市值: $2.879T -6.820%
成交额(24h): $165.2806B 8.850%
  • 市值: $2.879T -6.820%
  • 成交额(24h): $165.2806B 8.850%
  • 恐惧与贪婪指数:
  • 市值: $2.879T -6.820%

$91229.967283 USD



$2354.581560 USD



$2.649458 USD



$0.999525 USD



$599.418199 USD



$160.462568 USD



$0.999978 USD



$0.995827 USD



$0.218105 USD



$0.238864 USD



$0.248949 USD



$16.162296 USD



$0.331779 USD



$23.462916 USD



$2.948878 USD



《华尔街新人》宣布第 564 集,采访五位企业领导人,在福克斯商业网络播出

2024/03/22 21:30

《华尔街新人》宣布第 564 集,采访五位企业领导人,在福克斯商业网络播出

New to The Street Announces Episode 564, Five Corporate Interviews, Airing on The Fox Business Network, Monday, March 25, 2024, at 10:30 PM PT

《华尔街新人》宣布第 564 集,五次企业采访,太平洋时间 2024 年 3 月 25 日星期一晚上 10:30 在福克斯商业网络播出

《华尔街新人》宣布第 564 集,采访五位企业领导人,在福克斯商业网络播出

NEW YORK, March 22, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — FMW Media’s New to The Street, a national TV show, announces episode 556, airing on the FOX Business Network on Monday, March 25, 2024, at 10:30 PM PT.

显示 564:1)。 Fetch.ai(加密货币:FET)($FET)2)。 Iagon(加密货币:IAG)($IAG)3)。可持续绿色团队有限公司 (OTCQX: SGTM) ($SGTM) 4) Coastal Kapital, LLC 5)。 Sekur Private Data, Ltd. (OTCQB: SWISF) (CSE: SKUR) (FRA: GDT0) ($SWISF) (Sekur®) – newtothestreet.com 纽约,2024 年 3 月 22 日(环球通讯社)— FMW Media 的新消息全国电视节目宣布第 556 集,将于太平洋时间 2024 年 3 月 25 日星期一晚上 10:30 在福克斯商业网络播出。

New to The Street’s 564th episode line-up features the following five (5) Corporate interviews:

《华尔街日报》第 564 集的新内容包括以下五 (5) 条企业采访:

1). “Game Changers” segment interview with Fetch.ai’s (CRYPTO: FET) ($FET) Humayun Sheikh, CEO.

1)。 “游戏规则改变者”对 Fetch.ai (CRYPTO: FET) ($FET) 首席执行官 Humayun Sheikh 的采访。

2). “Game Changers” segment interview with Iagon’s (CRYPTO: IAG) ($IAG) Dr. Navjit Dhaliwal, CEO.

2)。 “游戏规则改变者”对 Iagon (CRYPTO: IAG) ($IAG) 首席执行官 Navjit Dhaliwal 博士的采访。

3). “Game Changers” segment interview The Sustainable Green Team, Ltd.’s (OTCQX: SGTM) ($SGTM) interview with Tony Raynor, CEO and Founder.

3)。 “游戏规则改变者”部分采访可持续绿色团队有限公司(OTCQX:SGTM)($SGTM)对首席执行官兼创始人托尼·雷诺(Tony Raynor)的采访。

4). Business Finance Firm – Coastal Kapital, LLC’s interview with Kortney Murray, CEO/Founder.

4).商业金融公司 – Coastal Kapital, LLC 采访首席执行官/创始人 Kortney Murray。

5). “Sekur Privacy & Sekur Security – Weekly Hack” segment with internet privacy expert Mr. Alain Ghiai, CEO, Sekur Private Data, Ltd. (OTCQB: SWISF) (CSE: SKUR) (FRA: GDT0) ($SWISF) (Sekur®).

