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验证者是负责保护网络、处理交易和维护 PoS 区块链完整性的实体。
In proof-of-stake (PoS) blockchains, validators are the key entities responsible for ensuring the smooth operation of the network. These nodes process transactions, secure the blockchain and add new blocks. Unlike proof-of-work (PoW) systems like the Bitcoin blockchain, where miners solve complex mathematical problems to validate transactions, PoS relies on validators who stake cryptocurrency as collateral.
在权益证明(PoS)区块链中,验证者是负责确保网络平稳运行的关键实体。这些节点处理交易、保护区块链并添加新区块。与比特币区块链等工作量证明 (PoW) 系统不同,在比特币区块链中,矿工解决复杂的数学问题来验证交易,而 PoS 依赖于将加密货币作为抵押品的验证者。
Validators perform multiple critical functions within a PoS blockchain. They validate transactions to ensure they are legitimate, preventing fraudulent activities like double-spending. Additionally, they propose and finalize new blocks, contributing to the blockchain’s continuity and integrity. Validators also play a key role in the consensus protocol, where they collaborate to agree on the network's current state, maintaining its decentralized structure. By staking assets, validators help secure the network, making it resilient to attacks and ensuring its overall reliability.
验证器在 PoS 区块链中执行多个关键功能。他们验证交易以确保其合法性,防止双重支出等欺诈活动。此外,他们提出并最终确定新的区块,有助于区块链的连续性和完整性。验证者在共识协议中也发挥着关键作用,他们在其中合作就网络的当前状态达成一致,维持其去中心化结构。通过抵押资产,验证器有助于保护网络,使其能够抵御攻击并确保其整体可靠性。
Decentralization of validators ensures fairness, resilience and censorship resistance in blockchain networks.
Decentralization is a cornerstone of blockchain technology and is especially vital for validators in a PoS system. When power is distributed across many validators, the network becomes more resilient against attacks and disruptions. This distribution also ensures equity, preventing any single entity from gaining disproportionate influence.
去中心化是区块链技术的基石,对于 PoS 系统中的验证者尤其重要。当权力分布在许多验证器上时,网络对攻击和中断的抵抗力就会变得更强。这种分配还确保了公平,防止任何单一实体获得不成比例的影响力。
Decentralized networks are harder to regulate or sanction, enhancing their resistance to censorship and political interference. By avoiding validator centralization, blockchains maintain their integrity and trustworthiness, safeguarding the principles of a trustless ecosystem.
Several factors, such as reliance on a single client, stake concentration or infrastructure dependence, can lead to validator centralization.
Despite the emphasis on decentralization, various factors can lead to validator centralization. A significant issue is validator client homogeneity, where most validators rely on the same software. This creates systemic risks if the software is exploited.
Stake weights are another factor, as a few entities controlling a significant portion of the total stake may wield disproportionate influence over the network. Geographic concentration can also be problematic, making the network vulnerable to localized disruptions or regulatory pressures.
Additionally, reliance on major cloud providers like AWS or Google Cloud introduces potential single points of failure. High barriers to entry for new validators, such as expensive hardware or complex setups, can further exacerbate centralization, limiting the diversity of participants.
此外,对 AWS 或 Google Cloud 等主要云提供商的依赖会带来潜在的单点故障。新验证者的进入门槛很高,例如昂贵的硬件或复杂的设置,可能会进一步加剧中心化,限制参与者的多样性。
Centralized sequencers used between layer-1 and layer-2 chains are other vectors of centralization. Finally, centralization may occur through maximum extractable value (MEV), where a number of actors within the transaction supply chain can collude and decide how and when transactions are created in a blockchain.
在第 1 层和第 2 层链之间使用的集中定序器是集中化的其他载体。最后,集中化可能通过最大可提取价值(MEV)实现,交易供应链中的许多参与者可以串通并决定如何以及何时在区块链中创建交易。
Compromised validators can lead to network downtime, financial losses and erosion of trust in the blockchain.
