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随着技术不断发展,人工智能(AI)正在对加密货币世界产生巨大影响。 AI币是数字货币
Technology is continuing to evolve at a rapid pace, and artificial intelligence (AI) is having a huge impact on the world of cryptocurrency. AI coins are digital currencies that use AI technology to bring new possibilities to the blockchain space. These coins are gaining attention for their innovative solutions and potential to transform industries.
技术正在持续快速发展,人工智能(AI)正在对加密货币世界产生巨大影响。 AI币是利用AI技术为区块链空间带来新可能性的数字货币。这些代币因其创新解决方案和改变行业的潜力而受到关注。
In this article, we’ll be exploring the top 5 AI coins that you should keep an eye on right now.
在本文中,我们将探讨您现在应该关注的 5 种人工智能代币。
1. Near Protocol (NEAR)
Kicking off our list is Near Protocol (NEAR), a high-performance blockchain designed for speed, security, and scalability. NEAR makes it easier for developers to build decentralized applications (dApps) by simplifying the process and allowing them to handle thousands of transactions per second with low fees.
首先是近协议(NEAR),这是一种专为速度、安全性和可扩展性而设计的高性能区块链。 NEAR 简化了流程,让开发人员能够以较低的费用每秒处理数千笔交易,从而使开发人员能够更轻松地构建去中心化应用程序 (dApp)。
As the market begins to echo the momentum of the 2021 bull run, NEAR seems to be positioned for a strong upward move. With a vibrant community and continuous advancements, NEAR is an altcoin that stands out, and the debut of a new launchpad token on BLAST is garnering a lot of attention.
随着市场开始呼应 2021 年牛市的势头,NEAR 似乎已准备好强劲上涨。凭借充满活力的社区和不断的进步,NEAR 是一种脱颖而出的山寨币,而新的 Launchpad 代币在 BLAST 上的首次亮相也引起了广泛关注。
2. Artificial Superintelligence Alliance (FET)
In a move that could have a significant impact on the decentralized AI landscape, Fetch.ai (FET), Ocean Protocol (OCEAN), and SingularityNET (AGIX) are joining forces to create a unified Artificial Superintelligence alliance token. This development comes as AI trends and blockchain innovations continue to gain steam.
Fetch.ai (FET)、Ocean Protocol (OCEAN) 和 SingularityNET (AGIX) 正在联手创建统一的人工超级智能联盟代币,此举可能会对去中心化人工智能领域产生重大影响。这一发展正值人工智能趋势和区块链创新不断发展之际。
While other crypto sectors like decentralized finance (DeFi) or the metaverse have their own unique attractions, decentralized AI stands apart due to its tangible real-world applications. One of the key players in this space, Fetch.ai, has developed Agentverse, a platform that allows users to create AI agents without any coding expertise.
虽然去中心化金融(DeFi)或元宇宙等其他加密货币领域都有其独特的吸引力,但去中心化人工智能因其在现实世界中的切实应用而脱颖而出。该领域的主要参与者之一 Fetch.ai 开发了 Agentverse,这是一个允许用户在没有任何编码专业知识的情况下创建 AI 代理的平台。
This innovation is not just a technical achievement but also a gateway for mainstream adoption, opening up vast opportunities across various industries. Imagine being able to create AI-driven tools such as forex trading bots, restaurant booking systems, or weather forecasting agents—the possibilities are endless and highly attractive to traditional industries, which could lead to significant investment potential.
As AI continues to integrate with blockchain technology, early investors in projects like Fetch.ai could see substantial returns, especially considering the combination of real-world utility, ease of access, and growing interest from institutional investors.
随着人工智能不断与区块链技术相结合,Fetch.ai 等项目的早期投资者可能会获得可观的回报,特别是考虑到现实世界的实用性、易于访问性以及机构投资者日益增长的兴趣。
3. Matrix AI Network (MAN)
Another project that is set to transform the blockchain industry by integrating artificial intelligence into its architecture is Matrix AI Network. The platform aims to enhance accessibility and security through AI-driven strategies that promote self-optimization and resilience.