5)。 “Sekur 隐私和 Sekur 安全 – 每周黑客”部分,由互联网隐私专家 Alain Ghiai 先生主持,Sekur Private Data, Ltd. (OTCQB: SWISF) (CSE: SKUR) (FRA: GDT0) ($SWISF) (Sekur® )。

Episode 564


Fetch.ai’s (CRYPTO: FET) ($FET) CEO, Humayun Sheikh, interview is on New to The Street’s “Game Changers” segment with TV Host Ana Berry. Humayun gives a corporate progress update on its AI ecosystem and the tools available for developers. Over 25000+ have signed up for access to the platform. Fetch.ai makes AI tools available to many who can develop and deploy AI-based apps anytime, anywhere, and on an operational scale. As an easy-to-use Fetch AI ecosystem, developers can create and deploy AI-based apps promptly and at an affordable price. Humayun believes that large Big Tech entities should not control AI but be mainstream. He, however, believes that governmental regulation should be in place to make sure AI is good for humankind. With geopolitical tension and a forthcoming US election, AI-generated content needs validation for authenticity and truthfulness. As an open platform for the new AI economy, Fetch.ai is the first AI Agent platform that allows developers to create 100,000 apps. Fetch AI agents can connect, search, and transact from dynamic interactions, promoting social well-being and economic growth. While building, deploying, and monetizing an open AI ecosystem, Fetch.ai technology platforms are “Game Changers” for the AI technology industry. The on-screen QR code is available during the show; download or visit Fetch AI – www.fetch.ai.

Fetch.ai (CRYPTO: FET) ($FET) 首席执行官 Humayun Sheikh 在电视节目主持人 Ana Berry 的《New to The Street》“游戏规则改变者”栏目中接受采访。 Humayun 提供了有关其人工智能生态系统和开发人员可用工具的企业进展更新。超过 25000 人已注册访问该平台。 Fetch.ai 为许多人提供了人工智能工具,让他们可以随时随地在运营规模上开发和部署基于人工智能的应用程序。作为一个易于使用的 Fetch AI 生态系统,开发人员可以以实惠的价格快速创建和部署基于 AI 的应用程序。胡马云认为,大型科技实体不应该控制人工智能,而应该成为主流。然而,他认为政府监管应该到位,以确保人工智能造福人类。由于地缘政治紧张局势和即将到来的美国大选,人工智能生成的内容需要验证其真实性和真实性。作为新AI经济的开放平台,Fetch.ai是第一个允许开发者创建10万个应用程序的AI Agent平台。 Fetch AI 代理可以通过动态交互进行连接、搜索和交易,从而促进社会福祉和经济增长。在构建、部署开放的人工智能生态系统并实现货币化的同时,Fetch.ai 技术平台是人工智能技术行业的“游戏规则改变者”。展会期间可使用屏幕二维码;下载或访问 Fetch AI – www.fetch.ai。

New to The Street airs its second “Game Changers” segment with TV Host and Multi-media Journalist Ana Berry, who talks with Dr. Navjit Dhaliwal (“Nav”), CEO of Iagon (CRYPTO: IAG) ($IAG). As “Game Changers” in the decentralized cloud storage business, Iagon gives end-users complete data control. Clients control the use of their data and are no longer given access to extensive “Big Tech” platforms without consent or fees. Nav likens Iagon to Airbnb for data storage, where the client can determine where they would like data stored, options through numerous data nodes worldwide. Decentralized and centralized data are two completely different ways of data management. Nav gives an analogy: data lakes, whereas centralized data has limited cybersecurity features, and data breaches often occur, such as data theft. Decentralized data lakes are like frozen lakes, with solid encryption features placed on a blockchain, which only gives end-users access to data. Iagon’s decentralized data ecosystem provides unbridled security features not found on open BIG TECH platforms. Nav talks about the Company’s recent achievements and ongoing developments. Currently, Iagon has about 300 storage nodes globally. Iagon is growing, maturing, and showing the importance of digital decentralized storage solutions. As “Game Changers” in the data storage industry, Iagon’s blockchain ecosystem offers unique product offerings while ensuring complete data protection, integrity, and efficiency. The on-screen QR code is available during the show; download or visit Iagon – https://iagon.com/.

