FET 代币可以在集中式加密货币交易所进行交易,其中 Binance 是最流行的购买和交易 Fetch.ai 的交易所。在过去24小时内,FET的交易量已达到1,117,616,617.01美元,表明近期市场活动有所增加。
Why Should You Invest in Fetch.ai (FET)?
为什么要投资 Fetch.ai (FET)?
What Exchanges Sell Fetch.ai (FET)?
哪些交易所出售 Fetch.ai (FET)?
Looking for a place to add Fetch.ai to your portfolio? Binance is your best bet, with the FET/USDT pairing boasting a daily trading volume of over $339 million. Bitunix and TokoCrypto are also popular options.
正在寻找将 Fetch.ai 添加到您的投资组合中的地方? Binance 是您的最佳选择,FET/USDT 配对的每日交易量超过 3.39 亿美元。 Bitunix 和 TokoCrypto 也是受欢迎的选择。
What's the Current Trading Volume of Fetch.ai (FET)?
Fetch.ai (FET) 目前的交易量是多少?
FET is on a tear, with a trading volume of $1.1 billion in the past 24 hours. That's a healthy 60.70% jump from yesterday, indicating strong market activity.
FET 的交易量在过去 24 小时内达到了 11 亿美元。较昨天上涨 60.70%,表明市场活动强劲。
What's Fetch.ai (FET)'s All-Time High?
Fetch.ai (FET) 的历史最高价是多少?
FET peaked at BTC0.0001231 on March 27, 2024, but currently trades 5.80% below that all-time high.
FET 于 2024 年 3 月 27 日达到 BTC0.0001231 的峰值,但目前交易价格比历史高点低 5.80%。
What's Fetch.ai (FET)'s All-Time Low?
Fetch.ai (FET) 的历史最低点是多少?
FET bottomed out at BTC0.051462 on March 13, 2020. Since then, it's skyrocketed by an impressive 38,251.40%.
FET 于 2020 年 3 月 13 日触底于 BTC0.051462。此后,它飙升了 38,251.40%,令人印象深刻。
What's the Market Cap of Fetch.ai (FET)?
Fetch.ai (FET) 的市值是多少?
FET's market cap stands at BTC47.2 billion, ranking it #43 on CoinGecko. This is calculated by multiplying the current price by the circulating supply of 1 billion tokens.
FET 的市值为 472 亿比特币,在 CoinGecko 上排名第 43 位。这是通过将当前价格乘以 10 亿代币的流通供应量来计算的。
What's Fetch.ai (FET)'s Fully Diluted Valuation (FDV)?
Fetch.ai (FET) 的完全摊薄估值 (FDV) 是多少?
FDV represents the maximum market cap assuming all 1.2 billion FET tokens are in circulation. Currently, FET's FDV is BTC52.2 billion. Keep in mind that it may take years to reach FDV based on the token's emission schedule.
FDV 代表假设所有 12 亿个 FET 代币都在流通的情况下的最大市值。目前,FET的FDV为522亿BTC。请记住,根据代币的发行时间表,可能需要数年时间才能达到 FDV。
How Does Fetch.ai (FET) Compare to Its Peers?
Fetch.ai (FET) 与同行相比如何?
FET has outshined the broader crypto market with a 19.30% rise in the past week, versus the market's 2.30% gain. It's also outperformed the Ethereum Ecosystem by 12.70%.
过去一周,FET 的涨幅为 19.30%,远超大盘加密货币市场,而大盘涨幅为 2.30%。它还比以太坊生态系统高出 12.70%。
How to Add Fetch.ai (FET) to MetaMask?
如何将 Fetch.ai (FET) 添加到 MetaMask?
Adding FET to MetaMask lets you track your holdings and trade on decentralized exchanges. Copy FET's contract address (0xaea46a60368a7bd060eec7df8cba43b7ef41ad85) and import it manually. Or, if you have MetaMask's Chrome extension, just click on FET on CoinGecko to add it instantly.
将 FET 添加到 MetaMask 后,您可以跟踪您的持仓情况并在去中心化交易所进行交易。复制 FET 的合约地址(0xaea46a60368a7bd060eec7df8cba43b7ef41ad85)并手动导入。或者,如果您有 MetaMask 的 Chrome 扩展程序,只需单击 CoinGecko 上的 FET 即可立即添加它。
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