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距离 Mystenlabs 推出新的支持 web3 的 Suiplay0x1 游戏机才过去几个月,从区块链游戏中赚取加密货币奖励和 NFT 的承诺已经吸引了数千人的注意,他们已经预订了该设备。
Mystenlabs, the creators of the SUI Token, unveiled their new web3-enabled Suiplay0x1 gaming console earlier this year. Thousands of people have already pre-ordered the device, enticed by the prospect of earning crypto rewards and NFTs from blockchain gaming.
SUI 代币的创建者 Mystenlabs 在今年早些时候推出了他们新的支持 web3 的 Suiplay0x1 游戏控制台。成千上万的人已经预订了该设备,因为他们被从区块链游戏中赚取加密货币奖励和 NFT 的前景所吸引。
As the world of gaming becomes less consumer-friendly, gamers are becoming increasingly dissatisfied with rampant corporate greed. Blockchain gaming, on the other hand, intends to return the power to the players by allowing them to own their games and earn crypto and NFTs while playing.
随着游戏世界对消费者越来越不友好,游戏玩家对企业猖獗的贪婪越来越不满。另一方面,区块链游戏旨在让玩家拥有自己的游戏并在玩游戏时赚取加密货币和 NFT,从而将权力归还给玩家。
Handheld gaming devices are currently experiencing a renaissance, with the Steam Deck and Nintendo Switch leading the market in recent years. The SUIPlay 0x1 now enters the competition, combining web2 and web3 gaming to allow users to play not only blockchain games (which are mostly banned on traditional gaming platforms like Steam) but also mainstream AAA games from Steam and the Epic game store.
手持游戏设备目前正在经历复兴,其中 Steam Deck 和 Nintendo Switch 近年来引领市场。 SUIPlay 0x1现已加入竞争,结合了web2和web3游戏,让用户不仅可以玩区块链游戏(大多在Steam等传统游戏平台上被禁止),还可以玩Steam和Epic游戏商店的主流AAA游戏。
This begs the question: do consumers want crypto and blockchain gaming? The average FIFA player or Call of Duty enjoyer will likely have never heard of blockchain gaming, or be interested in its potential NFT and crypto benefits. However, for the specific few that fall into the niche, the future promised by Mystenlab's latest foray into the world of handheld consoles could completely change their gaming experience.
这就引出了一个问题:消费者想要加密货币和区块链游戏吗?一般的 FIFA 玩家或《使命召唤》玩家可能从未听说过区块链游戏,或者对其潜在的 NFT 和加密货币优势感兴趣。然而,对于属于这个利基市场的少数人来说,Mystenlab 最新进军手持游戏机领域所承诺的未来可能会彻底改变他们的游戏体验。
Mystenlabs is not the first company to create crypto-powered hardware. Fierce competitors Solana have been chipping away at the crypto hardware industry for some years now, and their history is important to study when predicting the future of the SUIPlay.
Mystenlabs 并不是第一家创建加密硬件的公司。激烈的竞争对手 Solana 多年来一直在蚕食加密硬件行业,在预测 SUIPlay 的未来时,研究他们的历史非常重要。
Solana released the Solana Saga mobile phone in May of 2023, a device with web3 capability, airdrops, a secure blockchain, dApps, and a seed vault, with the ultimate goal to make using web3 “delightful, easy and simple”. However, upon release, the $999 price tag attached to the device paired with poor ratings from big reviewers like MKBHD, and the generally unimpressive specs of the phone lead to an underwhelming performance in sales, initially making the device a financial and critical flop, forcing the phone to drop its price by $400.
Solana 于 2023 年 5 月发布了 Solana Saga 手机,这是一款具有 web3 功能、空投、安全区块链、dApp 和种子库的设备,其最终目标是让 web3 的使用变得“愉快、轻松、简单”。然而,在发布后,该设备的 999 美元价格标签加上 MKBHD 等大型评论家的糟糕评价,以及该手机普遍不起眼的规格导致销售表现不佳,最初使该设备在财务和关键方面都遭遇失败,迫使手机价格下调 400 美元。
Luckily for Solana however, the Saga saw a second wind in sales after its price drop, as eagle-eyed crypto investors realised the potential of the device to turn them a profit on the meme coin exchange. Included with the device were airdrops from various meme coins, one in particular, “Bonk”, saw a huge increase in value, meaning consumers globally were itching to turn a profit by buying a phone which not only paid for itself but made you a considerable amount of money.