《New to The Street》与电视主持人兼多媒体记者 Ana Berry 播出了第二个“游戏规则改变者”部分,她与 Iagon(加密货币:IAG)($IAG)首席执行官 Navjit Dhaliwal 博士(“Nav”)进行了交谈。作为去中心化云存储业务的“游戏规则改变者”,Iagon 为最终用户提供了完全的数据控制权。客户控制其数据的使用,并且在未经同意或付费的情况下不再被允许访问广泛的“大型科技”平台。 Nav 将 Iagon 比作数据存储的 Airbnb,客户可以通过全球众多数据节点来确定他们想要将数据存储在何处。去中心化和中心化数据是两种完全不同的数据管理方式。 Nav打了个比方:数据湖,而中心化数据的网络安全功能有限,经常会发生数据泄露,比如数据被盗。去中心化数据湖就像冰冻的湖泊,在区块链上放置了可靠的加密功能,只允许最终用户访问数据。 Iagon 的去中心化数据生态系统提供了开放式大型科技平台所没有的不受限制的安全功能。 Nav 谈论了公司最近取得的成就和持续发展。目前,Iagon在全球拥有约300个存储节点。 Iagon 正在成长、成熟,并展示了数字去中心化存储解决方案的重要性。作为数据存储行业的“游戏规则改变者”,Iagon 的区块链生态系统提供独特的产品,同时确保完整的数据保护、完整性和效率。展会期间可使用屏幕二维码;下载或访问 Iagon – https://iagon.com/。

New to The Street airs another “Game Changers” segment, The Sustainable Green Team, Ltd.’s (OTCQX: SGTM) ($SGTM) Tony Raynor, CEO and Founder, talks with TV Host and Multi-media Journalist Ana Berry. SGTM is revolutionizing sustainability using cutting-edge technology, converting waste into viable products. Wood, organic, and animal waste are raw materials that SGTM recycles into usable and valuable nutrients for the agricultural markets. Demand for recycled organic products is rising globally as the world’s population sees the increasing importance and impact of recycling and sustainability needs. Tony talks about the 250 million acres in the USA allocated for raising cattle, pigs, and chickens. SGTM has numerous contracts to remove animal waste from farms and ranches to create recycled organic products. The Company also works with landfills nationwide, removing wood and other organic waste materials for recycling. Using SGTM’s technology and manufacturing capabilities, its HumiSoil product, a mix of humus and a catalyst, restores soil’s organic nutrients and creates water hydration. SGTM’s sustainable products are “Game Changers,” dramatically improving the planet. Tony welcomes viewers to join SGTM’s movement; opt-in https://www.thesustainablegreenteam.com/ and go to its YouTube channel, which has many informative videos about the Company and its sustainable initiatives. The on-screen QR code is available during the shows: The Sustainable Green Team, Ltd. – https://www.thesustainablegreenteam.com/.

《华尔街日报》新节目播出了另一个“游戏规则改变者”栏目,The Sustainable Green Team, Ltd. (OTCQX: SGTM) ($SGTM) 首席执行官兼创始人托尼·雷诺 (Tony Raynor) 与电视主持人兼多媒体记者安娜·贝瑞 (Ana Berry) 进行了对话。 SGTM 正在利用尖端技术彻底改变可持续发展,将废物转化为可行的产品。木材、有机物和动物废物是 SGTM 回收的原材料,转化为农业市场可用且有价值的营养物质。随着世界人口认识到回收和可持续发展需求的重要性和影响力与日俱增,全球对回收有机产品的需求正在不断增长。托尼谈到了美国分配用于饲养牛、猪和鸡的 2.5 亿英亩土地。 SGTM 拥有大量合同,旨在清除农场和牧场的动物粪便,以生产回收的有机产品。该公司还与全国垃圾填埋场合作,清除木材和其他有机废料进行回收。利用 SGTM 的技术和制造能力,其 HumiSoil 产品是腐殖质和催化剂的混合物,可恢复土壤的有机养分并产生水合作用。 SGTM 的可持续产品是“游戏规则改变者”,极大地改善了地球。托尼欢迎观众加入 SGTM 运动;选择加入 https://www.thesustainablegreenteam.com/ 并访问其 YouTube 频道,其中有许多有关该公司及其可持续举措的信息视频。展会期间可使用屏幕上的二维码:Sustainable Green Team, Ltd. – https://www.thesustainablegreenteam.com/。

