賢明なコインコレクターは、小さな印刷エラーに気付いた後、25,000ポンドでPeter Rabbit 50pを販売しています。

A Beatrix Potter coin with a tiny error has been put up for sale for an astonishing £25,086.72.
In 2017, the Royal Mint unveiled nearly 20 million Peter Rabbit 50ps to celebrate the children's author. While the coins are not typically regarded as rare due to their high circulation, one collector noticed something unusual about theirs.
As seen in the listing on eBay, there is a little lump of metal stuck to the foot of the rabbit on the coin which does not appear on any of the other Peter Rabbit 50ps.
eBayのリストに見られるように、他のPeter Rabbit 50psのいずれにも表示されないコインのウサギのふもとに詰まった金属の小さな塊があります。
Coins with imperfections often sell for substantially more than face value. In this case, the collector is selling the item for £25,086.72. An additional £8.95 is asked for postage and returns are not accepted.
The Isle of Man 50p coins are among the rarest in circulation and can sell for hundreds of pounds. In 2023, a Good Housekeeping reader found a 1968 coin in an old purse frame and sold it for £16,000. The coin had been part of a collection put together by her late husband, making the discovery even more special.
Man 50pのコイン島は、最も珍しい循環の1つであり、数百ポンドで販売できます。 2023年、優れたハウスキーピングリーダーが1968年のコインを古い財布フレームに見つけて、16,000ポンドで販売しました。コインは亡くなった夫によってまとめられたコレクションの一部であり、発見をさらに特別なものにしました。