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3 美元金币由美国于 1854 年至 1889 年间铸造,在美国历史上占有独特的地位。这枚硬币以其不同寻常的面额、较低的发行量和有趣的背景故事而闻名,已成为钱币学家中最稀有和最受欢迎的收藏品之一。
The $3 gold coin, minted by the United States between 1854 and 1889, holds a unique place in American history. Known for its unusual denomination, low mintage numbers, and intriguing backstory, this coin has become one of the rarest and most sought-after collectibles among numismatists. From its origins to its rising value in today’s collector market, the $3 gold coin is a fascinating piece of U.S. history that continues to captivate collectors and historians alike.
3 美元金币由美国于 1854 年至 1889 年间铸造,在美国历史上占有独特的地位。这枚硬币以其不同寻常的面额、较低的发行量和有趣的背景故事而闻名,已成为钱币学家中最稀有和最受欢迎的收藏品之一。从它的起源到如今在收藏市场上不断上涨的价值,3 美元金币是美国历史上一段迷人的片段,一直吸引着收藏家和历史学家。
A Brief History of the $3 Gold Coin
3 美元金币简史
The $3 gold coin was introduced through the Act of February 21, 1853. At the time, the U.S. Mint sought to streamline transactions, particularly for purchasing postage stamps, which were priced at three cents. The coin’s unique denomination was intended to allow individuals to buy a full sheet of 100 stamps conveniently. Beyond its utility for postage, the $3 gold coin was envisioned as a practical piece of currency for a growing economy.
3 美元金币是通过 1853 年 2 月 21 日的法案推出的。当时,美国造币厂试图简化交易,特别是购买售价为 3 美分的邮票的交易。该硬币的独特面额旨在让个人方便地购买整张 100 张邮票。除了邮资用途之外,3 美元的金币还被认为是经济增长的实用货币。
The coin was designed by James B. Longacre, the Chief Engraver of the U.S. Mint. Its obverse features Lady Liberty wearing a Native American-style headdress, symbolizing freedom, unity, and the cultural identity of the nation. The reverse displays a wreath made from agricultural staples, including wheat, corn, cotton, and tobacco—an homage to America’s agricultural strength and prosperity during the mid-19th century.
该硬币由美国造币厂首席雕刻师詹姆斯·B·朗埃克 (James B. Longacre) 设计。它的正面是戴着美洲原住民风格头饰的自由女神,象征着自由、团结和国家的文化认同。背面展示的是由小麦、玉米、棉花和烟草等农业主食制成的花环,这是对 19 世纪中叶美国农业实力和繁荣的致敬。
Despite its practical intent, the $3 gold coin struggled to gain widespread acceptance. Its denomination was deemed unnecessary by many, given the availability of $1 and $5 gold coins, and the public often viewed it as redundant. As a result, production remained low throughout its 35-year run, and the coin gradually fell out of circulation, making it a rarity today.
尽管具有实际用途,3 美元金币仍难以获得广泛接受。鉴于 1 美元和 5 美元金币的供应,许多人认为它的面额是不必要的,而且公众常常认为它是多余的。结果,在其 35 年的生产过程中,产量一直很低,硬币逐渐退出流通,如今已成为稀有品。
Rarity and Production Numbers
Over its 35 years of mintage, the $3 gold coin was produced in limited quantities, with annual mintages often numbering in the thousands or fewer. Its production fluctuated, influenced by economic conditions and public demand. For instance:
在 35 年的铸造过程中,3 美元金币的生产数量有限,每年的铸造量通常为数千枚或更少。其产量受到经济状况和公共需求的影响而波动。例如:
The lowest mintage year was 1870, with only 66 coins struck at the San Francisco mint, making the 1870-S $3 gold coin one of the rarest U.S. coins.
发行量最低的年份是 1870 年,旧金山造币厂仅铸造了 66 枚硬币,这使得 1870 年 3 美元金币成为最稀有的美国硬币之一。
In contrast, the highest mintage year was 1855, with over 24,000 coins minted in Philadelphia, although these are still considered relatively scarce compared to other common-date gold coins.
相比之下,铸币量最高的年份是 1855 年,费城铸造了超过 24,000 枚硬币,尽管与其他普通金币相比,这些硬币仍然被认为相对稀缺。
Other notable rarities include:
The 1859-O $3 gold coin, with only 1,035 pieces struck at the New Orleans mint.
1859-O 版 3 美元金币,新奥尔良造币厂仅铸造了 1,035 枚。
The 1864-D $3 gold coin, with around 1,500 coins minted during the Civil War era.
1864 年 D 版 3 美元金币,内战期间铸造了约 1,500 枚硬币。
These limited production numbers have turned the $3 gold coin into a highly coveted collectible, with values skyrocketing in recent years as interest in rare coins continues to grow.
这些有限的生产数量使 3 美元金币成为令人垂涎的收藏品,近年来,随着人们对稀有硬币的兴趣不断增长,其价值飙升。
Design Features and Variations of $3 Gold Coin
3 美元金币的设计特点和变化
Obverse Design:
Lady Liberty’s portrait on the obverse is a standout feature, with her headdress inspired by Native American culture. Encircling her are the words “United States of America,” emphasizing national unity and identity. Longacre’s intricate details in the design showcase his craftsmanship and the artistry of the era.
Reverse Design:
The reverse displays a wreath composed of grains, a nod to the agricultural backbone of the United States. The denomination “3 DOLLARS” is prominently displayed in the center, framed by the wreath, highlighting the coin’s unique value.
背面是一个由谷物组成的花环,向美国的农业支柱致敬。面值“3 DOLLARS”醒目地显示在中央,并被花环包围,凸显了硬币的独特价值。
Notable Mint Marks:
Coins were produced at multiple mints, including Philadelphia (no mint mark), Dahlonega (“D”), San Francisco (“S”), and New Orleans (“O”). Specimens from branch mints like Dahlonega and San Francisco are particularly rare and valuable, often commanding premium prices at auction.
Value and Collectability of $3 Gold Coin
The $3 gold coin’s value has soared in recent years, driven by its scarcity, historical appeal, and the growing interest in numismatics. Key factors influencing value include:
近年来,由于其稀缺性、历史吸引力以及人们对钱币学日益浓厚的兴趣,3 美元金币的价值不断飙升。影响价值的关键因素包括:
Coins with low mintages or unique specimens, like the 1870-S, command significant premiums due to their historical and numismatic importance.
发行量较低或样本独特的硬币(例如 1870-S)由于其历史和钱币重要性而具有很高的溢价。
Coins graded by professional services like PCGS or NGC in high grades (e.g., MS65) fetch higher prices. Even coins in lower grades hold substantial value due to their rarity.
由 PCGS 或 NGC 等专业服务机构评级为高等级(例如 MS65)的硬币售价更高。即使是较低等级的硬币也因其稀有而具有巨大的价值。
Coins with well-documented histories or ties to famous collections often attract greater interest and higher bids at auction.
Recent Sales:
$67 Million Quarter: Check The Hidden Factors That Make It Worth So Much
6700 万美元季度:检查其价值如此之高的隐藏因素
Instantly File Your Claim For Apple’s $20 Settlement – Millions Being Paid! Apply Now
立即向 Apple 提出 20 美元和解索赔 – 数百万美元被赔付!立即申请
3 Rare Coins, Including
3 枚稀有硬币,包括
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