From the New York Stock Exchange Studio, Kortney Murray, CEO/Founder of Coastal Kapital, LLC, talks about the Company with New to The Street’s TV Host Jane King. Jane and Kortney inform views about a new series coming to New to The Street: “All Things Capital.” The show will focus on alternative and traditional capital sources, such as banks, wealth management, venture capital, private equity funders, family offices, and other sources. As a co-host, Kortney will interview people who have successfully navigated complex and rigid approval processes to get capital for business operations and expansions. Interviews will include those who have used Coastal Kapital and discuss how those clients met their business capital needs and improved their business operations. Women business owners seem to have more problems raising capital. Kortney will dive into these issues, interview successful women, and discuss their businesses and what worked and didn’t work in finding reliable capital sources. Coastal Kapital is different from traditional funding sources, and it’s a non-bank and non-credit report funding source that takes a hands-on “Human” approach to capital needs. Traditional banks use a 1950s creditworthy method to make loan determinations. In today’s high-tech world, this bank method doesn’t work, especially for influencers, e-commerce, FinTech firms, and others that banks view as unfavorably, denying loan applications. Coastal Kapital – “Financing You Can Trust” offers solutions when other traditional funding sources deny capital to business owners. Kortney prides herself and her team on looking at individuals and their business models and will decide on capital loans. Coastal Kapital uses a different set of algorithmic calculations from those used by traditional banks. Coastal Kapital’s system puts in other data sets that can develop a more comprehensive understanding of a business. Then, the team puts their “Human” approach to every client’s capital needs with the objective of funding the client’s business. Coastal Kapital is successfully rolling out its affiliate program, which can offer its capital formation services nationwide. The new show, “All Things Capital,” will focus on capital funding and other topics like tax strategies, entrepreneurism, mentorship, and leadership roles. Viewers can expect announcements on airing dates/times on the new show, “All Things Capital. The on-screen QR code is available during the show; download or visit Coastal Kapital, LLC – https://coastalkapital.com/.

Coastal Kapital, LLC 首席执行官/创始人科特尼·默里 (Kortney Murray) 在纽约证券交易所工作室与《华尔街新人》电视主持人简·金 (Jane King) 谈论该公司。 Jane 和 Kortney 表达了对《New to The Street》即将推出的新剧集《万物资本》的看法。该展会将重点关注另类和传统资本来源,例如银行、财富管理、风险投资、私募股权出资者、家族办公室和其他来源。作为联合主持人,科特尼将采访那些成功通过复杂而严格的审批流程以获得业务运营和扩张资金的人士。访谈将包括那些使用过 Coastal Kapital 的客户,并讨论这些客户如何满足其业务资本需求并改善其业务运营。女性企业主在筹集资金方面似乎面临更多问题。科特尼将深入探讨这些问题,采访成功的女性,并讨论她们的业务以及在寻找可靠的资本来源方面有效和无效的方法。 Coastal Kapital 不同于传统的资金来源,它是一种非银行和非信用报告的资金来源,采用“人性化”的方式来满足资本需求。传统银行使用 20 世纪 50 年代的信誉方法来做出贷款决定。在当今的高科技世界中,这种银行方法行不通,特别是对于有影响力的人、电子商务、金融科技公司以及银行认为不利的其他公司,拒绝贷款申请。 Coastal Kapital – 当其他传统资金来源拒绝向企业主提供资金时,“值得信赖的融资”提供了解决方案。科特尼为自己和她的团队对个人及其商业模式的研究而感到自豪,并将决定资本贷款。 Coastal Kapital 使用一套与传统银行不同的算法计算。 Coastal Kapital 的系统加入了其他数据集,可以更全面地了解企业。然后,团队以“人性化”的方式满足每个客户的资本需求,目标是为客户的业务提供资金。 Coastal Kapital 正在成功推出其附属计划,该计划可以在全国范围内提供资本形成服务。新节目《万物资本》将重点关注资本融资和其他主题,如税收策略、创业精神、指导和领导角色。观众可以期待有关新节目《万物资本》的播出日期/时间的公告。节目期间可使用屏幕上的二维码;下载或访问 Coastal Kapital, LLC – https://coastalkapital.com/。

