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このホリデーシーズンには、ボタン電池で光ったり音が鳴ったりする素敵なおもちゃをお子様にたくさん手に入れるかもしれません。小さなコインサイズの電池は、多くのガジェット、電子機器、おもちゃ、時計、キーホルダー、音楽用グリーティング カード、およびほとんどの補聴器に使用されています。
This holiday season, your children may get many cool toys that light up or make sounds powered by button batteries. The small, coin-sized batteries are in many gadgets, electronic devices, toys, watches, key fobs, musical greeting cards and most hearing aids.
このホリデーシーズンには、ボタン電池で光ったり音が鳴ったりする素敵なおもちゃをお子様にたくさん手に入れるかもしれません。小さなコインサイズの電池は、多くのガジェット、電子機器、おもちゃ、時計、キーホルダー、音楽用グリーティング カード、およびほとんどの補聴器に使用されています。
Unfortunately, button batteries are dangerous if swallowed. Stacey Pecenka, manager of the Trauma Injury Prevention Program at Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt, said button battery injury cases tend to spike in January.
“This trend tells us that following the holiday season, children are more likely to swallow button batteries than any other time of the year,” Pecenka said.
Each year, Poison Centers across the country report that about 3,500 people swallow button batteries. Half of those cases are for children age 6 and younger.
毎年、全国の中毒センターは、約 3,500 人がボタン電池を飲み込んでいると報告しています。そのうち半数は6歳以下の子供が対象となっている。
“These batteries can cause serious health problems and can even lead to death when swallowed by children,” Pecenka said. “According to national data, 44 children have died since 2002 after swallowing button batteries. Previously, serious injuries and deaths were much rarer.
「これらの電池は深刻な健康上の問題を引き起こす可能性があり、子供が飲み込むと死に至る可能性さえあります」とペチェンカ氏は述べた。 「国のデータによると、2002 年以来 44 人の子供がボタン電池を飲み込んで死亡しています。以前は、重傷や死亡ははるかにまれでした。
“They can be found in a variety of toys that light up and or make sounds, in fidget spinners and even some shoes,” Pecenka continued. “We want everyone to be conscientious of how easy it is for children to get access to these batteries.”
「それらは、光ったり音を鳴らしたりするさまざまなおもちゃ、ハンドスピナー、さらには一部の靴にも含まれています」とペチェンカ氏は続けた。 「子供たちがこれらのバッテリーを簡単に手に入れることができるかどうか、すべての人に意識してもらいたいのです。」
The younger the child, the more dangerous the situation because of the inability to communicate, said Dr. Marla Levine of the Department of Emergency Medicine at Monroe Carell.
“We don’t always know that they have ingested something,” Levine said. “If we do know for certain, we can be more vigilant and identify the situation in a timely manner.”
「彼らが何かを摂取したことを常に知っているわけではありません」とレバイン氏は言う。 「それが確かに分かれば、より警戒し、タイムリーに状況を特定することができます。」
The challenge also comes with the fact that signs of ingestion present in various ways including mild respiratory symptoms, wheezing or possible vomiting, which can be a myriad of medical issues.
For button battery ingestion cases, the clock starts ticking the minute the child swallows or places the battery next to a mucosal surface, including the ears and nose. That’s why it is critical for parents and caregivers to immediately seek emergency medical assistance if they believe their child may have swallowed a button battery.
According to Levine and Dr. Bo Lovvorn, a pediatric surgeon with Monroe Carell, the longer a button battery is undetected, the more likely the damage can be severe leading to the potential for a negative outcome.
Levine 氏と、Monroe Carell の小児外科医である Bo Lovvorn 博士によると、ボタン電池が検出されない時間が長くなるほど、損傷が深刻になり、マイナスの結果が生じる可能性が高くなります。
“One of my biggest concerns is the chemical reaction that a button battery can cause in the esophagus,” Lovvorn said. “This chemical injury can lead rapidly to esophageal wall perforation. There are a lot of blood vessels around there. Injury to the esophagus can be complicated and lethal because it can erode into the arterial system.
「私が最も懸念しているのは、ボタン電池が食道内で引き起こす可能性のある化学反応です」とロヴボーン氏は語った。 「この化学傷害は急速に食道壁穿孔につながる可能性があります。このあたりには血管がたくさんあります。食道への損傷は動脈系に浸食する可能性があるため、複雑かつ致命的になる可能性があります。
“When it can safely make its way below the diaphragm, it typically can pass through in the poop. And the reason for that is because once it gets in the acid of the stomach it neutralizes. When it gets stuck in the esophagus, it creates a lot of angst.”
Lovvorn said button battery ingestion and access is a real concern and hopes that messaging to improve safety ramps up and the community at large places more emphasis on safely storing objects containing button batteries.
Button batteries are a part of life. Companies that make them are doing their part to reduce likelihood of children swallowing the batteries by making them taste bitter or adding a dye that might turn the child’s mouth blue as an indicator that a battery was in their mouth.
But if you do buy products with button batteries, our experts offer the following button battery safety tips:
* Keep devices with button batteries out of reach and lock away loose batteries.
* ボタン電池を搭載した機器は手の届かないところに保管し、緩んだ電池は保管してください。
* Discard button batteries carefully. Covering button batteries with tape before disposal can decrease injuries.
* If a button battery is ingested, seek emergency medical attention so that the patient can be evaluated by a pediatric surgeon. Do not induce vomiting. For children over the age of 1, give two teaspoons of honey every 10 minutes en route to the hospital. Do not delay transport to give honey. This can reduce esophageal injury. Remember: children under 1 can NEVER have honey.
* ボタン電池を飲み込んだ場合は、小児外科医の診断を受けられるよう救急医療を受けてください。嘔吐を誘発しないでください。 1 歳以上の子供には、病院に行く途中の 10 分ごとに小さじ 2 杯の蜂蜜を与えます。蜂蜜を与えるために輸送を遅らせないでください。これにより、食道の損傷を軽減できます。覚えておいてください:1歳未満の子供には決して蜂蜜を与えてはいけません。
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