Validators face multiple threats that can compromise their operations. Key theft is one of the most direct vectors, where attackers steal private keys to sign fraudulent transactions or double-spend funds.
Bugs in validator software are another risk, as exploits can disrupt operations or threaten the network’s integrity. Infrastructure attacks, like distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks or breaches of cloud services, can take validators offline.
验证器软件中的错误是另一个风险,因为漏洞利用可能会中断操作或威胁网络的完整性。基础设施攻击,例如分布式拒绝服务 (DDoS) 攻击或云服务破坏,可能会使验证器离线。
Validators may also collude to manipulate the network, censor transactions or conduct a 51% attack. Regulatory pressure is another concern, as governments could coerce validators to enforce censorship or surveillance.
验证者还可能串通操纵网络、审查交易或进行 51% 攻击。监管压力是另一个问题,因为政府可以强迫验证者执行审查或监视。
The repercussions of such compromises include slower transaction processing, temporary network halts, financial losses and a loss of trust among users.
The Hyperliquid Protocol faced challenges from validator centralization, highlighting vulnerabilities in its network structure.
Hyperliquid Protocol, a blockchain project that focused on offering a trading platform to users, encountered significant challenges related to validator centralization. Reports revealed that the blockchain ran on four validators that relied on the same client software and heavily depended on a single cloud provider for infrastructure. Additionally, a few large staking pools controlled the majority of the protocol’s stake.
Hyperliquid Protocol 是一个专注于为用户提供交易平台的区块链项目,遇到了与验证器中心化相关的重大挑战。报告显示,区块链运行在四个验证器上,这些验证器依赖相同的客户端软件,并且严重依赖单个云提供商的基础设施。此外,一些大型权益池控制了该协议的大部分权益。
These factors made the network vulnerable to disruptions as the bridge between the Hyperliquid platform and Arbitrum experienced downtime. This incident led to transaction delays of over four hours, and user funds had to be kept locked on the platform to prevent any hacking incidents. Concerns were also raised about governance, with dominant staking pools having the ability to veto proposals, undermining decentralization.
由于 Hyperliquid 平台和 Arbitrum 之间的桥梁出现停机,这些因素使得网络容易受到干扰。此次事件导致交易延迟四个多小时,用户资金必须被锁定在平台上,以防止发生黑客事件。人们还对治理提出了担忧,因为占主导地位的权益池有能力否决提案,从而破坏了权力下放。
Intelligence reports identified suspicious activity by North Korean actors targeting validator nodes, exploiting known vulnerabilities in the client software and cloud setups. It involved attempts to gain control over multiple validators simultaneously, which could have compromised the network’s consensus mechanism. While the attack was mitigated in time, it caused panic in the market, leading to a decline in HYPE’s price (native token of the protocol) by over 30% within 24 hours. The transaction value locked (TVL) on the chain was over $2.7 billion at the time of this incident. The threat also sparked widespread debate about the protocol’s security practices and reliance on centralized infrastructure.
情报报告发现朝鲜行为者利用客户端软件和云设置中的已知漏洞,针对验证器节点进行可疑活动。它涉及同时尝试控制多个验证器,这可能会损害网络的共识机制。虽然攻击得到及时缓解,但引起了市场恐慌,导致 HYPE 价格(协议原生代币)在 24 小时内下跌超过 30%。此次事件发生时,链上锁定的交易价值(TVL)超过 27 亿美元。这一威胁还引发了有关该协议的安全实践和对中心化基础设施依赖的广泛争论。
In response, the Hyperliquid team took immediate actions, including patching software vulnerabilities, collaborating with cybersecurity firms and transitioning some validators to more diverse and decentralized infrastructures. They also implemented enhanced monitoring systems to proactively detect and respond to similar threats.
作为回应,Hyperliquid 团队立即采取了行动,包括修补软件漏洞、与网络安全公司合作以及将一些验证器过渡到更加多样化和去中心化的基础设施。他们还实施了增强的监控系统,以主动检测和响应类似的威胁。
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