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尽管处于预售阶段,RCO Finance 仍令 XRP 和 Cardano 黯然失色,原因如下

2024/10/28 06:00

由于空头和多头争夺霸主地位,XRP 价格表现疲软。同样,卡尔达诺(ADA)也陷入困境。尽管表现不佳,但一位著名的加密货币分析师相信这些代币最终会反弹。

尽管处于预售阶段,RCO Finance 仍令 XRP 和 Cardano 黯然失色,原因如下

The XRP price has shown weak performance this past week as bears and bulls continue to battle for price supremacy. Similarly, Cardano (ADA) has floundered during this period. Despite this subpar performance, a renowned crypto analyst believes these coins will eventually rally.

由于空头和多头继续争夺价格霸权,XRP 价格在过去一周表现疲软。同样,卡尔达诺(ADA)在此期间也陷入困境。尽管表现不佳,但一位著名的加密货币分析师相信这些代币最终会反弹。

Meanwhile, an upcoming Ethereum presale token has gained investor confidence after promising huge returns within a shorter time frame.


XRP Price Dumps 2% in a Week: Is a Resurgence Imminent?

XRP 价格一周暴跌 2%:复苏即将到来吗?

XRP has performed poorly over the past week, entering the red territory. On October 17, XRP was trading at around $0.5445. Notably, XRP reached this price due to the uptrend fueled by the October 15 news of Ripple announcing partners for its RLUSD stablecoin.

XRP 在过去一周表现不佳,进入红色区域。 10 月 17 日,XRP 交易价格约为 0.5445 美元。值得注意的是,XRP 达到这一价格是由于 10 月 15 日 Ripple 宣布其 RLUSD 稳定币合作伙伴的消息推动了上涨趋势。

This bullish trend continued until October 21 when XRP peaked at $0.5589. However, the buzz about this news died down, and XRP began pulling back. By October 23, XRP had stabilized at around $0.5315. This price indicates that XRP has shed 2% in a week.

这种看涨趋势一直持续到 10 月 21 日,XRP 达到 0.5589 美元的峰值。然而,有关此消息的讨论逐渐平息,XRP 开始回落。到 10 月 23 日,XRP 稳定在 0.5315 美元左右。这个价格表明 XRP 在一周内下跌了 2%。

While XRP’s short-term outlook is bleak, experts foresee the XRP price pumping in the long term. Experts base this prediction on XRP gaining more adoption as the longstanding legal battle between Ripple Labs and the SEC inches closer to its end.

尽管 XRP 的短期前景黯淡,但专家预计 XRP 价格从长期来看将会上涨。专家们的这一预测是基于随着 Ripple Labs 和 SEC 之间长期的法律斗争接近尾声,XRP 将获得更多采用。

Cardano Stagnates at Around $0.35: When Are Bulls Coming?

卡尔达诺停滞在 0.35 美元左右:牛市何时到来?

Cardano has performed unimpressively over the past week as the crypto market retraces recent growth. On October 17, 2024, ADA was trading at $0.35. It is worth noting that ADA reached this price after Binance MENA announced it would support the 2024 Cardano Summit.

随着加密货币市场回落近期的增长,卡尔达诺在过去一周的表现并不令人印象深刻。 2024 年 10 月 17 日,ADA 交易价格为 0.35 美元。值得注意的是,ADA 达到这一价格是在币安 MENA 宣布支持 2024 年卡尔达诺峰会之后。

This bullish announcement saw ADA pump and set a weekly peak of $0.37 on October 21. However, traders started taking profits, and Cardano began correcting downward. By October 24, Cardano had stabilized at around $0.35. This price means Cardano (ADA) has flatlined in a week.

这一看涨公告导致 ADA 上涨,并在 10 月 21 日创下 0.37 美元的周高点。然而,交易者开始获利了结,卡尔达诺开始向下修正。到 10 月 24 日,卡尔达诺稳定在 0.35 美元左右。这个价格意味着卡尔达诺(ADA)在一周内持平。

Despite this lackluster performance, Trend Rider, a renowned crypto analyst on X, predicts that an ADA rally is inevitable, even if it takes an eternity. This analyst based this prediction on the fact that although Cardano has been trading sideways, it is gaining momentum while avoiding lower lows.

