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狗狗币顶级分析师预测 ETFSwap (ETFS) 代币今年将暴涨 30,000%,被定位为加密市场潜在的“柴犬杀手”

2024/10/26 00:23

一位以做出突破性预测而闻名的狗狗币分析师推测,一种新的加密货币可能会在年底前带来高达 30,000% 的天文数字回报。

狗狗币顶级分析师预测 ETFSwap (ETFS) 代币今年将暴涨 30,000%,被定位为加密市场潜在的“柴犬杀手”

A top Dogecoin analyst has predicted that ETFSwap could deliver a staggering 30,000% return before the year ends, making it a potential “Shiba Inu killer” in the crypto market.

一位狗狗币顶级分析师预测,ETFSwap 可能会在年底前实现惊人的 30,000% 回报,使其成为加密市场潜在的“柴犬杀手”。

A leading Dogecoin analyst, known for making ground-breaking predictions, has speculated that a new cryptocurrency could deliver an astronomical return of up to 30,000% before the year ends. This new token, ETFSwap (ETFS), described by the Dogecoin analyst as the Shiba Inu (SHIB) killer, is positioned to capture and surpass the hype and profitability that once belonged to Shiba Inu.

一位以做出突破性预测而闻名的狗狗币分析师推测,一种新的加密货币可能会在年底前带来高达 30,000% 的天文数字回报。这种新代币 ETFSwap (ETFS) 被 Dogecoin 分析师描述为 Shiba Inu (SHIB) 杀手,其定位是捕捉并超越曾经属于 Shiba Inu 的炒作和盈利能力。

ETFSwap could take over altcoins in the crypto landscape

ETFSwap 可能会取代加密货币领域的山寨币

A Dogecoin analyst has highlighted the massive success already recorded by ETFSwap as a good indication of what more the ETF trading platform can achieve. Still in the third and final stage of its presale, investors have purchased more than 41 million tokens on the ETFSwap platform, raising over $5.3 million for the platform. These figures continue to rally as more investors pile in, raising the hype around ETFSwap.

一位狗狗币分析师强调 ETFSwap 已经取得的巨大成功,这很好地表明了 ETF 交易平台可以实现更多目标。仍处于预售的第三个也是最后一个阶段,投资者已在 ETFSwap 平台上购买了超过 4100 万枚代币,为该平台筹集了超过 530 万美元。随着越来越多的投资者涌入,这些数字继续上涨,引发了围绕 ETFSwap 的炒作。

Also, ETFSwap’s highly-liquid market is another stimulus responsible for this influx. Unlike Shiba Inu, significant price fluctuations are rare with ETFSwap. The Dogecoin analyst noted this, emphasizing how ETFSwap’s deep liquidity pools support its low volatility.

此外,ETFSwap 的高流动性市场是造成资金涌入的另一个刺激因素。与 Shiba Inu 不同,ETFSwap 很少出现大幅价格波动。 Dogecoin 分析师指出了这一点,并强调了 ETFSwap 深厚的流动性池如何支持其低波动性。

In addition, this prominent Dogecoin analyst further commented on the opportunities to make passive income by staking purchased tokens for up to 36% passive income and 87% APR. Compared to Shiba Inu, whose losses easily wipe out previous gains according to historical data, this perk has made the Dogecoin analyst say that investors stand a chance of making up to 30,000% in profits before this year ends. Hence, savvy investors, Shiba Inu millionaires and Bitcoin traders alike, are making impressive investments in the ETFSwap token.

此外,这位著名的狗狗币分析师还进一步评论了通过质押购买的代币获得高达 36% 被动收入和 87% 年利率的被动收入机会。根据历史数据,与柴犬的损失很容易抹去之前的收益相比,这一福利让狗狗币分析师表示,投资者有机会在今年年底前获得高达 30,000% 的利润。因此,精明的投资者、柴犬百万富翁和比特币交易员都在 ETFSwap 代币上进行了大量投资。

ETFSwap’s growth-oriented infrastructure

ETFSwap 的增长型基础设施

In the crypto industry, an early indication of an innovation’s growth potential is the sustainability of the infrastructure upon which it is built. Although the ETFSwap platform trades some financial instruments like Gold, Oil, agriculture products, and crypto ETFs, tokenizing these assets allows them to be traded as easily as digital tokens, using smart contracts.

