OKX 是一家领先的 Web3 技术组织,拥有良好的声誉和令人印象深刻的资历。该公司很高兴地宣布推出近协议集成

Cryptocurrency exchange OKX has announced the integration of Near Protocol into its Web3 community. This integration will allow users to view and transfer NEAR tokens, and will also provide access to Near’s ecosystem of decentralized applications (dApps). The integration is available through the OKX Wallet on both web and mobile, and will offer users a portal to almost 10,000 dApps, exchanges, blockchain tools, supplementary tools, and NFTs.
加密货币交易所 OKX 宣布将 Near Protocol 整合到其 Web3 社区中。这种集成将允许用户查看和转移 NEAR 代币,并且还将提供对 Near 去中心化应用程序 (dApp) 生态系统的访问。该集成可通过 OKX 钱包在网络和移动设备上进行,并将为用户提供近 10,000 个 dApp、交易所、区块链工具、补充工具和 NFT 的门户。
The Near Protocol integration further cements the status of the OKX Wallet as a feature-rich and diverse multichain wallet. Near is a prominent blockchain network that utilizes the Proof of Stake technology and is renowned for being carbon neutral, secure, and scalable. Its integration into the OKX Wallet is a testament to the exchange's commitment to offering a comprehensive suite of services to its users.
Near Protocol 集成进一步巩固了 OKX 钱包作为功能丰富且多样化的多链钱包的地位。 Near 是一个著名的区块链网络,它利用权益证明技术,并以碳中和、安全和可扩展性而闻名。它与 OKX 钱包的集成证明了该交易所致力于为其用户提供全面服务的承诺。
OKX, a leading Web3 tech organization, is on a mission to shape the future of Web3 in the modern internet era. It caters to the diverse needs of both new and experienced cryptocurrency investors by offering a range of cutting-edge digital solutions. Among its standout offerings is the OKX Wallet, which is powered by the exchange's own sharding technology, Nightshade.
OKX 是一家领先的 Web3 技术组织,其使命是在现代互联网时代塑造 Web3 的未来。它通过提供一系列尖端的数字解决方案来满足新的和经验丰富的加密货币投资者的多样化需求。 OKX 钱包是其出色的产品之一,它由交易所自己的分片技术 Nightshade 提供支持。
The OKX Wallet is also connected to the X Layer liquidity hub, Barter Protocol, and users can access its services through the Barter Protocol web extension on the OKX Web3 community page. Among the notable features of Barter Protocol are the introduction of USDX, a decentralized stablecoin by Barter, and a tactical LP managing mechanism. The LP module is designed to empower users to independently choose efficient yield strategies.
OKX钱包还连接到X Layer流动性中心Barter Protocol,用户可以通过OKX Web3社区页面上的Barter Protocol Web扩展访问其服务。 Barter Protocol 的显着特点是引入了 USDX(Barter 的去中心化稳定币)和战术性 LP 管理机制。 LP模块旨在让用户能够自主选择高效的收益策略。