尽管表现平淡,X 著名加密货币分析师 Trend Rider 预测 ADA 反弹是不可避免的,即使需要很长时间。这位分析师的这一预测基于这样一个事实:尽管卡尔达诺一直在横向交易,但它在避免更低低点的同时正在获得动力。

Investors Rush To RCOF Presale For Stellar Gains, Here’s Why It Beats XRP, ADA Despite Being In Presale

投资者争先恐后地进行 RCOF 预售以获取丰厚收益,这就是为什么它尽管处于预售阶段却击败了 XRP、ADA

With XRP and Cardano only showing long-term bullish signs, a new token has quickly become the go-to option for many investors. Here’s why you should join and improve your investment game.

由于 XRP 和 Cardano 仅显示出长期看涨的迹象,新代币已迅速成为许多投资者的首选。这就是您应该加入并改进您的投资游戏的原因。

While the XRP price and Cardano have been lackluster, another token has quickly become the go-to option for many investors. Here’s why you should join and improve your investment game.

尽管 XRP 价格和卡尔达诺一直表现平淡,但另一种代币已迅速成为许多投资者的首选。这就是您应该加入并改进您的投资游戏的原因。

With the XRP price and Cardano showing lackluster performance, another token has quickly become the go-to option for many investors. Here’s why you should join and improve your investment game.


Investors are quickly flocking to this token for various reasons. First, it is safe to invest in. This can be verified by SolidProof, a top blockchain security firm, which audited the token’s smart contract and confirmed everything was in order.

由于各种原因,投资者迅速涌向该代币。首先,投资是安全的。这一点可以通过顶级区块链安全公司 SolidProof 来验证,该公司审核了代币的智能合约并确认一切正常。

This token has also piqued investor interest because it offers HODLers benefits within the ecosystem, including voting rights and dividends. Its utility within the ecosystem and its robust tokenomics model position it for sustainable long-term growth.

该代币还激起了投资者的兴趣,因为它为生态系统内的 HODLers 提供了好处,包括投票权和股息。它在生态系统中的实用性及其强大的代币经济模型使其能够实现可持续的长期增长。

However, investors are mainly rushing to this token because it has performed exceptionally well during its presale. As of October s24, this token was in Stage 3 of its presale, and investors can now buy it at $0.0556. Investors who stock up on this token at this price are set to realize massive ROIs as the token inches closer to its launch.

然而,投资者主要涌向该代币,因为它在预售期间表现异常出色。截至 10 月 24 日,该代币已处于预售第三阶段,投资者现在可以以 0.0556 美元的价格购买。随着该代币即将推出,以此价格购买该代币的投资者将实现巨大的投资回报率。

It is worth noting that the projected launch price for this token is $0.4-$0.6. Once it attains this price, Stage 3 investors will enjoy massive presale returns. Moreover, experts believe this token will soar astronomically when it launches on top DEXs and CEXs.

值得注意的是,该代币的预计发行价格为 0.4-0.6 美元。一旦达到这个价格,第三阶段的投资者将享受巨额预售回报。此外,专家认为,当该代币在顶级 DEX 和 CEX 上推出时,它将会出现天文数字般的飙升。

The unsatisfactory performance of the XRP price and Cardano has forced investors to diversify their portfolios to increase profits and hedge against potential losses. However, not all DeFi platforms are primed for portfolio diversification. This explains why RCO Finance has gained ground despite being a relatively new player in the field.

XRP价格和卡尔达诺的表现不尽如人意,迫使投资者分散投资组合以增加利润并对冲潜在损失。然而,并非所有 DeFi 平台都为投资组合多元化做好了准备。这解释了为什么 RCO Finance 尽管是该领域相对较新的参与者,但仍取得了进展。

Investors increasingly choose to invest through RCO Finance because it supports over 120,000 assets. This offering includes crypto, decentralized derivatives, and real-world assets (RWAs) like commodities. As such, investors can easily adjust portfolios for profitability and stability during various market conditions.

投资者越来越多地选择通过 RCO Finance 进行投资,因为它支持超过 120,000 种资产。该产品包括加密货币、去中心化衍生品和商品等现实世界资产(RWA)。因此,投资者可以在各种市场条件下轻松调整投资组合以实现盈利和稳定性。

While this rich asset offering makes RCO Finance a top-tier DeFi platform, its AI-powered robo advisor steals the show

虽然丰富的资产产品使 RCO Finance 成为顶级 DeFi 平台,但其人工智能驱动的机器人顾问抢尽风头





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