New to The Street TV airs its “Sekur Privacy & Sekur Security – The Weekly Hack” segment with internationally acclaimed internet privacy expert Mr. Alain Ghiai, CEO of Sekur Private Data Ltd. (OTCQX: SWISF) (CSE: SKUR) (FRA: GDT0) ($SWISF) and TV Host and Multi-media Journalist Ana Berry. Ana is talking about her friend’s hacked Instagram account. This person has not gained access or control of the account for over a year. Ana’s friend told her that she used her email account to register as a customer for a clothing store from an Instagram post. Alain explains that Big Tech constantly data mines account holders’ information and then sells that information to 3rd party entities. Social media sites do the same with data mining. These mining activities greatly reduce cybersecurity availabilities for end-user accounts on these platforms. Hackers gain access and have AI abilities just like the Big Tech platforms to scan and seek individuals’ and businesses’ private data. Once obtained, they create cybersecurity issues like Ana’s friend’s problem. A solution is to use Sekur’s SekurMail with the SekurSend/SekurReply feature. Sekur’s subscription-based-encrypted platforms operate on multiple servers owned and located in Switzerland, a country with very tough privacy laws. Alain recommends the Company’s SekurVPN services, which provide encrypted Swiss IP addresses to anyone worldwide. Sekur’s services can offer an affordable, secure, and private ecommunication platform for individuals, businesses, and enterprises. Subscribers get one week free on any of the Company’s services, and Sekur is offering PROMO CODE: “PRIVACY,” which gives 15% savings toward monthly and yearly subscriptions, which is good for five years. Tune in next time for another cybersecurity topic on the “Sekur Privacy & Sekur Security– Weekly Hacksegment. The on-screen QR code is available during the show to download more info or visit Sekur Private Data, Ltd. – https://sekurprivatedata.com/, https://sekur.com/, and https://sekurvpn.com/. “Privacy Has Arrived.”

