(路透社) - 格雷斯卡投资周五表示,该投资启动了一项针对Dogecoin的投资基金,因为加密货币资产经理希望利用围绕比特币替代方案的势头越来越大。

Grayscale, a cryptocurrency asset manager, is launching an investment fund focused on dogecoin. The Grayscale Dogecoin Trust will allow investors to gain exposure to the cryptocurrency, which has seen increasing adoption as an alternative to bitcoin.
The trust, which is designed to track dogecoin's market price, is now available for subscriptions to eligible individual and institutional accredited investors. The coin, which was created as a joke during an earlier crypto bubble, has gained popularity partly due to the support of Tesla CEO Elon Musk.
该信托基金旨在跟踪Dogecoin的市场价格,现在可以订阅合格的个人和机构认可的投资者。这枚硬币是在较早的加密泡沫期间开玩笑的,部分原因是特斯拉首席执行官埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)的支持。
Dogecoin is currently the world's eighth-biggest token, with a market cap of about $50 billion, according to data from cryptocurrency data and analysis firm CoinGecko.