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上周,我们看到旨在最大化特定 Bloomburrow 卡的创新标准策略大幅增加。来自独特的
Over the last week, we’ve seen a large uptick in innovative Standard strategies built to maximize specific Bloomburrow cards. From a unique Rakdos shell focusing on the power of The Infamous Cruelclaw to a potent Boros tokens archetype that showcases the strength of Caretaker’s Talent, it’s clear that Bloomburrow is here to shake things up.
上周,我们看到旨在最大化特定 Bloomburrow 卡的创新标准策略大幅增加。从专注于臭名昭著的残酷利爪力量的独特拉铎斯外壳,到展示看守者天赋力量的强大波罗斯代币原型,很明显,布卢姆伯罗是来撼动一切的。
Well, this weekend, a Naya deck consisting of a boatload of Bloomburrow creatures began to flex its muscles. Making it to top eight of a Magic Online Standard Challenge and top 32 of a 462-player Standard Japanese event, this deck has what it takes to demolish other top-tier strategies. If you’re a fan of Rabbit synergies, you’ve come to the right place!
好吧,这个周末,由一船布卢姆伯罗生物组成的纳雅甲板开始大展拳脚。这套牌在万智牌在线标准挑战赛中进入前八名,在 462 名玩家参加的标准日本赛事中进入前 32 名,拥有击败其他顶级策略的能力。如果您是兔子协同效应的粉丝,那么您来对地方了!
This deck is capable of putting immense pressure on the opponent in the early turns. To fully understand what gives this deck an edge in the field, it’s important to analyze what separates it from other aggro decks that have suffered in recent weeks.
Similarities to Boros Convoke
与 Boros Convoke 的相似之处
At a baseline, this deck functions as a go-wide beatdown strategy, similar in ways to Boros Convoke. Every card in the deck costs three or less mana, except for Knight-Errant of Eos (though it’s rare you’ll ever be paying more than three mana for Knight in the first place).
在基线上,这套牌的功能是全面的击败策略,类似于波罗斯召集。牌组中的每张卡牌都需要花费 3 点或更少的法力,除了 Eos 的游侠(虽然你很少会首先为骑士支付超过 3 点法力)。
To help enable Knight-Errant of Eos, this deck makes use of Hop to It as a strong token generator. This fills a similar role as Gleeful Demolition in Boros Convoke but doesn’t require you to have an artifact lying around to utilize.
为了帮助启用《Eos 游侠》,这套牌使用了 Hop to It 作为强大的代币生成器。这与《Boros Convoke》中的“Gleeful Demolition”的角色类似,但不需要你周围有一件神器可以使用。
These tokens also make Seasoned Warrenguard an incredibly scary card. Seasoned Warrenguard hits hard for a one-drop, so long as you can support it. Between Hop to It and Offspring cards like Pawpatch Recruit, there are enough ways to maximize Seasoned Warrenguard as an efficient threat.
这些标记也使经验丰富的沃伦卫士成为一张令人难以置信的可怕卡牌。经验丰富的沃伦卫士会全力以赴,只要你能支持它。在 Hop to It 和像 Pawpatch Recruit 这样的后代卡牌之间,有足够的方法可以最大限度地发挥经验丰富的沃伦卫士作为有效威胁的作用。
As you might expect in a deck filled to the brim with cheap creatures and token production, a playset of Imodane’s Recruiter makes an appearance. Imodane’s Recruiter is the only red card in the maindeck, but its ability to pile on damage out of nowhere certainly makes the splash worthwhile.
Thematic Rewards
While Boros Convoke definitely has more explosive nut draws, part of what makes this Naya shell so appealing is the presence of various “Lords” and other effects that can make your threats bigger over time. By sticking with a heavy Rabbit theme, you gain access to a bunch of elite payoffs that help you fight through big blockers.