The Street TV 新节目将与国际知名互联网隐私专家、Sekur Private Data Ltd.(OTCQX:SWISF)(CSE:SKUR)(法国:FRA: GDT0) ($SWISF) 和电视主持人兼多媒体记者 Ana Berry。安娜正在谈论她朋友的 Instagram 帐户被黑的事情。此人已有一年多没有访问或控制该帐户。安娜的朋友告诉她,她通过 Instagram 帖子使用自己的电子邮件帐户注册为一家服装店的顾客。阿兰解释说,大型科技公司不断对账户持有人的信息进行数据挖掘,然后将该信息出售给第三方实体。社交媒体网站对数据挖掘也做了同样的事情。这些挖矿活动极大地降低了这些平台上最终用户帐户的网络安全可用性。黑客获得访问权限并拥有人工智能能力,就像大型科技平台一样,可以扫描和查找个人和企业的私人数据。一旦获得,它们就会产生网络安全问题,就像安娜朋友的问题一样。解决方案是将 Sekur 的 SekurMail 与 SekurSend/SekurReply 功能结合使用。 Sekur 的基于订阅的加密平台在位于瑞士拥有的多台服务器上运行,瑞士是一个有着非常严格的隐私法的国家。阿兰推荐该公司的 SekurVPN 服务,该服务向世界各地的任何人提供加密的瑞士 IP 地址。 Sekur 的服务可以为个人、企业和企业提供价格实惠、安全且私密的电子通信平台。订阅者可以免费使用公司的任何服务一周,并且 Sekur 提供促销代码:“PRIVACY”,每月和每年订阅可节省 15%,有效期为五年。下次请收听“Sekur 隐私和 Sekur 安全 - 每周黑客”部分的另一个网络安全主题。展会期间可使用屏幕上的二维码下载更多信息或访问 Sekur Private Data, Ltd. – https://sekurprivatedata.com/、https://sekur.com/ 和 https://sekurvpn.com /。 “隐私已经到来。”

About Fetch.ai (CRYPTO: FET) ($FET)

关于 Fetch.ai(加密货币:FET)($FET)

Fetch.ai (CRYPTO: FET) ($FET) is an AI (artificial intelligence) Company that builds tools and infrastructure to enable a decentralized digital economy. As an open AI decentralized machine learning platform, its distributed ledger ecosystem allows secure sharing, connection, and transactions based on any data globally. Fetch.ai’s open-source technology network allows any user to connect to the network, access the power of AI on a world-scale secure dataset, and carry out complex coordination tasks in the modern economy https://fetch.ai/.

Fetch.ai(加密货币:FET)($FET)是一家 AI(人工智能)公司,致力于构建工具和基础设施以实现去中心化数字经济。作为一个开放的人工智能去中心化机器学习平台,其分布式账本生态系统允许基于全球任何数据的安全共享、连接和交易。 Fetch.ai 的开源技术网络允许任何用户连接到网络,在世界范围的安全数据集上访问人工智能的力量,并在现代经济中执行复杂的协调任务 https://fetch.ai/。

About Iagon (CRYPTO: IAG) ($IAG):

关于 Iagon(加密货币:IAG)($IAG):

Iagon was founded in 2017 in Hamar, Norway, because people need to be in control of their data. The idea started as an attempt to solve significant issues related to how healthcare data is stored, with modern solutions severely lacking transparency for individuals at a national and international level. The protocol will allow storage providers to earn rewards by trading their excess storage to resource consumers on a marketplace at a transparent price while ensuring data privacy, security, and accessibility. Its token-based economy is based on computer, server, and data center owners who join the storage and processing power grids. In return for sharing the capabilities of their machine, they will be granted Iagon tokens that can be traded back to fat money, while any party who wishes to utilize their capabilities will purchase tokens to distribute them to the parties that provide their services to the blockchain grid – https://iagon.com/.

Iagon 于 2017 年在挪威哈马尔成立,因为人们需要掌控自己的数据。这个想法最初是为了解决与医疗保健数据存储方式相关的重大问题,现代解决方案在国家和国际层面对个人严重缺乏透明度。该协议将允许存储提供商通过以透明的价格在市场上将多余的存储交易给资源消费者来获得奖励,同时确保数据隐私、安全性和可访问性。其基于代币的经济基于加入存储和处理电网的计算机、服务器和数据中心所有者。作为分享其机器功能的回报,他们将获得 Iagon 代币,这些代币可以兑换成丰厚的货币,而任何希望利用其能力的一方将购买代币,将其分发给向区块链提供服务的各方网格 – https://iagon.com/。

About The Sustainable Green Team, Ltd. (OTCQX: SGTM) ($SGTM):


The Sustainable Green Team, Ltd. (OTCQX: SGTM) ($SGTM) is a leading Company in climate reversing technologies, a provider of sustainable solutions to improve environmental health and promote sustainable practices, delivering eco-friendly products and services. SGTM aims to make significant contributions to global sustainability; learn more by visiting the Company website, https://www.thesustainablegreenteam.com/, SGTM’s YouTube Channel and corporate videos – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xJ7Dp9Coi88&t=1s & https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kycfy-UvQsU.

