如果有一種加密資產預計在 2025 年發展壯大,那麼它一定是比特幣。首演的加密貨幣已取得了巨大的成功

Bitcoin price performance has been remarkable in recent years, surpassing conventional asset classes such as gold. Despite facing some criticisms and regulatory actions, BTC has remained a top-performing asset class since 2011.
近年來,比特幣的價格表現非常出色,超過了黃金等傳統資產類別。儘管面臨一些批評和監管行動,比特幣自 2011 年以來仍然是表現最好的資產類別。
However, the digital asset's volatility remains a point of concern for investors, with dramatic price swings being a common occurrence.
As of press time, Bitcoin is trading in the $95k to $97k range, having started 2024 within the $40k price zone.
截至發稿時,比特幣的交易價格在 9.5 萬美元至 9.7 萬美元之間,從 2024 年開始一直處於 4 萬美元的價格區間。
After briefly hitting the $100k mark on December 5th last year, Bitcoin price dipped below $100k again the following day.
在去年 12 月 5 日短暫觸及 10 萬美元大關後,比特幣價格在第二天再次跌破 10 萬美元。
Meanwhile, Ether also joined the surge and volatility, registering a nearly 50% gain for the year and currently trading in the $3,400 range.
與此同時,以太幣也加入了飆升和波動的行列,今年漲幅接近 50%,目前交易價格在 3,400 美元區間。
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