
output: It's interesting to look back now. This isn't "hindsight content," but I also didn't do a good job of shorting it. Even if I shorted the rebound to 2150, my position wouldn't hold up.
>So the current market situation is really hard for me. I've already woken up and played a game. I think for most people, this is a sleepless night with asset depreciation.
As for the 2000 level, as mentioned in the article, it's like looking at 3000 from 2500 or 2800. Currently, even if the market at 1860 rebounds, can it go to over 1900? Can it reach 2000? I think it's quite difficult. If the key support level that has been tested multiple times breaks, the support will quickly switch to a resistance level. If there isn't any particularly good news, I think it won't break through. Don't be fooled by the less than 140 points distance now; can you really feel that this drop has ended?
記事で述べたように、2000年のレベルについては、2500または2800から3000を見るようなものです。現在、1860のリバウンドの市場であっても、1900年以上になりますか? 2000に達することができますか?とても難しいと思います。複数回テストされた主要なサポートレベルが休憩を破ると、サポートは抵抗レベルにすばやく切り替わります。特に良いニュースがなければ、それは突破しないと思います。今、140ポイント未満の距離にだまされないでください。このドロップが終了したと本当に感じることができますか?
Tomorrow's market is likely to see a recovery during the day. I think it's quite safe to short as we get closer to the 2000 level; just treat it like a bear market. Shorting has a stop-loss once; buying the dip is an endless endeavor, it's up to you how to choose. I have already abandoned the buy button. If I keep shorting, I should have about 50 little red ones now... Ah, where are you, my little reds... $ETH $XRP $BTC
明日の市場は、日中に回復する可能性があります。 2000年のレベルに近づくにつれて、短くするのは非常に安全だと思います。クマ市場のように扱ってください。ショートには一度ストップロスがあります。ディップを購入することは無限の努力です。それはあなた次第です。私はすでに購入ボタンを放棄しています。ショートを続けるなら、私は今約50個の小さな赤いものを持っているはずです...ああ、どこにいますか、私の小さな赤... $ eth $ xrp $ btc
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