Sustainable Green Team, Ltd.(OTCQX:SGTM)($SGTM)是气候逆转技术领域的领先公司,是改善环境健康和促进可持续实践的可持续解决方案提供商,提供环保产品和服务。 SGTM旨在为全球可持续发展做出重大贡献;如需了解更多信息,请访问公司网站 https://www.thesustainablegreenteam.com/、SGTM 的 YouTube 频道和公司视频 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xJ7Dp9Coi88&t=1s & https://www. youtube.com/watch?v=Kycfy-UvQsU。

About Coastal Kapital, LLC:


Coastal Kapital, LLC provides businesses with the capital needed to get a competitive edge, maximizing a company’s profits. Helping companies succeed since 2007, Coastal Kapital account executives have over 14 years of experience and relationships with over 150 different programs. Their clients understand that time equals money, and Coastal Kapital is the one-stop shop for all your financial needs and offers its clients the most innovative programs. They offer equipment leasing, business loans, working capital, merchant Processing, collateral assets, and real estate-backed funding, regardless of credit type. Coastal Kapital is a dedicated financial service leader in commercial equipment and asset-based lending and maintains relationships with business owners, vendors, and manufacturers across the US who value partnerships and integrity – https://coastalkapital.com/.

Coastal Kapital, LLC 为企业提供获得竞争优势所需的资本,从而实现公司利润最大化。 Coastal Kapital 客户经理自 2007 年起帮助公司取得成功,拥有超过 14 年的经验,并与 150 多个不同项目建立了关系。他们的客户明白时间就是金钱,而 Coastal Kapital 是满足您所有财务需求的一站式商店,并为客户提供最具创新性的计划。他们提供设备租赁、商业贷款、营运资金、商业处理、抵押资产和房地产支持的资金,无论信贷类型如何。 Coastal Kapital 是商业设备和资产贷款领域的专业金融服务领导者,与美国各地重视合作伙伴关系和诚信的企业主、供应商和制造商保持着关系 – https://coastalkapital.com/。

About Sekur Private Data Ltd. (OTCQB: SWISF) (CSE: SKUR) (FRA: GDT0) ($SWISF):

关于 Sekur 私人数据有限公司(OTCQB:SWISF)(CSE:SCUR)(FRA:GDT0)($SWISF):

Sekur Private Data, Ltd. (OTCQB: SWISF) (CSE: SKUR) (FRA: GDT0) ($SWISF) is a cybersecurity and internet privacy provider of Swiss-hosted solutions for secure communications and secure data management. The Company distributes a suite of secure cloud-based storage, disaster recovery, document management, encrypted emails, and secure communication tools. It sells its products through its websites, www.sekur.com, approved distributors, and telecommunication companies worldwide. Sekur Private Data, Ltd. serves consumers, businesses, and governments worldwide – https:/sekurprivatedata.com and https://sekur.com; Twitter: @sekurprivate.

Sekur Private Data, Ltd.(OTCQB:SWISF)(CSE:SKUR)(FRA:GDT0)($SWISF)是一家网络安全和互联网隐私提供商,提供瑞士托管的安全通信和安全数据管理解决方案。该公司分发一套基于云的安全存储、灾难恢复、文档管理、加密电子邮件和安全通信工具。它通过其网站 www.sekur.com、认可的分销商和全球电信公司销售其产品。 Sekur Private Data, Ltd. 为全球消费者、企业和政府提供服务 – https://sekurprivatedata.com 和 https://sekur.com;推特:@sekurprivate。

About New to The Street:


New to The Street is an FMW Media production that operates one of the longest-running US and International sponsored and syndicated Nielsen-rated programming television brands, “New to The Street.” Since 2009, New to The Street has run biographical interview segment shows across major U.S. television networks. The Nielsen-rated and sponsored broadcast programming platform reaches millions of homes in the US and international markets. FMW’s New to The Street show appears on Bloomberg and the FOX Business Network as sponsored programming. FMW is also one of the nation’s largest buyers of linear television, long and short-form paid programming – https://www.newtothestreet.com/.

