集資源。Realms: Ethernum:一款受《帝國時代》和《文明》啟發的經濟策略遊戲,採用基於Starknet 構建的自訂遊戲引擎。Kirluence:一款MMORPG 太空策略遊戲,玩家可以在其中殖民行星、發動戰爭和建立聯盟. Briq:一款類似於樂高,玩家可以用鏈上積木構建結構。OpCraft:一款受 Minecraft 啟發的製作遊戲,作為專為鏈上游戲設計的 Lattice MUD 引擎的測試平台。Web3 遊戲的未來
In the coming years, the Web3 gaming landscape will witness a surge of experimentation and innovation. Speculative capital will undoubtedly play a significant role in shaping these experimental games, but it is ultimately the games that prioritize gameplay over financial gain that will survive and thrive.
未來幾年,Web3 遊戲領域將見證大量的實驗和創新。投機資本無疑將在塑造這些實驗性遊戲中發揮重要作用,但最終,那些將遊戲玩法置於經濟收益之上的遊戲才能生存和發展。
Mass-user Web3 games will likely mimic the user experience of Web2 games, with blockchain serving as an underlying layer that resolves issues related to closed code, centralization, and interoperability of in-game items. However, the emergence of Autonomous Worlds presents a novel category of games that may carve out a niche unavailable to Web2 counterparts.
大眾用戶的 Web3 遊戲可能會模仿 Web2 遊戲的使用者體驗,以區塊鏈作為底層,解決與遊戲內專案的封閉程式碼、集中化和互通性相關的問題。然而,《Autonomous Worlds》的出現帶來了一種新穎的遊戲類別,可能會開闢出 Web2 同行無法企及的利基市場。
While the future of Web3 gaming holds immense potential, it is essential to temper expectations and focus on building sustainable, player-centric ecosystems. By prioritizing quality gameplay, fostering true ownership, and promoting interoperability, Web3 games can break the cycle of failed experiments and usher in a new era of gaming innovation.
雖然 Web3 遊戲的未來擁有巨大的潛力,但必須調整期望並專注於建立可持續的、以玩家為中心的生態系統。透過優先考慮遊戲品質、培養真正的所有權並促進互通性,Web3 遊戲可以打破失敗實驗的循環,開創遊戲創新的新時代。
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