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《遗迹 2》:“被遗忘的王国”DLC 公布发布日期,引入“祈求者”原型

2024/04/12 02:49

Gunfire Games 宣布了《遗迹 2》即将推出的 DLC 章节《被遗忘的王国》的发布日期,该章节计划于 2024 年 4 月 23 日推出。该 DLC 将带玩家回到 Yaesha,这是《遗迹 2》中视觉效果令人惊叹的场景之一,旨在扩展该领域的故事,同时引入新的任务线和角色。

Gunfire Games has finally announced the next DLC chapter for Remnant 2, The Forgotten Kingdom, which is releasing on April 23, 2024. The Forgotten Kingdom will take players back to one of the most visually stunning locales in Remnant 2 — Yaesha and aims to further flesh out the story of that realm, while also introducing new questlines and characters.

.vidazoo-player-container {宽度:100%;高度:calc((1110px - 360px - 16px) * 9 / 16);背景颜色:#000;}.vidazoo-player-container {高度:calc(685px * 9 / 16);}@media(最大宽度: 768px) {.sk-widget .vidazoo-container {margin-top: 16px;margin-bottom: 16px;}.vidazoo-player-container {高度: calc(( 100vw) * 9 / 16);margin-top: 16px;margin-bottom: 16px;}}Gunfire Games 终于宣布了《遗迹 2》的下一个 DLC 章节《被遗忘的王国》,该章节将于 2024 年 4 月 23 日发布。 《王国》将带玩家回到《遗迹 2》中最具视觉冲击力的场景之一——Yaesha,旨在进一步充实该领域的故事,同时引入新的任务线和角色。

Much like the previous DLC, The Awakened King, the upcoming expansion will include a brand-new story, new combat gear (weapons and armor pieces), and also a unique archetype — the Invoker, adding a fresh playstyle for players to experiment with.

与之前的 DLC《觉醒之王》非常相似,即将推出的资料片将包括全新的故事、新的战斗装备(武器和盔甲)以及独特的原型——祈求者,为玩家带来全新的游戏风格供玩家尝试。

Here's everything you need to know about the upcoming Remnant 2 The Forgotten Kingdom DLC, including its supported platforms, new archetype, and more.

以下是您需要了解的有关即将推出的《遗迹 2:被遗忘的王国》 DLC 的所有信息,包括其支持的平台、新原型等。

When is Remnant 2 The Forgotten Kingdom DLC coming out?

Remnant 2 The Forgotten Kingdom DLC is scheduled to be released on April 23, 2024, for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and Windows PC (via Steam and Epic Games Store). The previous DLC, The Awakened King, focused on the Losomn world, adding a completely new dungeon that further expanded the lore of the locale as well as key characters like Nimue.

.promoted-img {width: 100%;}Remnant 2 The Forgotten Kingdom DLC 何时推出?Remnant 2 The Forgotten Kingdom DLC 计划于 2024 年 4 月 23 日发布,适用于 PlayStation 5、Xbox Series X|S 和Windows PC(通过 Steam 和 Epic Games Store)。之前的 DLC《觉醒之王》专注于 Losomn 世界,添加了一个全新的地下城,进一步扩展了该地区的传说以及 Nimue 等关键角色。


While Gunfire Games did not reveal which characters from the base game version of Yaesha will return in the DLC, the developers did confirm that The Forgotten Kingdom will expand the story of the location, and also give players insight into the realm's secrets.

虽然 Gunfire Games 没有透露《Yaesha》基础游戏版本中的哪些角色将在 DLC 中回归,但开发人员确实确认《被遗忘的王国》将扩展该地点的故事,并让玩家深入了解该领域的秘密。

The Forgotten Kingdom DLC's official description reads:

《被遗忘的王国》DLC 的官方描述如下:

"In this upcoming DLC for REMNANT II, players will piece together the forgotten history of the lost tribe of Yaesha as they attempt to quell the vengeful wrath of an ancient stone spirit called Lydusa. Navigate the lingering traces of torment, treachery, and death that haunt the land's once proud ziggurats, as Lydusa's living stones wander the crumbling remnants of an ancient civilization in search of fresh blood."

Further detailing the new features players can expect from Remnant 2 The Forgotten Kingdom DLC, Gunfire Games mentioned:

“在《遗迹 II》即将推出的 DLC 中,玩家将拼凑失落的 Yaesha 部落被遗忘的历史,试图平息古老石灵 Lydusa 的复仇愤怒。探索那些挥之不去的折磨、背叛和死亡的痕迹。当莱杜萨的活石在古老文明的摇摇欲坠的遗迹中徘徊,寻找新鲜血液时,这片土地上曾经引以为傲的金字形神塔出没。”在进一步详细介绍玩家可以从《遗迹 2:被遗忘的王国》 DLC 中期待的新功能时,Gunfire Games 提到:

"In a brand-new storyline, players must uncover the secrets of the lost tribe by exploring a mysterious new area within the world of Yaesha. In this strange new location, players will traverse new dungeons, acquire powerful gear—including a new Archetype, “The Invoker"— meet unexpected allies, and face new threats in their quest to return some semblance of peace to the forgotten kingdom."

The new archetype added to the game with the DLC is the Invoker, which according to Gunfire Games, utilizes the spiritual magic of Yaesha as its weapons. Details on the Invoker are scarce, but judging by the archetype's official description, it seems a similar class to the Ritualist, which was introduced in the previous DLC.

“在全新的故事情节中,玩家必须通过探索 Yaesha 世界中的神秘新区域来揭开失落部落的秘密。在这个奇怪的新地点,玩家将穿越新的地下城,获得强大的装备 - 包括新的原型, “祈求者”——在寻求让被遗忘的王国恢复表面和平的过程中遇到意想不到的盟友,并面临新的威胁。 DLC 中添加到游戏中的新原型是祈求者,根据 Gunfire Games 的说法,它利用了其武器为八重煞的精神魔法。关于祈求者的详细信息很少,但从原型的官方描述来看,它似乎与上一个DLC中介绍的仪式者类似。


More details on the Invoker will be revealed in a dedicated gameplay trailer. Lastly, The Forgotten Kingdom will feature a host of new weapons and armor sets to unlock, further helping players craft their ultimate end-game build to tackle the DLC's challenges.

有关祈求者的更多细节将在专门的游戏预告片中揭晓。最后,《被遗忘的王国》将提供大量可供解锁的新武器和盔甲套装,进一步帮助玩家打造最终的游戏构建来应对 DLC 的挑战。

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