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Chiliz(CHZ)是一個專注於運動的區塊鏈,它與法國能源巨頭 EDF 的子公司 Exaion 合作,充當節點驗證者。該聯盟加強了 Chiliz 對能源效率的承諾,並標誌著一個國家(法國)成為區塊鏈節點驗證者的第一個例子。
Blockchain Pioneer Chiliz Secures Energy Giant Exaion as Validator Node, Marking a Pivotal Milestone in Blockchain Sustainability
區塊鏈先驅 Chiliz 確保能源巨頭 Exaion 作為驗證節點,標誌著區塊鏈永續發展的關鍵里程碑
In a groundbreaking move that underscores the growing recognition of blockchain technology, the sports-centric blockchain platform Chiliz (CHZ) has forged a strategic partnership with Exaion, a subsidiary of the French state-owned energy provider EDF Group. Exaion joins Chiliz as a validator node, bringing a wealth of expertise and resources to the blockchain network while aligning with Chiliz's vision of promoting energy efficiency within the blockchain industry.
以體育為中心的區塊鏈平台 Chiliz (CHZ) 與法國國有能源提供商 EDF 集團的子公司 Exaion 建立了戰略合作夥伴關係,這一突破性舉措突顯了人們對區塊鏈技術的日益認可。 Exaion 作為驗證者節點加入 Chiliz,為區塊鏈網路帶來豐富的專業知識和資源,同時符合 Chiliz 在區塊鏈產業內提高能源效率的願景。
The partnership comes at a crucial juncture for Chiliz, which is implementing a comprehensive tokenomics upgrade to enhance the security and sustainability of its blockchain. The new tokenomics model, based on Delegated Proof of Staked Authority (DPoSA), introduces an innovative inflation staking rewards program and a transaction fee-burning protocol (EIP-1559), ensuring the long-term viability of the Chiliz ecosystem.
此次合作正值 Chiliz 的關鍵時刻,該公司正在實施全面的代幣經濟升級,以增強其區塊鏈的安全性和永續性。新的代幣經濟模型基於權益授權證明(DPoSA),引入了創新的通貨膨脹權益獎勵計劃和交易費用燃燒協議(EIP-1559),確保了 Chiliz 生態系統的長期生存能力。
By securing Exaion as a validator node, Chiliz has taken a significant step towards its goal of becoming the most environmentally friendly blockchain network. Exaion's deep understanding of energy infrastructure, technology, and sustainability practices will be invaluable to Chiliz as it seeks to optimize its energy consumption and promote blockchain's responsible adoption.
透過確保 Exaion 作為驗證節點,Chiliz 朝著成為最環保的區塊鏈網路的目標邁出了重要一步。 Exaion 對能源基礎設施、技術和永續實踐的深刻理解對於 Chiliz 尋求優化能源消耗並促進區塊鏈負責任的採用非常寶貴。
This partnership marks an unprecedented level of collaboration between a state-owned energy provider and a blockchain project. It signals a growing recognition among established institutions of the potential of blockchain technology to transform industries and create a more sustainable future.
Exaion's Expertise Enhances Chiliz's Validation Process
Exaion 的專業知識增強了 Chiliz 的驗證流程
Exaion's expertise in energy efficiency and infrastructure will significantly enhance Chiliz's validation process. As a validator node, Exaion will play a critical role in verifying transactions, ensuring network security, and maintaining the integrity of the blockchain.
Exaion 在能源效率和基礎設施方面的專業知識將顯著增強 Chiliz 的驗證流程。作為驗證者節點,Exaion 將在驗證交易、確保網路安全、維護區塊鏈完整性方面發揮關鍵作用。
The collaboration will also allow Chiliz to leverage Exaion's insights into energy optimization techniques. By integrating these practices into its blockchain operations, Chiliz can minimize its energy consumption and reduce its environmental footprint, setting an example for the industry.
此次合作也將使 Chiliz 能夠利用 Exaion 對能源優化技術的見解。透過將這些實踐整合到其區塊鏈營運中,Chiliz 可以最大限度地減少能源消耗並減少環境足跡,為行業樹立了榜樣。
Chiliz's Validator Lineup Bolstered by Exaion's Support
Exaion 的支援增強了 Chiliz 的驗證器陣容
Exaion's addition to Chiliz's validator lineup further strengthens the network's security and reliability. The blockchain now boasts a diverse and experienced group of validators, including the European soccer powerhouse Paris Saint-Germain (PSG), which also operates a validator node.
Exaion 加入 Chiliz 驗證器陣容進一步增強了網路的安全性和可靠性。該區塊鏈現在擁有一支多元化且經驗豐富的驗證者群體,其中包括歐洲足球巨頭巴黎聖日耳曼(PSG),該球隊也經營一個驗證者節點。
This diverse validator pool ensures that Chiliz remains decentralized and resistant to malicious actors. It also enhances the blockchain's ability to process transactions quickly and securely, supporting the growing number of users and applications built on the Chiliz network.
這種多樣化的驗證者池確保 Chiliz 保持去中心化並抵禦惡意行為者。它還增強了區塊鏈快速、安全地處理交易的能力,支援在 Chiliz 網路上建立的不斷增長的用戶和應用程式數量。
Chiliz Tokenomics Upgrade Enhances Staking Rewards and Transaction Efficiency
Chiliz Tokenomics 升級增強質押獎勵和交易效率
The partnership with Exaion coincides with Chiliz's tokenomics upgrade, which introduces several key features designed to enhance the staking experience and transaction efficiency. Under the new model, staking rewards are divided into two parts: 80% allocated to validators, and the remaining 20% distributed to users who stake their CHZ tokens.
與 Exaion 的合作恰逢 Chiliz 的代幣經濟升級,該升級引入了旨在增強質押體驗和交易效率的多項關鍵功能。在新模型下,質押獎勵分為兩部分:80% 分配給驗證者,其餘 20% 分配給質押 CHZ 代幣的用戶。
This revised staking mechanism incentivizes validators to maintain network security while providing attractive rewards to token holders. Additionally, the implementation of EIP-1559 introduces a transaction fee-burning mechanism, reducing transaction costs and further enhancing the blockchain's efficiency.
Chiliz's Recognition by State-Owned Enterprises
The partnership with Exaion and the recent addition of PSG as a validator node underscore the growing recognition of Chiliz's blockchain platform by established institutions. This recognition reflects the project's commitment to security, sustainability, and innovation within the blockchain industry.
與 Exaion 的合作以及最近添加 PSG 作為驗證節點,凸顯了成熟機構對 Chiliz 區塊鏈平台的日益認可。這項認可反映了該項目對區塊鏈產業安全性、永續性和創新的承諾。
As Chiliz continues to expand its ecosystem and develop cutting-edge applications, the support of state-owned enterprises will provide a solid foundation for the long-term growth and success of the blockchain.
The partnership between Chiliz and Exaion marks a significant milestone in the evolution of blockchain technology. By securing a state-owned energy provider as a validator node, Chiliz is not only enhancing its security and reliability but also leading the charge towards a more sustainable blockchain industry. The project's commitment to innovation and responsible adoption of technology is setting a precedent for the future of blockchain networks, demonstrating the potential for blockchain to transform industries and create a positive impact on society.
Chiliz 和 Exaion 之間的合作標誌著區塊鏈技術發展的一個重要里程碑。透過確保國有能源供應商作為驗證節點,Chiliz 不僅增強了其安全性和可靠性,而且還引領了區塊鏈產業的永續發展。該專案對創新和負責任地採用技術的承諾為區塊鏈網路的未來樹立了先例,展示了區塊鏈改變行業並對社會產生積極影響的潛力。
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