output: South Korean authorities are stepping up efforts to regulate the crypto market by focusing on exchanges that are operating without proper licensing, according to a report by CoinDesk Korea.
生産:韓国当局は、Coindesk Koreaのレポートによると、適切なライセンスなしで運営されている交換に焦点を当てることにより、暗号市場を規制する努力を強化しています。
The Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) of the Financial Services Commission is currently investigating several platforms, including KuCoin, BitMEX, CoinW, Bitunix, and KCEX, for allegedly providing services to South Korean users without registering as Virtual Asset Service Providers (VASPs).
As part of its probe, the FIU is consulting with related agencies and considering measures to block access to the identified exchanges. An official from the FIU confirmed that discussions are ongoing with the Korea Communications Standards Commission, which handles internet regulations, to determine the best way to restrict access to these platforms.
その調査の一環として、FIUは関連機関と相談し、特定された交換へのアクセスをブロックするための措置を検討しています。 FIUの関係者は、インターネット規制を処理する韓国通信標準委員会と議論が進行中であり、これらのプラットフォームへのアクセスを制限する最良の方法を決定することを確認しました。
The latest move comes amid a broader crackdown on the crypto market in South Korea. Earlier this week, prosecutors raided Bithumb amid suspicions that its former CEO, Kim Dae-sik, embezzled company funds to finance an apartment purchase. Bithumb has maintained that no wrongdoing occurred and that Kim had secured a loan to cover the expenses.
最新の動きは、韓国の暗号市場のより広範な取り締まりの中で発生しています。今週初め、検察官は、元CEOのKim Dae-Sikが会社の資金を調達してアパートの購入に融資したという疑いの中でBithumbを襲撃しました。 Bithumbは、不正行為が発生しておらず、キムが費用を賄うための融資を確保したと主張しています。
Moreover, rumors have swirled about illicit payments to secure listings on South Korean exchanges, specifically Bithumb and Upbit. Anonymous sources have claimed that some projects paid large sums to intermediaries to gain a presence on these platforms. In response, Upbit demanded transparency from media sources concerning these allegations.