虽然 Boros Convoke 确实具有更多爆炸性的坚果吸引力,但 Naya 外壳如此吸引人的部分原因在于各种“领主”和其他效果的存在,这些效果可以随着时间的推移使你的威胁变得更大。通过坚持沉重的兔子主题,你可以获得大量精英奖励,帮助你克服大障碍。
At the top of that list, we have Valley Questcaller. Valley Questcaller is undoubtedly an amazing follow up to Hop to It. Beyond that, it pumps your Pawpatch Recruits and Seasoned Warrenguards alike. Finneas, Ace Archer accomplishes a similar task as well. It isn’t quite as reliable, as you have to attack with it to get the bonus. Nonetheless, Finneas does a great job breaking board stalls.
在该列表的顶部,我们有 Valley Questcaller。 《Valley Questcaller》无疑是《Hop to It》的精彩后续作品。除此之外,它还能为你的爪子新兵和经验丰富的沃伦卫士提供动力。王牌弓箭手芬尼斯也完成了类似的任务。它不太可靠,因为你必须用它攻击才能获得奖励。尽管如此,Finneas 在打破董事会僵局方面做得非常出色。
Speaking of dominating combat, Burrowguard Mentor can do just that. Burrowguard Mentor has the potential to be absolutely enormous. So does Valley Mightcaller if you play it early. Valley Mightcaller may be a Frog, but it rewards you for flooding the board with Rabbits all the same. Casting Hop to It with Valley Mightcaller in play adds a bunch of power to the board that the opponent may not have been prepared to handle.
说到主导战斗,洞穴守卫导师可以做到这一点。洞穴卫士导师的潜力绝对是巨大的。如果你玩得早的话,《威力召唤者谷》也是如此。山谷召唤者可能是一只青蛙,但它仍然会奖励你在棋盘上布满兔子。在山谷威能召唤者在场时施放“Hop to It”会为棋盘增加大量对手可能没有准备好应对的力量。
All of these creatures make it much easier to fight through cards like Beza, the Bounding Spring. Beza is the ultimate board stabilizer, completely brick-walling attacks from tiny creatures. Being able to go both tall and wide is extremely helpful.
所有这些生物使得通过贝扎、弹跳之泉等卡牌进行战斗变得更加容易。 Beza 是终极的棋盘稳定器,可以完全阻止微小生物的攻击。能够既高又宽是非常有帮助的。
Fighting Through Hate
Given how popular midrange decks are at the moment, being able to attack into high-toughness creatures is very important. Besides Beza, threats like Preacher of the Schism are commonplace. Fortunately, Valley Mightcaller and Burrowguard Mentor go a long way in allowing you to keep applying pressure.
Having such beefy creatures at your disposal is also useful on the defensive end. When playing against Boros Convoke, you have the upper hand. Your bulky bodies can block early on while simultaneously let you turn the corner in a racing situation. Premium hate cards such Tectonic Hazard, which are still strong against you, aren’t the end all be all. Cards like Seasoned Warrenguard naturally have two toughness, and one Finneas attacker or Valley Questcaller in play can render Tectonic Hazard moot.
拥有如此强大的生物在防守端也很有用。当与Boros Convoke交手时,你占据上风。你庞大的身体可以在早期阻挡,同时让你在比赛中转弯。像“构造危机”这样的高级仇恨卡对你来说仍然很强大,但这并不是全部。像经验丰富的沃伦卫士这样的卡牌自然具有两种防御力,并且一名芬尼亚斯攻击者或山谷任务召唤者在场上可以使构造危险变得毫无意义。
Unfortunately, even the biggest of two-drops get swept away by Temporary Lockdown. As such, matchups like Boros tokens can be quite tough. Having to fight through cheap removal and board wipes just isn’t easy for a deck with such a high volume of creatures to do.
不幸的是,即使是两次跌幅中最大的一次也被临时封锁一扫而空。因此,像 Boros 代币这样的对决可能会非常艰难。对于拥有如此大量生物的套牌来说,必须通过廉价的移除和板擦拭来进行战斗并不容易。
The good news, at least,
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