另一个通过将人工智能集成到其架构中来改变区块链行业的项目是 Matrix AI Network。该平台旨在通过人工智能驱动的策略来增强可访问性和安全性,从而促进自我优化和恢复能力。
By combining AI with blockchain technology, Matrix AI Network is addressing the increasing demand for efficient and user-friendly blockchain solutions. Backed by a skilled team of AI and blockchain experts, the Matrix AI community is leading the way in advancing blockchain technology.
通过将人工智能与区块链技术相结合,Matrix AI Network 正在满足对高效且用户友好的区块链解决方案日益增长的需求。在熟练的人工智能和区块链专家团队的支持下,Matrix AI 社区正在引领区块链技术的发展。
Given its innovative approach and the potential impact of its advancements, Matrix AI Network’s native token may present a compelling investment opportunity. The fusion of AI and blockchain underscores the platform’s commitment to innovation, positioning it as a key player in the evolution of decentralized systems.
鉴于其创新方法及其进步的潜在影响,Matrix AI Network 的原生代币可能会提供一个引人注目的投资机会。人工智能和区块链的融合强调了该平台对创新的承诺,将其定位为去中心化系统发展的关键参与者。
4. Akash Network (AKT)
Akash Network distinguishes itself as a decentralized and transparent cloud computing marketplace that bridges the gap between those needing computing power and those with surplus capacity available for lease. Its flagship service, Akash Supercloud, offers a faster, more efficient, and cost-effective alternative to traditional cloud providers.
Akash Network 是一个去中心化且透明的云计算市场,它弥合了需要计算能力的用户与拥有可供租赁的剩余容量的用户之间的差距。其旗舰服务 Akash Supercloud 为传统云提供商提供了更快、更高效且更具成本效益的替代方案。
Akash Supercloud allows individuals with excess computing resources to become cloud providers by participating in a secure and user-friendly marketplace. This setup enables users to monetize their unused computing cycles effectively.
Akash Supercloud 允许拥有多余计算资源的个人通过参与安全且用户友好的市场来成为云提供商。这种设置使用户能够有效地将其未使用的计算周期货币化。
The network's native token, AKT, is central to its operation. It functions as a staking asset to secure the network and helps standardize compute pricing during marketplace auctions. Additionally, Akash Network employs a limited number of validators, initially set at 64, who ensure the integrity of the network. These validators earn a commission fee in AKT from delegators as part of the network's operational model.
该网络的原生代币 AKT 是其运营的核心。它充当保护网络安全的质押资产,并有助于标准化市场拍卖期间的计算定价。此外,Akash 网络使用数量有限的验证者(最初设置为 64 个),以确保网络的完整性。作为网络运营模式的一部分,这些验证者从委托人那里赚取 AKT 佣金。
5. Render (RENDER)
5. 渲染(RENDER)
Last but not least, we have Render (RENDER), an innovative AI-focused cryptocurrency that is transforming digital creation through decentralized, GPU-powered rendering on the Ethereum blockchain. This cutting-edge project bridges the gap between artists needing high-performance computing and owners of idle GPUs, making 3D rendering more accessible and affordable.
最后但并非最不重要的一点是,我们有 Render (RENDER),这是一种以人工智能为中心的创新加密货币,它正在通过以太坊区块链上的去中心化、GPU 驱动的渲染来改变数字创作。这个尖端项目弥合了需要高性能计算的艺术家和闲置 GPU 所有者之间的差距,使 3D 渲染变得更容易获得和负担得起。
Artists submit rendering tasks, which are then completed by node operators using their spare GPU capacity, earning RNDR tokens, the platform's native cryptocurrency, as compensation.
艺术家提交渲染任务,然后由节点运营商使用其闲置的 GPU 容量来完成,并赚取 RNDR 代币(平台的原生加密货币)作为补偿。
Render caters to a wide range of applications, including gaming, virtual reality, and advanced AI and machine learning projects. Its flexible tiered pricing system, which is based on node reputation, ensures both adaptability and dependability.
Established in 2016, Render’s RNDR token provides access to robust computing resources, enabling creators to produce high-quality digital content without investing in expensive hardware. This has significant implications for industries such as gaming, NFT art, and metaverse development.
Render 的 RNDR 代币成立于 2016 年,提供强大的计算资源,使创作者能够制作高质量的数字内容,而无需投资昂贵的硬件。这对游戏、NFT 艺术和元宇宙开发等行业具有重大影响。
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