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**Ethereum: A Comprehensive Guide to the Smart Contract Platform**
Launched in 2015, Ethereum is a decentralized, open-source blockchain platform that serves as the foundation for a vast array of decentralized applications (DApps) and smart contracts. Unlike Bitcoin, which is primarily geared towards peer-to-peer transactions, Ethereum was conceived to support a much broader spectrum of use cases.
以太坊于 2015 年推出,是一个去中心化的开源区块链平台,是大量去中心化应用程序 (DApp) 和智能合约的基础。与主要面向点对点交易的比特币不同,以太坊旨在支持更广泛的用例。
**Origins of Ethereum**
The concept of Ethereum was first proposed by Vitalik Buterin in 2013. Buterin, a co-founder of Bitcoin Magazine, envisioned a blockchain platform that would extend beyond Bitcoin's limited functionality. His goal was to create a decentralized computing platform capable of hosting and executing smart contracts, paving the way for a new generation of decentralized applications.
以太坊的概念由 Vitalik Buterin 于 2013 年首次提出。Buterin 是比特币杂志的联合创始人,他设想了一个能够超越比特币有限功能的区块链平台。他的目标是创建一个能够托管和执行智能合约的去中心化计算平台,为新一代去中心化应用程序铺平道路。
Inspired by Buterin's proposal, a group of developers, including Buterin himself, began working on Ethereum in early 2014. The project was initially funded through a public crowdsale, which commenced in July 2014 and concluded in September of the same year. The crowdsale raised over 31,000 BTC, which was subsequently valued at approximately $18.3 million.
受到 Buterin 提议的启发,包括 Buterin 本人在内的一批开发人员于 2014 年初开始开发以太坊。该项目最初是通过公开众筹筹集资金的,众筹于 2014 年 7 月开始,同年 9 月结束。此次众筹筹集了超过 31,000 个 BTC,随后估值约为 1830 万美元。
After several delays, Ethereum was officially launched on July 30, 2015, with the release of the "Frontier" network. This marked the beginning of Ethereum's journey, which has since seen the evolution of the platform through various stages, including Homestead, Metropolis, and ultimately, Ethereum 2.0.
经过几次推迟,以太坊于 2015 年 7 月 30 日正式上线,并发布了“Frontier”网络。这标志着以太坊旅程的开始,此后该平台经历了各个阶段的演变,包括 Homestead、Metropolis,以及最终的以太坊 2.0。
**Key Features of Ethereum**
* **Decentralization:** Ethereum operates on a peer-to-peer network, eliminating the need for a central authority to govern transactions or applications.
* **去中心化:** 以太坊在点对点网络上运行,无需中央机构来管理交易或应用程序。
* **Smart Contracts:** Ethereum enables the creation and execution of smart contracts, which are essentially self-executing agreements that automate specific actions based on predefined conditions.
* **智能合约:** 以太坊支持创建和执行智能合约,这些合约本质上是自动执行协议,可根据预定义条件自动执行特定操作。
* **Decentralized Applications (DApps):** Developers can leverage Ethereum's platform to build and deploy decentralized applications that run autonomously on the blockchain.
* **去中心化应用程序(DApps):** 开发人员可以利用以太坊的平台来构建和部署在区块链上自主运行的去中心化应用程序。
* **Native Cryptocurrency (ETH):** Ether (ETH) serves as the native cryptocurrency of the Ethereum blockchain, facilitating transactions, smart contract execution, and rewarding miners for their contributions.
* **原生加密货币(ETH):** 以太币(ETH)作为以太坊区块链的原生加密货币,促进交易、智能合约执行并奖励矿工的贡献。
* **Virtual Machine (EVM):** The Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) executes smart contracts and DApps in a sandboxed environment, ensuring isolation and preventing malicious code from affecting the broader network.
* **虚拟机 (EVM):** 以太坊虚拟机 (EVM) 在沙盒环境中执行智能合约和 DApp,确保隔离并防止恶意代码影响更广泛的网络。
* **Proof of Work Consensus:** Initially, Ethereum utilized the Proof of Work (PoW) consensus mechanism, which engaged miners in solving complex mathematical puzzles to validate transactions and secure the network. However, with the advent of Ethereum 2.0, the platform is transitioning to a Proof of Stake (PoS) consensus.