然而,对 Solana 来说幸运的是,Saga 在价格下跌后迎来了第二轮销售,因为目光敏锐的加密货币投资者意识到该设备有潜力让他们在 meme 硬币交易所上获利。该设备中包含来自各种模因币的空投,尤其是“Bonk”,其价值大幅增加,这意味着全球消费者都渴望通过购买一部手机来获利,这款手机不仅能收回成本,还能让你赚到相当多的钱。金额。
The device was so popular that it was often found on sale on the web for $2000 (double the original asking price). This set the precedent for every Crypto-based piece of hardware that followed, such as the Degen phone and Solanas’s next entry into the world of phones with their Solana Seeker (set to release later this year).
该设备非常受欢迎,经常在网上以 2000 美元的价格出售(是原来要价的两倍)。这为随后的每一款基于加密货币的硬件开创了先例,例如 Degen 手机和 Solanas 凭借 Solana Seeker(将于今年晚些时候发布)进入手机世界。
The inception of the Solana Saga presented proved unequivocally a gap in the crypto-based psychical-products market, which has allowed a slew of new creations such as Solanas “Play Solana”, the “Bit Boy”, and now in ギリス 2025 arguably the most enticing of them all, the SUIPlay.
Solana Saga 的诞生无疑证明了基于加密货币的心理产品市场的空白,这使得一系列新的创作得以诞生,例如 Solanas“Play Solana”、“Bit Boy”,以及现在在 ギrisu 2025 中可以说是其中最吸引人的是 SUIPlay。
So what makes the SUIPlay so enticing? Until this point, Blockchain gaming has been a largely problematic affair. It’s no secret that blockchain games are mostly unheard of, and the ones who's whispers have made it into the mainstream are difficult to get your hands on (due to the mainstream gaming distributors banning them) and often riddled with performance issues, boring gameplay and tanking in-game economy's.
那么是什么让 SUIPlay 如此有吸引力呢?到目前为止,区块链游戏一直是一个很大的问题。众所周知,区块链游戏大多是闻所未闻的,而那些已经进入主流的游戏却很难上手(因为主流游戏发行商禁止它们),而且常常充斥着性能问题、无聊的游戏玩法和坦克。游戏内经济。
Excitingly, it would appear that the SUIPlay wants to change that.
令人兴奋的是,SUIPlay 似乎想要改变这一点。
The SUIPlay 0x1 puts blockchain gaming and Web3 hand in hand with traditional gaming and standard web2 capabilities, giving users the option to delve into both worlds at the touch of a button. With no issues downloading and playing blockchain games, and finally, a device that can play them natively, developers will have the tools at their disposal to fix bugs and enhance their games to the quality gamers deserve and have come to expect from mainstream releases.
SUIPlay 0x1 将区块链游戏和 Web3 与传统游戏和标准 Web2 功能结合在一起,让用户只需按一下按钮即可深入研究这两个世界。下载和玩区块链游戏没有任何问题,最后,有了可以本地玩这些游戏的设备,开发人员将拥有可以使用的工具来修复错误并增强游戏质量,以达到游戏玩家应得的质量和对主流版本的期望。
Even more alluring are the recently announced tech specs and the cost of the device. At $599 it sits right in the middle of its competitors the Steam Deck ($549) and the ASUS ROG Ally ($650), making it a decent option for the average person without breaking the bank. The hardware inside the device also stands up to scrutiny with their competition aswell, with the SUIPlay having more processing power than the Steam Deck, but boasting a considerably less impressive screen.
更有吸引力的是最近公布的技术规格和设备的成本。它的售价为 599 美元,位于其竞争对手 Steam Deck(549 美元)和华硕 ROG Ally(650 美元)的中间,这对于普通人来说是一个不错的选择,而且不用花很多钱。该设备内部的硬件也经得起竞争对手的审查,SUIPlay 的处理能力比 Steam Deck 更强,但屏幕却没有那么令人印象深刻。
So impressive specs and an affordable price point, it is down to the game developers to make interesting products, and it appears that the future might be promising for blockchain games, with the games “darktimes” and “
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