在加密货币行业,创新增长潜力的早期迹象是其所构建的基础设施的可持续性。尽管 ETFSwap 平台交易一些金融工具,如黄金、石油、农产品和加密 ETF,但将这些资产代币化后,可以使用智能合约像数字代币一样轻松地进行交易。

Furthermore, ETFSwap has a governance system that protects the stability of its token’s price. This sets it ahead of meme coins like Shiba Inu and Dogecoin whose price performance is heavily affected by social media hype and influencer actions. This community-driven approach employed by ETFSwap entrusts investors with voting rights to influence decisions and price movements.

此外,ETFSwap 有一个治理系统来保护其代币价格的稳定性。这使其领先于柴犬和狗狗币等模因币,后者的价格表现很大程度上受到社交媒体炒作和影响者行为的影响。 ETFSwap 采用的这种社区驱动的方法赋予投资者投票权来影响决策和价格变动。

Another feature that excites crypto enthusiasts like this Dogecoin analyst is the access to real-time market statistics on the ETFSwap platform. With such powerful data, users can assess their trading strategies carefully and make modifications that fit both current and anticipated market conditions. This ultimately leads to a stronger position to make profits.

让像这位狗狗币分析师这样的加密货币爱好者兴奋的另一个功能是在 ETFSwap 平台上访问实时市场统计数据。有了如此强大的数据,用户可以仔细评估他们的交易策略,并做出适合当前和预期市场状况的修改。这最终会带来更强大的盈利能力。

Using the recently launched beta phase 1 platform, investors can access these unique features. This beta platform, a cutting-edge innovation presented on a user-friendly interface built on the sturdy backend architecture, is now available on the testnet. Investors hurry to invest in the ETFSwap, becoming early adopters of this once-in-a-century innovation. As a natural consequence, the ETFSwap platform has received millions of dollars as investments in its native token.

使用最近推出的第一阶段测试平台,投资者可以访问这些独特的功能。这个测试版平台是一项尖端创新,基于坚固的后端架构构建的用户友好界面,现已在测试网上提供。投资者争先恐后地投资 ETFSwap,成为这一百年一遇的创新的早期采用者。自然而然,ETFSwap 平台已收到数百万美元的原生代币投资。

Additionally, ETFSwap bears emblems that assure its users of its security from threats of malicious attacks common in the world of digital finance. The team completed a KYC verification by SolidProof, a smart contract auditing firm, and a platform’s security audit for vulnerability check by CyberScope, a cybersecurity auditing firm.

此外,ETFSwap 还带有标志,可确保其用户免受数字金融领域常见的恶意攻击威胁。该团队完成了智能合约审计公司SolidProof的KYC验证,以及网络安全审计公司Cyber​​Scope的漏洞检查平台安全审计。



The insights shared by this Dogecoin analyst indicate that ETFSwap, the Shiba Inu killer, will make many investors touch millions in profits up to 30,000%. To benefit from this bullish market, investors can buy the ETFS token at $0.03846 today and also get a 50% discount by using the “ETFS50” promo code.

这位Dogecoin分析师分享的见解表明,ETFSwap这个柴犬杀手将使许多投资者获得高达30,000%的数百万利润。为了从这个牛市中受益,投资者今天可以以 0.03846 美元的价格购买 ETFS 代币,还可以使用“ETFS50”促销代码获得 50% 的折扣。

To learn more about ETFSwap, visit the ETFSwap presale and join the ETFSwap community.

要了解有关 ETFSwap 的更多信息,请访问 ETFSwap 预售并加入 ETFSwap 社区。





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