* **工作量证明共识:** 最初,以太坊利用工作量证明(PoW)共识机制,让矿工解决复杂的数学难题来验证交易并保护网络。然而,随着以太坊 2.0 的出现,该平台正在过渡到权益证明(PoS)共识。
**Ethereum's Ecosystem**
The Ethereum ecosystem encompasses a diverse range of components that collectively contribute to its widespread adoption and functionality:
* **Developers:** A vast community of developers actively engages in building, maintaining, and enhancing Ethereum's applications and infrastructure.
* **开发人员:** 庞大的开发人员社区积极参与构建、维护和增强以太坊的应用程序和基础设施。
* **Miners:** Individuals or entities that contribute to the security and integrity of the Ethereum blockchain by validating transactions and adding them to new blocks through the Proof of Work mining process.
* **矿工:** 通过工作证明挖掘过程验证交易并将其添加到新区块,为以太坊区块链的安全性和完整性做出贡献的个人或实体。
* **DApp Projects:** Numerous projects and startups are utilizing Ethereum to construct and deploy decentralized applications across various domains, including finance, gaming, and supply chain management.
* **DApp 项目:** 许多项目和初创公司正在利用以太坊构建和部署跨各个领域的去中心化应用程序,包括金融、游戏和供应链管理。
* **Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs):** Ethereum enables the formation of DAOs, which are collectively governed and managed organizations that operate on the blockchain.
* **去中心化自治组织 (DAO):** 以太坊支持 DAO 的形成,DAO 是在区块链上运行的集体治理和管理的组织。
* **Collectibles and NFTs:** The Ethereum blockchain has become a hub for digital collectibles and non-fungible tokens (NFTs), facilitating their creation, ownership, and trading activities.
* **收藏品和 NFT:** 以太坊区块链已成为数字收藏品和不可替代代币 (NFT) 的中心,促进其创建、所有权和交易活动。
* **Media and Entertainment:** Filmmakers, musicians, and other creatives are exploring Ethereum's potential to enhance intellectual property rights management, fan engagement, and decentralized content distribution.
* **媒体和娱乐:** 电影制作人、音乐家和其他创意人员正在探索以太坊在增强知识产权管理、粉丝参与和去中心化内容分发方面的潜力。
* **Institutions and Enterprises:** Financial institutions, enterprises, and government bodies are examining Ethereum's capabilities in revolutionizing industries and advancing Web3 initiatives.
* **机构和企业:** 金融机构、企业和政府机构正在研究以太坊在行业变革和推进 Web3 计划方面的能力。
**Ethereum 2.0 and the Shift to Proof of Stake**
**以太坊 2.0 和向权益证明的转变**
One of the most highly anticipated upgrades to the Ethereum blockchain is Ethereum 2.0, also known as Eth2. This upgrade is designed to enhance the network's scalability, security, and energy efficiency by transitioning from the Proof of Work (PoW) consensus mechanism to Proof of Stake (PoS).
以太坊区块链最受期待的升级之一是以太坊 2.0,也称为 Eth2。此次升级旨在通过从工作证明(PoW)共识机制过渡到权益证明(PoS)来增强网络的可扩展性、安全性和能源效率。
Here's an overview of the key changes that Ethereum 2.0 will introduce:
以下是以太坊 2.0 将引入的关键变化的概述:
* **Proof of Stake (PoS):** With this shift, the responsibility of validating transactions and adding them to the blockchain will no longer rest on miners engaging in energy-intensive computations. Instead, validators will be chosen based on the amount of ETH they stake in the network. Those with a greater stake will have a higher chance of being selected to participate in the consensus process.
* **权益证明 (PoS):** 通过这一转变,验证交易并将其添加到区块链的责任将不再由从事能源密集型计算的矿工承担。相反,验证者将根据他们在网络中质押的 ETH 数量来选择。那些拥有更多股份的人将有更高的机会被选择参与共识过程。
* **Sharding:** To improve scalability, Ethereum 2.0 will introduce a concept called sharding. This involves
* **分片:** 为了提高可扩展性,以太坊2.0将引入一个称为分片的概念。这涉及到
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