《New to The Street》是 FMW Media 制作的节目,运营着美国和国际历史最悠久的尼尔森赞助和联合节目电视品牌之一“New to The Street”。自 2009 年以来,New to The Street 已在美国主要电视网络上播出传记访谈片段节目。这个经过尼尔森评级和赞助的广播节目平台覆盖美国和国际市场的数百万家庭。 FMW 的《New to The Street》节目作为赞助节目出现在彭博社和福克斯商业网络上。 FMW 也是美国线性电视、长短格式付费节目的最大买家之一 - https://www.newtothestreet.com/。

This press release contains forward-looking statements within Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. In some cases, you can identify forward-looking statements by the following words: “anticipate,” “believe,” “continue,” “could,” “estimate,” “expect,” “intend,” “may,” “ongoing,” “plan,” “potential,” “predict,” “project,” “should,” “will,” “would,” or the negative of these terms or other comparable terminology. However, not all forward-looking statements contain these words. Forward-looking statements do not guarantee future performance or results and will not necessarily be accurate indications of when such performance or results are achieved. This press release should be considered in all filings of the Companies contained in the Edgar Archives of the Securities and Exchange Commission at www.sec.gov.

本新闻稿包含经修订的 1933 年《证券法》第 27A 条和 1934 年《证券交易法》第 21E 条中的前瞻性陈述。在某些情况下,您可以通过以下词语来识别前瞻性陈述:“预期、“相信”、“继续”、“可以”、“估计”、“期望”、“打算”、“可能”、“正在进行”、“计划”、“潜力”、“预测”、“项目”、 “应该”、“将”、“将”或这些术语或其他类似术语的否定形式。然而,并非所有前瞻性陈述都包含这些词语。前瞻性陈述并不保证未来的业绩或结果,也不一定准确指示何时实现此类业绩或结果。本新闻稿应在美国证券交易委员会埃德加档案馆 www.sec.gov 中包含的所有公司文件中予以考虑。

This press release contains forward-looking information within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities laws. Forward-looking information is often, but not always, identified by the use of words such as “seek,” “anticipate,” “believe,” “plan,” “estimate,” “expect,” “likely,” and “intend” and statements that an event or result “may,” “will,” “should,” “could” or “might” occur or be achieved and other similar expressions. These statements reflect management’s current beliefs and are based on information currently available to management as of the date hereof. Forward-looking information in this press release includes, without limiting, the foregoing expectations. Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

本新闻稿包含适用加拿大证券法含义内的前瞻性信息。前瞻性信息通常(但并非总是)通过使用“寻求”、“预期”、“相信”、“计划”、“估计”、“期望”、“可能”和“打算”等词语来识别。 ”以及事件或结果“可能”、“将”、“应该”、“可能”或“可能”发生或实现的陈述以及其他类似表达。这些陈述反映了管理层当前的信念,并基于截至本新闻稿发布之日管理层目前可获得的信息。本新闻稿中的前瞻性信息包括但不限于上述预期。 TSX 创业板及其监管服务提供商(该术语在 TSX 创业板政策中定义)均不对本新闻稿的充分性或准确性承担责任。



FMW Media Contact:
Monica Brennan
[email protected]

FMW 媒体联系人:Monica Brennan[电子邮件受保护]1-917-330-2564

“New to The Street” Business Development Office
[email protected]


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《华尔街新人》宣布第 564 集,采访五位企业领导人,在福克斯商业网络播出

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